
Reborn as Madara Uchiha

*Future of novel is TBD as direction of the novel, is currently none existent.* After finding himself reincarnated as Madara and realizing the 1st Hokage has yet to be appointed, Madara embarks on a mission to lead his clan towards what he believes to be the best possible outcome. Note: This alternate universe (AU) diverges from the canon by depicting the conflict between Ashura and Indra as purely ideological, without the influence of Black Zetsu/Hagoromo's 3nd Brother. In this narrative, Indra learns the Infinite Tsukuyomi from the Tailed Beasts under his control and inscribes it on a stone tablet, intending to utilize it after his father's demise. However, Ashura uncovers his scheme, leading to their final confrontation where both meet their demise. Madara, possessing the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (EMS) capable of deciphering the tablet's contents, initiates his plan. Reincarnation will not play a role in this narrative, as it is deemed to diminish the capabilities of Madara, Hashirama, Naruto, and Sasuke. Conversations between Hagoromo and Naruto/Sasuke remain intact, excluding the aspect of reincarnation. They are bestowed with the power to confront Jubidara, the rightful final antagonist. Black Zetsu persists as Madara's will, a narrative approach deemed superior to its portrayal in the original series. The descendants of Hamura will encompass the Hyuga, Hagoromo clan, and Kaguya, drawing parallels to Hamura and Kaguya's lineage. However, the protagonist remains unaware of their exact fate, as the AU anime left their story unexplored. Additionally, references will be made to the sister clan of the Senju and Uchiha, an aspect not delved into by the AU anime. Due to limited historical information, certain narrative elements will be based on creative liberties.

DaoistcaqwL5 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Good news for me, terrible news for the Racist(Rewritten)

"Patriarch, is something wrong?" Kagami asked with genuine concern, his voice tinged with worry as he glanced at Madara, who had been secluded in a dimly lit room since yesterday, his piercing Sharingan seemingly never resting as it flickered with intensity.

Since the previous day's meeting, Madara had been absorbed in a relentless pursuit of knowledge, poring over an endless array of documents and scrolls with a fervor that bordered on obsession. His usual stoic demeanor was replaced by an air of urgency, his every movement purposeful and deliberate as he delved deeper into the mysteries contained within the texts.

Kagami couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him ever since the meeting. Despite his efforts to focus on his own duties, his thoughts kept returning to the events of yesterday, replaying the conversations and exchanges that had taken place in the council chamber.

'They only talked about the name of our village and encouraged peace between smaller clans,' Kagami mused, his brow furrowing in confusion as he struggled to make sense of the situation. It seemed inconceivable that such innocuous discussions could have sparked such a drastic change in Madara's behavior.

While Kagami prided himself on his loyalty to the Uchiha clan, he couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration at his own lack of understanding. Turning to Naori, one of the few individuals he was never comfortable with but acknowledged her critical thinking, Kagami voiced his concerns, hoping that she might shed some light on the situation.

Unfortunately, Naori's response offered little solace, who were on the same boat.

Kagami couldn't shake the feeling that something momentous was about to unfold, and he vowed to remain vigilant in the days to come.

Madara, consumed by determination, meticulously sifted through every available document, each parchment and scroll, seeking elusive clues. With furrowed brows and intense focus, he pieced together the intricate puzzle of how the 'fuck' the original Uchiha patriarch communicated with his family—his wife, child, and even his late brother Izuna's wife and child, sheltered within the Hagoromo clan after Izuna's tragic demise. Though unaware of their secret unions and offspring, it didn't take long for Madara to rationalize the situation, considering the perilous life expectancy of shinobi within their clan, finding a semblance of logic in the seemingly unusual circumstances.

In the end, the anime 'Naruto' truly never showed any detail about this period, so it was up to him to figure it out.

Noting Kagami's sullen expression, Madara couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement tinged with annoyance. Suppressing a smirk that threatened to betray his amusement, he observed Kagami's demeanor with a mixture of disdain and amusement.

'Truly a crybaby,' Madara mused inwardly, his thoughts laced with derision as he struggled to conceal his disdain for Kagami's perceived weakness. However, recognizing the need to maintain appearances, Madara cleared his throat in an attempt to calm Kagami's troubled state.

Madara, his voice filled with nostalgia and determination, said, "You know, Kagami, when Hashirama and I were young, we had many dreams we wanted to pursue. Not only did we aim to create a village where everyone could live in harmony, but we also envisioned establishing an institution where young ones could train together to grow stronger."

"While I'm uncertain how long it will take to establish, considering other clans need time to coexist, I see an opportunity to train the young ones within our clan. So, I'm using references from documents to establish a training and reward system that encourages further growth."

"I will explain more on Saturday, after I am done with my work," Madara concluded, his gaze firm and determined as he laid out his plans. Kagami listened attentively, reassured by Madara's vision and commitment to their shared dreams. Madara, satisfied with his words, ceased his emotional and rhetorical BS that spurred in his mind, realizing it was enough to calm Kagami down for now.

Knock Knock Knock

"Come in,"

Madara's voice echoed calmly as he beckoned Naori into his presence. However, the sight of her grin sent an instinctive shiver down his spine, even as he maintained his outward composure.

"I tasked you with gathering information about the Senju. Why then do you wear such a sinister expression?" he wished to inquire before withholding his words before they left his throat.

Accepting the scroll she offered, Madara's gaze remained fixed upon her, silently probing for any signs of deception or ulterior motives. With the document now in his possession, Naori departed, leaving Madara to ponder the implications of her unsettling demeanor.

Meanwhile, Naori seamlessly transitioned to the training grounds, where she joined Rai, Baru, and Naka in guiding the young Uchiha in their martial pursuits. Kagami couldn't shake the unease that gripped him upon hearing Naori's cheerful humming as she went about her duties. A nagging fear lingered in his mind, wondering about the fate of those who crossed paths with the cynical Naori.

