


bukuhatsu and bakugo and the extras was walking to the arcade

"sip~~ damn that nerd he, needs to know he's place," bakugo mumbled not wanting bakuhatsu to here bang! the can exploded and bakugo tossed it "hey bakuhatsu are you and bakugou actually going to UA?,''

said extra stretchy finger quirk ''...." i grumbled bakugo ,seeing i didn't want to answer

''yea extra, you think i would lie" than a bottle came flying out of the sky and hit bakugo head he didn't even notice it and while bakugo was walking he was about to kick the the bottle, ''don't its a villain in that can'' bakugo stops and glares at me like i am stupid and i could see a bit of hate in his eyes but i Ignored it

''are you dumb bakuhatsu.'' bakugo growled i click my teeth ''tch'' and i walk straight to it and ready i get ready and i scrunch my hand BANG!! i flew a couple meters away than a slime emerged from the can

''ahh~~ brat that hurted ill kill the others and take over your body kid your quirk is mine'' but all i could see on the villain was a scratch on the villain the villain was advancing toward me bakugo was suprised how i could tell there was a villain in the can it look normal to him but this villain is a small fry ''DIE!'' bang!!! bakugo yelled the explosion nailed the villain right in the face the slime villain went back a couple meters but did not even have a scratch bakugo was suprised but not intill he turned to look at bakuhatsu katsuki turned to see a determined bakuhatsu

'' let me show you a real explosion little brother DIE !'' BANG!!! BANG !!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! katsuki was forced back from the shear force of the wind from those explosion . katsuki {damn it damn it i still cant bet him damn it} bakuhatsu hit the villain with so many powerful explosion a normal person would die instantly he died the builds around is completely destroyed civilians is trying to get heroes on the scene ''ahhhhhhhhhhh ~~~ damn it you brat i kill you'' the villain slime form was oozing a lot of goo but no visible wound and smoke was rising from my palms at a fast pace he actually survived all of my explosions more smoke started rising from my palms {my hands are numb damn it i needed a minute at least to cool down before i could get ready} but the villain came running toward me at speed that seem unreal to me it tried to grab me but i was not about to let that happen an explosion propelled me a few inches away ''arrgh don't let me down now hands'' i looked at the villain running at me and the villain was running even faster than before but somehow i had time to tell the extras/bakugo ''run go get a hero patroller or something just go hurry stupid'' but the extras was out of sight katsuki seen the seriousness in my voice but he stood there like a statue frozen out of fear the villain heard me and stopped for a few seconds and and an evil smile crept across his face ''i see you and that brat have some sort of connection you and him do got the same quirk after all ill kill him hahaha~~'' and turned to bakugo and was going after him ''no you don't DIE!!!'' explosion came from my feet and propelled me to the villain the''waahh'' villain was surprised with my speed BANG!! i hit the slime with my feet that's modified with my explosion but it had no effect and the slime grabbed my foot ''got you bastard'' i tried to get free but i could not so i tried my strongest explosion i put all the nitroglycerin on my body i could muster up BANG!!! my feet was hurting like hell i could do at least handle two more and my feet would be broken the villain flew away a couple of meter but i wasn't done yet, I ran up and kicked the villain but no effect and it grabbed my fist bang! bang! my weakest explosion came from my feet and the villain got my foot i thought to my self one word ''damn'' the villain swung me towards the wall ''arrgh~~'' the slime villain got a hold of me damn it i cant move i cant breath i am gonna black out damn it BANG!! '' get of of me bastard'' ''nooooooooo'' katsuki yelled as he seen his brother traped ''hahahah~~'' '' this brat's body's mine'' '' no you don't bastard leave baku's body alone ill kill you'' said katsuki running up to the slime villain bakuhatsu looked at katsuki with a glare '' dumb ass get out of here'' huh'' ''oh yea you to i forgot you were here'' '' hehe~~~ ill take you as a hostage'' said the slime villain as he sent his slimy arm at katsuki but to no avail katsuki dogged his slimy arm but to be caught by the other arm ''arrhh'' ''hahahaha~~ this is the luckiest day of my life'' the villain said as he was covering up parts of katsuki's body '' spop ouy dmub thim'' { ''stop you dumb slime''} '' oh you can still muster up the will to talk hahahah~~'' {damn it i didn't think this would hurt i so much but i guess now that you fell it instead of watching it i fell like ill die damn this is not how i die} bang!! boom!! '' let go of my little brother you damn slime'' i said as i got let go for a couple seconds but to get back covered up i could see katsuki about to black out damn it i have to get out and save katsuki his my little brother i got to bang! i got to BANG! i got to! damn it! BOOM! fires started and death arms was on the scene first BOOM! death arms running forward and jumps two meters in the air ''ughh~~how dare you pray on a child'' he said as he punched the slime but to no avail as the villain sucked in his hand ''urgh~~ what the hell is this'' he said as he tried to take it of but he could not '' huh some kind of slime'' he said before he could say more the slime hit him '' urgg'' death arms flew and hit a garage '' you okay death arms'' a random pro hero said '' heads up''as he was warning the pro hero to move because bakuhatsu explosion ''damn it you bastard ill kill you!'' said bakuhatsu BANG! boom! the explosions completely destroyed the surroundings ''LET GO OF My BROTHER!'' '' hahah try all you might kid your just stalling'' bang! '' yaaaaaahhaa'' '' you picked the wrong guys to mess with i am gonna send you back to what ever sewer you crawled out of ya damn bastard'' said katsuki getting his face from the villain slime pop! pop! ''let me gooooooo'' boom! bang! boom! BANG!!! '' arrgh'' ''arrgh'' ''arrgh'' ''you two got so much power this really is my lucky day'' ''with quirks like yours under my control I can take all might down with one punch'' mount lady was coming intill she realized that she cant come thru and you can see to boy's stuck in the middle of the fire '' urgh'' ''urgh'' but wood came out of no ware and snatched them up

