
Crusher Corps

While fighting with each other, Goku starts to get a better grasp on Super Saiyan and tries to pursue the mastered version of the Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Grade 4. Vegeta has more base power level than Goku thus making him far stronger than Goku now, but Vegeta's Super Saiyan is still far behind Goku. Sometimes he can tap in at will, sometimes he couldn't.

"See? Vegeta? This is now you tap into Grade 2-" -Goku

Meanwhile on King Kai's planet.

"Goku!" -King Kai said with a worried voice expression.

"Huh? King Kai?" -Goku stops, and talks to Kai, the prince notices this and stops his attack.

"Something awful has happened... the divine tree called the tree of might has taken its root in the planet earth" -King Kai

"...Shit (I fucking knew it, if there was a transformation from a movie, then a movie villain must somehow exist!)" -Goku

Vegeta asked him what was wrong, and why did he stop all of the sudden, Goku wasted no time and ask Vegeta by any chance, if he ever heard the name of Turles. The prince of all Saiyan nodded and explain that he was a low-class warrior. Goku already knows that, so he openly asks another question.

"How many Broly are there?" -Goku

"...one...?" -Vegeta, not sure if his answer was correct but that was all he could remember as a kid.

"(Thank God, what a relief) Is that so...? We gotta go Vegeta, we got no time to waste. Turles is already planting the tree of might, soon enough Earth will be doomed" -Goku

Still couldn't understand the context, the prince agrees to see who was the Saiyan named Turles... and to flex his Super Saiyan of course. They both go out of the room of spirit and time and they both are ready for the fight.

[Tree of Might]

When they both arrive, all the Z fighters were there like usual the member are Krillin, Tien, Chiaozu, Piccolo, Gohan, and Yamcha. Nappa is also there too. Currently, facing off against the Crusher Corps.

"Weakling like you could never destroy the tree of might" -Amond, one of the Turles Crusher Corps.

"(Oh hey guys, long time no see. It's been about a year since)" -Goku

"Goku, we need to hurry up, or else the earth will have nothing left!" -Tien

"Hmph" -Vegeta being Vegeta, slowly descends from the sky with a cool pose.

Tien charged first, along with Chiaozu, they both attacked Rasin and Lakasei with punches. They dodged Tien's attacks, space themselves out and Tien and Chiaozu decided to do the combination Ki blast and the battle goes on.

Krillin fights Amond and did pretty, fairly well against him. He used a Destructo Disk Hexa Blade (Goku taught him offscreen btw) and without Amond's awareness, it cuts him off. Followed by a blast to make sure there's nothing left.

"Well well, aren't you the prince of all Saiyan? Why are you so scared and not willing to do anything? As a prince of the Pukinpa Dynasty, you disappointed me" -Daiz, one of the Turles Crusher Corps.

Vegeta crossed his arms and glance his eyes around to which he sees Nappa, and he asks Nappa to finish him off.

"What if I say no? That's not an order, right? Hahaha... you will be facing me, Daiz" -Nappa

Before Daiz can even realize it, Nappa warped behind him and chop him at his neck, knocking him off in the process, grabbing his hand tightly, and throwing him at the sky. And Nappa walks off.

"You better take care of yourself prince, your Saiyan elite will retire very soon" -Nappa

"Hmph, you threw him at the right spot exactly where I wanted, I'll give you that" -Vegeta.

Electricity sparks around Vegeta as he laughed a little bit, the wind starting to flow everywhere around Vegeta. His aura appears and it shoots a blast directly at Daiz.

"I have no use for the prince who doesn't know their damn places! Die!!" -Vegeta

"Vegeta...!!" -Daiz

Screaming in vain, Daiz disappears from existence, leaving nothing left for anyone else to see.

And there is Goku who finishes Cacao off in like 3 seconds and goes straight to Turles, who is currently fighting Piccolo and Gohan.

Sadly the crusher corps didn't survive, considering Z fighters, Vegeta and Nappa motive. And our Goku isn't even soft-hearted here.

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