Madara's eyes flickered with understanding as he absorbed the contents of the scroll, his thoughts aligning with Naori's astute observations she wrote down. "So that's the source of her happiness," he mused quietly to himself, a sense of clarity washing over him.

The Ryūchi clan's decision to defy the Senju's wishes and remain rooted in the Land of Water, despite breach in truce, spoke volumes about their ambition and thirst for power. With this revelation, Madara saw the true extent of their greed and the lengths they were willing to go to assert their dominance.

As he contemplated the implications, Madara couldn't help but admire their audacity. By forging their own path and establishing their own village, the Ryūchi clan aimed to transcend the confines of being mere allies and ascend to a position of unrivaled authority.

The parallels with Kinkaku's failed attempts to contact the Kaguya clan now became clear. The Kaguya, like the Ryūchi, were consumed with the monumental task of laying the foundations to create their own village, prioritizing their ascent to power over fleeting alliances.

Rather than being in a 'heaven' where they're at the bottom, they prefer to be somewhere they can be at the top, even if it's considered 'hell', even if they forgo the peace they could enjoy instead, where seating on the throne of pain was well worth it.

'Well, it caused some initial setback of my plan, at least the racist has a bigger headache.' He sighs with a sense of relief as the Ryūchi clan wasn't the only one that refused to oblige.

The Uzumaki clan, following the Ryūchi clan's lead, also breached the truce by steadfastly refusing to abandon their newly founded village, Uzushiogakure, situated on the island of Whirlpool.

Despite maintaining their alliance with the Senju, albeit nominally, and harboring no intentions of severing ties while Hashirama was alive, it was evident that their support would be constrained in the times ahead.

So it was no longer the 5 vs 9 fight of influence he once expected, it was now 4 vs 7.

'I am still at a disadvantage, but at least their influence would be lower than usual.'

Madara let out a sigh of relief, his understanding of Tobirama's character bringing a sense of reassurance. Knowing that Tobirama's focus wouldn't be solely fixed on the Uchiha clan at the moment eased some of the tension.

As a strategic leader, Tobirama prioritized the needs of his clan above personal biases, a fact that Madara acknowledged with respect.

However, Madara realized he couldn't afford to become complacent simply because of this temporary reprieve. Understanding Tobirama's strategic acumen didn't make Madara naive enough to believe he could easily outmaneuver Tobirama's plans.

Comparing himself to Tobirama, whose innate strategic brilliance and ruthless leadership were renowned, Madara humbly recognized his own limitations. He likened himself to a mere office employee who happened to possess some foreknowledge, unlike the protagonist of a transmigration story.

Even as he contemplated ways to reconnect with his newfound family, Madara remained diligent in his studies, poring over every document within reach. In a battle of wits, he understood that knowledge and data were his most potent weapons.

Madara momentarily paused, recalling and knowing the weight of the Uchiha Council which he was yet to address. With a sense of urgency, he ordered Kagami to bring the scroll, intending to address the matters at hand.

However, while writing, he momentarily went chakra sensing mode to see Naori was and realized Hashirama was nearby where the maids knocked on the door soon after to inform the matter.

Madara ordered the maids to accommodate Hashirama before refocusing on his task. Despite his initial surprise, he maintained his composure and continued to diligently work on the scroll, ensuring its accuracy and importance weren't compromised.

As Kagami departed to deliver the scroll Madara ordered to give a senior of his, Madara found himself reflecting on the implications of the Senju patriarch's sudden visit.

'Was it their routine occurrence, or he came here to vent about the dissonance of their alliance?'

Madara decided not to ponder too much and went to meet him as he stood up and left his room.

Observing the strained smile on Hashirama's face, Madara instinctively sensed that his old friend was troubled.

"Hashirama, are you alright? You seem... off," Madara inquired, genuine concern coloring his tone.

Hashirama chuckled awkwardly in response. "Ah, you always were perceptive, Madara," he remarked, a hint of resignation underlying his words.

As they sat down for a meal, Hashirama began to divulge his worries, much to Madara's surprise and, dare he say, amusement.

To Madara's astonishment, the alliance between the Senju and the other six clans wasn't as solid as he had assumed. He imagined Naori's reaction to this revelation, who may give a laugh that outperforms villainess of novels he read.

"It appears that not everyone is as willing to embrace unity as we had hoped," Hashirama confessed with a heavy sigh. "Old grudges and prejudices still linger among some of the clans, hindering our efforts for true cooperation."

Unlike the Uchiha clan, who had reluctantly accepted coexistence with the Senju under Hashirama's formidable leadership, these allied clans faced no immediate threat that allowed them to voice their opinion.

Knowing Hashirama's gentle demeanor and Tobirama's pragmatic outlook, resolving these tensions would likely prove to be a prolonged and delicate process.

Even if fate of world changed with the arrival of foreign soul, the existence of both of them were simply delaying conflicts

that would be assured to happen if blissfully ignored.

The journey towards lasting peace OG Madara and Hashirama imagined even after 'both' of their presence would be far more arduous than he had initially envisioned.

Hashirama's mood shifted like the wind, from bitter discussions about the fractures within their alliance to a glimmer of joy at the mention of his newborn granddaughter, Tsunade, affectionately called Tsuna. Yet, even this moment of happiness was fleeting as his wife Mito chastised him for his recent gambling escapade.

His expression darkened at the reminder of his folly, though he attempted to downplay it by assuring Mito that he had recouped his losses in the end.

'It's fortunate the gambling den owner fears you enough to return it discreetly during the game, or you'd be struggling like Tsunade when she's in her 50s.'