'' fire and wood do not really make a good combination ill let some one else stop this guy'' said kamui woods as he is running to get the two boys and the two civilians out of the fire ''don't look at me i got my hands full'' a pro hero said as he's taking out the fire

'' were are those fire truck's and can you guy's get to them'' said the pro hero ''no i cant get a grip on that slime plus those kids quirks are causing explosions left and right this is a shut out we got to catch him of guard and knock him out of the park'' ''mmhhmhmm'' the villain has a smile fit for the devil on his face '' in coming'' doom! the pro hero said as the slime villain hit the spot they were previously at '' it's no good nobody here has the right quirks to defeat a villain like this'' ''lets do damage control in till some one with the right power shows up'' '' there's still people to save ya know'' ''i am sorry i bet every hero in the city is coming'' '' ugghah'' bang! Boom! ''yaaaaaaaahahh'' bakuhatsu yelled trying to get free but causing more destruction death arms is thinking how he could not save the kids and they might die at any moment ''damn if i only had more power i could blow this guy away'' a skinny stick like person running and stops and hold on the poll because hes out of breath he looks through the crowd and see's the same slime villain that he subdue'd causing destruction '' huh'' he remember the that little tufful in the air with that green hair kid it must of fallen all might thoughts { i was so worried about my time limit i can't believe i made such a rookie mistake and about lecturing that kid about what it takes to be a hero i am pathetic] all might thinks as he grips he side


