
Satoru vs. chainsaw devil


Deep in the night, in an old and abandoned warehouse, the sounds of multiple footsteps could be heard in a hurry.

Inside the warehouse, a youth with short blonde hair and eyepatch was currently running from multiple figures in the dark warehouse.

Looking closely, one could a huge gash on his chest that constantly dripping with blood. Together with the blood dripping from his pith and nose, he cut a sorry figure.

Even the orange furry creature in his hands had a huge gash in its back and was bleeding profusely.

Looking back at his pursuers, his breathing was hurried, and his face was drenched in horror.

The next moment, he tripped and fell unto the ground, as he rolled to a meter away. He began crawling, with more and more blood pouring out his mouth.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp object rip through his back, as he roared out in pain. He turned around only to see what looked like a zombiefied human sticking a large knife into his back.

He then saw multiple zombies rushing towards him with weapons, as they dived unto his body and pierced him with the sharp weapons.

"Somebody help!!! Anyone!!! Satoru!!! Help!!!" Roaring out in pain, he called out with blood pouring out his nose and mouth. His face was twisted to a horrifying degree, and his body was ripped apart by the zombies.

Even the cute creature still in his arms was not spared from the onslaught.


After a few seconds, only the sounds of flesh being ripped apart could be heard, accompanied by the continuous drip of drops of blood.

"Hahahahaha!!!" Suddenly, a hysterical laughter reverberated, as an extremely grosteque creature appeared in a burst of devilish energy.

The figure looked like the neck and torso of a gigantic man, with a disgusting face etched into its left chest. Multiple tentacles could be seen whipping back and forth, as it moved forward slowly.

"All devil hunters deserve to be killed in such a manner. Dispose of the body..." It's voice sounded like the voice of many children, as it turned around and left..


Meanwhile, a silver haired figure was running like a fierce gale along a highway. His body bypassed many cars and trucks, and his eyebrows were furrowed deeply.

Rushing forward at full speed, he leapt into the sky and landed on top of a truck, before he bolted atop the ceiling of the truck, jumped onto another car and blasted away.

After a few minutes, he jumped from the top of a small car and landed onto an untarred road, where he began looking around him.

Sighing, he took off his piece of cloth wrapped around his eyes and examined his surroundings.

'The negative energy is extremely thick. The zombie devil should be here.' Satoru bolted forward at full speed. Using his six eyes as a navigator, he was faster than a horse, and his body seemed to traverse long distances in a step.

In a few minutes of non stop running, he stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse, where the negative energy was extremely concentrated.

Slowly and steadily, he made his way into the warehouse like an assassin.

'There's blood?!' Right when he got to the entrance of the warehouse, the strong scent of blood assaulted his nose, as a shocked expression appeared on his face.

The next moment, he bolted into the warehouse at full speed, as when he entered, what he saw made even him who had fought so many fights and was used to blood in his previous life sick to the stomach.

There were an uncountable number of zombies and they all were attacking a figure with a robotic head and a chain saw on his forehead. His arms were morphed into a chainsaw which was soiled with blood.

The moment Satoru entered, the six eyes were solely fixated on the chainsaw demon, as a bead of sweat dripped down his forehead.

The information from the six eyes was that; the figure in front of him was no longer human, but his emotions said otherwise. The bloodied shirt, the pair of worn out trousers and the shoes he himself had bought which was being worn by the figure.

At that moment, his heart seemed to fall apart, seeing his best friend and brother figure turned into a malicious demon by unknown means.

"Denji?" Satoru called out, attracting the attention of the chainsaw demon, the zombies and the zombie demon which now had a massive gash on its forehead.

The moment the chainsaw demon turned around, Satoru could see the malicious glow in its robotic head increase sharply, as it shot towards him with outstretched arms.

"You're the one with the energy. As long as I devour you I will become even stronger!!!" He zombie devil roared murderously, as it shot towards Satoru as well, together with all of the demons.

Immediately, he was besieged from all sides. The chainsaw demon on his left, he zombie devil in the middle and the zombie army on his right.

Without further ado, his eyes glowed murderously, as he bolted forward, grabbed a long blade on the ground and shot towards the zombie demon and his army.

At that moment, his immense cursed energy was overflowing, accompanied by immense rage and ferocity.

The zombie army overtook the zombie demon, and bolted towards him. Satoru leapt into the air, and descended with an overhead slash.


Immediately, a massive shockwave erupted, along with a fierce gale, before every zombie stopped abruptly as Satoru landed on the ground.

Soon jets of blood spurted out, as their decapitated torsos fell to the ground drowning the place in blood.

"What?!" The zombie devil looked on, seeing one of its tentacles cleanly cut off a painful roar reverberated across the warehouse.

Satoru didn't even waste a breath, as he caught sight of the chainsaw demon rapidly gaining on his position.

He bolted forward with his blade in reverse grip, and maliciously leapt into the sky, spinners around and executed a reverse spinning slash, accompanied by perfect cursed energy output.



The walls of the warehouse shook, from an immense shockwave, as a fierce gale erupted causing dust to swirl.

When the dust settled, a huge gash had been formed on the ground as tendrils of black and red lightning smothered near the massive gash.

The body of the zombie demon had been cleanly bisected into two, as the red and black lightning streaked across both parts of the body.

"Y-you! H-how...ar-are you...so -st-strong." The grosteque face of the zombie demon twisted to a terrifying degree, as horror and shock could be seen in its eyes.

Meanwhile, Satoru landed on the ground, like a ninja, drenched in blood, as the long blade in his hand shattered at once.

However, the next second, his body sidestepped to the left and shot backwards, dodging a slash from the chainsaw demons long arms, like he had a pair of eyes at the back of his head.

"Oi. Denji. It's me. Satoru, Gojo Satoru." Satoru landed on the ground and spoke to the chainsaw demon who was now face to face with him.

"Sa-Satoru?" The chainsaw demon opened its mouth and spoke, as the murderous glow dimmed significantly. "Yes. It's me Satoru." Satoru nodded as the six eyes intensely examined Denji's body.

"B-be-because of y-you! P-Po-Chita and I d-died!!! Y-you were s-supposed to p-protect us!!!!!" Denji roared out, as the malicious glow in his eyes glowed.

The next moment, he shot towards Satoru and appeared before him in a flash, before slashing his chainsaws towards his best friend's neck.

A/N: {Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Your powerstones are very much appreciated. So please donate more!}

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