izuku is walking back home reading his hero notes as he has he's dreams crushed as hes look at kamui woods drawing in his note book izuku thoughts { he'll never be a hero better than find out now than later i guess} as izuku flips the page and a mount lady drawing on this page and he flips the page again and a all might sighing in big bold letters on this page { make sure your dreams are attainable} as izuku close the note book izuku looks at the note book and sighs as tears are on the verge of coming down his face { even all might said it a hero needs a quirk don't cry damn it deep down you knew this all a long you've just been avoiding reality thats why you were trying to prove your self all a long} BOOM! '' huh'' as izuku turns and see's smoke raising from the corner the building ''that's strange is the fight from this morning still going on'' izuku walks across the street and is looking through the crowd and what he see's shocks him to the core { that the guy who attacked me but wait that cant be right all might got him right right no it fell damn it it was my fault} ''why are'nt the hero's doing anything'' ''it looks like they met there match plus the villain captured kid's things are'nt looking good for the hero's'' { huh he caught someone i wonder how long they be in there how can they survive being suffocated i thought i'd die after a few seconds of that oh man} ''wait i am confused ain't that the villain all might, was chasing earlier today'' '' what all might no way he lost where is he'' '' well i don't know can someone call him or something'' ''seriously why has'nt he showed up to help the hero's'' { i am the one to blame he wasted his energy on me he cant power up yet and none of the other hero's dont have the right powers to defeat the villain it's my fault i am sorry so sorry someone will show up and save the day i am sure a real hero will come soon} '' haggahga~~'' ''bastard let my little brother go ill kill youuuuuuuuu''BANG! izuku knew who voice that was and it had little brother yes its him before izuku could say anything else his legs arm moving by them self his running straight to the villain '' no you idiot'' shouted death arms'' '' not this brat again'' katsuki looks to see who is coming and he see's izuku and his eye's are emitting with hate instantly '' kude'' {deku} bang! ''DAMN IT DEKU GET YOUR ASS BACK NOW'' said bakuhatsu the villain is about hit deku bakuhatsu is trying to stop the damn slime but to no avail but deku is still running { no i wont baku i am gonna save you somehow but what do i do he than remember his notes he takes of hes book bag and the spin and throws it at the villain and his all might book hits the villain eye ''arrrgh'' and katsuki head pokes out and he gets a chance to breath '' hugumm ahh ahhgh *cough*'' ''kacchan baku'' and izuku starts trying to get the slime off baku and katsuki '' leave me alone deku just get *cough* katsuki *cough* out'' said bakuhatsu but izuku kept digging '' hold the phone, i don't need useless quirk less loser deku to help me and baku*cough* dont make my decision on my behalf'' '' i don't care i am gonna save you two'' and the slime covered bakuhatsu and katsuki mouth izuku life flashed before his eyes ''baku kacchan i could'nt stand there and watch you die'' '' get the hell of me'' shouted katsuki ''just a little bit longer kid and you i am done playing with youuu'' said the villain the slime villain raised it's slimy hand all the hero's are advancing to protect izuku doom! BANG! the smoke clears and izuku block his head with he's arms but he noticed that he felt no pain than a big booming voice said '' I REALLY AM PATHETIC'' ''all might'' ''I TOLD YOU THE TRAIT BEING A HERO BUT I SEE NOW I WASN'T LIVING UP TO MY OWN EXPECTATIONS'' as all might snaps the slime from that's stuck around his arm like it was rubber all might grabs katsuki and bakuhatsu ''PROS ALL WAYS RISK THERE LIVES FOR OTHERS AND THAT'S THE TRUE MEANING OF A HERO IS'' all might said as blood was flowing from his mouth and he pulls back his arm ''damn you all might'' ''DETROIT SMASHHHHH'' VRRWOOOSH!! the slime villain and bakuhatsu blacked out


..... than i woke up on my bed at home ''arrghhh~~ my head hurt like hell '' i said as i held my head followed by yelling '' KATSUKI !!! get your ass down here and do the dishes'' ''yep that's my mother'' ''DAMN IT YOU OLD HAG I DID IT YESTERDAY!'' ''yep that's my brother '' '' i don't care i said do it NOW '' ''NO you old hag do it your self'' said katsuki both katsuki and mitsuki glared each other mitsuki slaps katsuki on the head ''arrgh bastard ill kill you'' a firm and soothing voice said ''come on you to, just chill i will do it'' they both looked at the voice which was my dad

'' STAY OUT OF THIS/ STAY OUT OF THIS!'' said katsuki and mitsuki in unison yep that's my dad he has no authority

''DAMN IT SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG I WILL DO THE DAMN DISHES !!'' said bakuhatsu who is tired of there yelling

''OH GET YOUR WEAK AS HERE NOW BAKU!' said mitsuki damn it i messed up i forgot i lost to a weak ass slime villain DAMN IT I AM DEAD!!


a lot happen first followed by me getting a earful from my mom and slaps on the head about how damn weak i am but mostly chill me an katsuki trained and i beat him black and blue i had to go and confirm that the plot went the same way yep deku got one for all if it did'nt i was gone give him the quirk changer pill

me and katsuki are walking to UA now

katsuki spots a familiar green and faded black hair '' stupid deku'' said katsuki '' kacchan'' '' fuck of nerd before i set you on fire'' '' ummm ok '' izuku moves out the way from katsuki and gets in my way '' get out the way deku before i kick your ass'' said bakuhatsu with a growl ' 'baku'' he moves out of my way and izuku start waving his arms up and down and we walk past him and people are talking about the slime incident but we both ignore it SMALL TIME SKIP ''katsuki you dumbass you better not get a big head out there'' said bakuhatsu '' yea sure but don't expect first place but expect a challenge tho'' said katsuki with an arrogant smile '' hahhah'' ''bring it on little brother'' and we both fist bumped with arrogant smiles we both walked to the hero course


''WHAT'S UP U.A. CANDIDATES THANKS FOR TUNING IN YOUR FAVORITE SCHOOL DJ COME ON LET ME HEAR YA!'' ''SILENCE!!'' ''OK NOT A GOOD CROWD SO LETS GET STRAIGHT TO THE MAIN SHOW LETS TALK ABOUT THE PRACTICAL EXAMS RIGHT NOW OK'' ''ARE YOU READY YA!'' ''SILENCE!!'' ''oh my goodness that voice and that mic he's president mic i listen to him on the radio all the time in the week this is so crazy'' said izuku fanboying ''shut up you damn nerd'' said katsuki with a very very irritated expression but went to izuku's ears and came out the other ''LIKE YOUR APPLICATION TODAY YOUR GONNA BE OUT THEIR ROCKING BOYS AND GIRLS ARE GONNA BE IN MOCK BATTLES IN A SUPER SUPERB YOUR GONNA be in different AREA TODAY AS I SAID mock battles please take a look at your id card'' ''i see there spliting us up so we don't work with are friends'' ''yea your right are id numbers are one after the other but we are a signed to different sections'' said deku as he was eyeing katsuki card '' get your eye of my card'' said katsuki as he sees izuku eyeing his card ''tch'' ''damn it i was really looking forward to crushing you'' izuku acts as he did'nt hear katsuki say that ''oh right baku whats your section'' izuku turn and see's baku in the same section as him '' whoa what a coincidence'' (A/N: yes such a coincidence yep i did'nt do it) ''tch'' '' deku shut up '' said bakuhatsu he really tired of izuku talking izuku put's a hand over his mouth ''OKAY OKAY LETS CHECK OUT YOUR TARGETS THERE ARE THREE TYPES OF ROBOT VILLAINS AROUND EACH SECTION AND YOU WILL EARN AMOUNT OF POINTS THAT ROBOT YOU KILLED THEY GET HARDER AS IT NUMBER INCREASE YOUR GOAL IN THIS EXAM IS TO USE YOUR QUIRK TO GET AS MANY POINTS AS POSSIBLE BUT CHECK IT MAKE SURE THERE'S NO FRIENDLY FIRE IT IS NOT ALLOWED AT U.A.!'' '' excuse me sir but i got question''

''HIT ME!'' '' on the print out you've listed four types of villains not three with all respect if this is a error on the materials this is shamefull we are the ideal students we expect the best from japans most honored school a mistake such as this just wont do'' than the boy with stick up his ass turned izuku and pointed his index finger at him ''and you with th-''

'' how far did that stick up your ass go buddy you really need to fix it'' everyone turned to see a teen with unruly brown hair and red eyes in a black school uniform half buttoned up top and black school pants with a overconfident smile with his feet on the table (A/N: just imagine bakugo with brown hair)

'' i don't think i heard you right'' ''you heard me bastard how far did that stick up your ass go you need to sit down and stop making a scene before i kill you to make you sit down!'' katsuki snickers at his brother the boy with the stick up his ass sat down in a instant the whole arena was silent for a second in till people started talking about how the brown hair boy have gut's make a scene ''OKAY YOU GUY'S LETS GET BACK TO THE POINT OK NUMBER 71111 THANKS FORE CALLING WITH YOUR REQUEST THE FOURTH VILLAIN TYPE IS WORTH 0 POINTS THAT GUY'S JUST A OBSTACLE YOU GUYS SHOULD AVOID AND THERE'S GONNA BE ONE IN EVERY SECTION IT'S NOT THAT YOU CANT BEAT IT IT'S JUST NO POINT I RECOMMEND YOU IGNORE IT AND FOCUS ON THE REAL PROBLEM THAT'S ALL I GOT FOR YOU TODAY BUT KEEP IN MIND U.A IS NOT NO NORMAL SCHOOL SO YOU WILL FIND HARDSHIP'S IN THIS SCHOOL ARE YOU READY TO GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA'' {SMALL TIME SKIP}


''heh'' ''this is gonna be a piece of cake ill kill all the damn robot's'' pop! pop! said bakuhatsu as hes play with small explosion in he's hand's ''hey baku you ain't supposed to use your quirk intill we start'' said izuku trying stop shacking like a leaf bakuhatsu looked back with a glare''huh nerd shut up before i blow you to smithereens'' bang! ''h-huh b-but i was just trying to help'' as he back's away from bakuhatsu ''shut up and listen for real even if i hate you don't die out there ok nerd'' bakuhatsu said with a hand on izuku shoulder with a serious expression ''ok got it'' as bakuhatsu walks away he hears the boy with the stick up he's ass scolding deku but he ignored it '' hahah you see that shrimpy dude he's definitely gonna die in there'' the are mocking deku ''i mean i guess it's one less person to worry about'' '' RIGHT LETS START'' bakuhatsu and everyone looks up and see's president mic on a tower ''RIGHT GET MOVING THER'S NO TIME IN A BATTLE'' and bakuhatsu had a smile on his face fit for a villain ''bang! bang! bang!'' '' hahahah~~ already ahead of ya bastards'' said bakuhatsu as he is using he's explosions as a rocket (A/N:same as bakugo when he propelled him self in the air with he's explosions) and everyone else start's running forward ''hahahhah~~ i am in front, first place is mine oh yea a one pointer'' as bakuhatsu see's a one pointer ''bang!'' he propelled himself three meter's in the air ''die!'' ''bang!'' with one explosion the one pointer was in piece's as bakuhatsu kept scoring point's he racked up 57 points in five minutes right as he is propelling himself with his explosions he was on the hunt ''in 3 more minutes the zero pointer is gonna show up i have to rack up as many point's as possible'' he mumble's under his breath and he turns his head and he spot's a 3 pointer BANG! he propells himself with one behind him and the other in front ready to touch the 3 pointer but the 3 pointer seen him coming and punch at him but he dodged it by a hair as his right cheek is cut '' tch'' he click's his teeth ''BANG!'' he touch's the robot and blew it to pieces in a instant '' bastard how dare you injure me''as he kicks the scrap of the 3 pointer but than he realized something { ''but than again it was my fault for letting my guard down damn it there go my first battle scar but i doubt it will stay there''}

{TIMESKIP: 2 MINUTES} {''damn it one more minute intill that zero pointer is gonna show itself i currently have 81 points i think''} as bakuhatsu land's on the ground he fell's like a earth quake is happening he turn's around to see a giant robot head making it's way in the city near him{ damn it it is happening to soon} ''ARRRRRG'' you can hear people screaming as bakuhatsu is running to the big zero pointer { i know i can defeat it but it would mess up izuku's chance in U.A.} as a debris fall's from building's as one is heading right for bakuhatsu '' huh what the hell '' BANG! he hit the debris with an explosion and it was in piece's he looks at the highest building he could find so he could get view he found a big build right in front of the zero pointer ''perfect'' BANG! BANG! BANG! he propell's himself on a top of a building as soon as he get's up he heard a booming sound ''DOOOOOOOM'' the air pressure almost forced bakuhatsu of the building as he see's the zero pointer falling at a fast pace as he see's a blue dot in the air { that must be deku} and the blue dot is falling at a fast pace {ah shit} ''JUST ONE MINUTE LEFT'' bakuhatsu starts running from building to building and finally gets to the closest building to deku BANG! BANG! two big explosions force bakuhatsu in the air and he caught deku '' dumbass you really don't know the meaning don't die'' as he land's on the ground everyone is shocked at izuku's power bakuhatsu drops deku one the ground face first ''ouch~~ huh i am not dead'' ''yea dumb ass and i told you not to die but you did a stunt that would kill you '' izuku looks to the voice '' HUHHHH! baku'' ''yea the one in only'' but izuku starts scrubbing the ground and moving his broken legs in a funny way and tear's on the forge of falling down his face '' hey nerd what are you doing?!'' ''trying to get points baku'' "tch"{ ''this dumbass he could not kill a weak kid with a knife with his current injures not that he would have the gut's to anyway''} ''and that's it TIME'S UPPPP!!'' and sirens started to go off all around and izuku starts crying like a baby I look at him'' hey stupid it's your fault for running away and not using your QUIRK YOU BEEN HIDING FROM ME AND KATSUKI YOU BASTARD!'' bakuhatsu acting as he did'nt know izuku had one for alll pop! pop! pop! pop! as small explosion's started coming from his hand's ''wait baku chill i can explain thi-'' as he could not finish his word's as he blacked out do the stress and bakuhatsu walks away '' wow did you see his strength he took that robot with one punch'' '' yea but he has zero point's and he look's weak how can such a strong quirk'' ''i don't know maybe he was trying to pull a prank on us'' bakuhatsu hears this but ignored it and just walk's away to the dressing room for the boy's.....