
Reborn as an Extra

When Rio opened his eyes he found that he had been reborn as an extra in a novel, which he finished reading yesterday. Moreover, he has become a student of the same battle academy, where the main plot will happen. .... Looking at the protagonist playing with his harem, Rio shook his head and decided: "Yes, I will steal the protagonists chances, as for what will happen to the main plot? I don't care..." (Rio) Would you like to accompany Rio on his journey and find out where his selfish stealing activities will lead him? [NO HAREM, SELFISH MC, FAST-PACED, DIABETIC ROMANCE!] .... *The book cover doesn't belong to me if someone wants me to take it down please contact me directly.* My discord server link:- https://discord.com/invite/m87MTRraFD

Calm_Mountains · Fantasy
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385 Chs

Skill Information's and A Mystery!

[Ding! Your wish has been granted]

[A Random reward is being generated…]



[Ding! An appropriate skill has been selected!]

[You have acquired Skill: Concentration(?)]

[Would you like to see your skill details?]


"oh! I didn't know that there was a detail function in the window too. That's unexpected" (Rio)

According to the novel, Fade's system was capable of giving him information due to the appraisal skill he had, but it seems that this status window, which everyone in this world has, is also capable of giving information but only about your own acquired skills not about others.

"It's good too. But let's get out of this place first, I will check the details later at the dormitory" (Rio)

When the wish was completed a portal opened in the hall, obviously this portal was urging Rio to get out of this place already.

Seeing this Rio fell in thought:

"The essence of an SS ranker is really strong, even though he is dead, his essence is still capable of ensuring that only one wish is made by one person." (Rio)

In the end, Rio walked fast and entered the portal without any hesitation. He doesn't want to be like Fade who was forcefully thrown out and fell on his face, humiliated by the essence of a dead person.

"Remembering that, a smile appears on my face every time…that was an interesting thing that happened with Fade." (Rio)

Yeah, even after he got his first wish fulfilled, Fade was thinking of getting more, due to the system he had, he was thinking of resisting that old essence or maybe absorbing it for his use.

After all, his system points are earned from the essence of dead creatures, if he could have absorbed this huge essence of a former SS rank, he could have gotten so many points, enough to promote him to B rank directly with all skills maxed out.

It could have given Fade a great boost and could have made him strong enough to get rid of all those people who once humiliated him. His intense desire for revenge made him think about it, so he decided to try this, Fade convinced Kira to walk out first and wait for him outside.

After Kira walked out of this place, Fade started his work and ordered the system to absorb this essence, but the system was not an idiot like him, it first tried to absorb a small amount to be cautious, but the remnant 'Will' in that essence already found out that someone was trying to harm it.

The essence of an SS rank is no joke, not to mention Fade was still quite low in rank at that time, the essence directly opened a portal under Fade's legs and threw him out.

Fade directly landed on the ground with his face towards the ground. Being humiliated, he got angry and swore to destroy this place and all the sh*ts a normal protagonist does, cursing the essence and saying that he will absorb it one day.

After cursing Fade walked away with Kira towards the dormitory.

But he didn't know that he had already angered Marik by trying to harm his friend's essence.

Although Marik could not come out personally to punish Fade, he was being bound by the treaty between the SS ranks to not enter other race's territories without permission.

Thus, Marik always sent his snake subordinates to punish Fade from time to time. Making huge trouble for Fade until the day Fade killed Marik and destroyed the Lake of Wishes, absorbing all the essence in it.

This is the result you get by offending a son of the heavens.

'Those snake subordinates were a real headache for Fade though…. Not to mention some of them even targeted Fade's harem…. The biggest sin a villain can do against a protagonist!' (Rio)

While thinking all this Rio got out of the portal, and now he was standing in the same spot, where he was before he got trapped in the illusion.

Rio didn't wait and ran as fast as he could, he directly went out of the forest.

He knew that the illusion could still take effect if he waited too long, Marik would capture him in his illusion again and this time he would not be as friendly as the last time.

There's a high possibility that Marik will misunderstand him if he waits here for too long, he may think that Rio wants to get to that place once again.

"Let's not take unnecessary risks, and get out of this god-forsaken place. It's not comfortable to be in someone's illusion for too long" (Rio)

Illusion-based fighters are always hated on the battlefield, not to mention they can trap people in their illusions, long term stays in an illusion can even cause your brain to be affected badly by their constant control over your thinking process.

Due to these reasons, an illusionist is greeted by attacks from all sides making it very dangerous for them to be on the battlefield without any guards around them.

When Rio walked out of the forest it was already evening and was getting late.

So Rio decided to return to his dormitory room directly.


Academy, Boys Dorms, Rio's Room.

After a good bath, he lay down on his bed to see all the information and check out his gains in this trip of stealing.

<Status >

[Name: Rio Flash]

[Class: Swordsman]

[Rank: C] [Max Rank Potential: No limit(X)]

[HP: 2000/2000] [MP: 1400/1400]

[STR: 50/100] [SPE: 50/100] [AGI: 50/ 100] [DEF: 50/100] [INT: 50/100]

[Talent: Limitless(X), Sword Aptitude(X)]

[Techniques: Basic Swordsmanship(C), Elemental Sword Art(C)]

[Ultimate Skill: Concentration(?)]

[Skills: Body Strengthening(C-), Lightening Sword(C-), Sword Aura(D-), Handling(D-)]

[Passive Skills: True Immunity(X)]

[Evaluation: You are an absolute anomaly; your growth rate is terrifying and you have unlimited potential!]

[Items: An Unknown Fragment (???)]

"Hmm two new slots have been created, this concentration skill I got seems to be an Ultimate skill, that's a surprise." (Rio)

Having an ultimate skill is extremely rare in this world.

Only a few people have been recorded to have unique skills throughout the history of humankind. Of course, Fade is an exception, at his peak, he had 3 ultimate skills which was overpowered.

But it didn't matter that much, because Fade rarely used them, after all, how can a protagonist show off, if he directly uses all his strength to kill the opponent, he needs to pretend to be forced so to gain more and more attention from the world.

"Such a troublesome life…" (Rio)

Shaking his head Rio focused on the details of his skills he hadn't seen the details of his skills since he got them, so he was eager to know the details. After all, the more you know about yourself, the better you can perform in fights.

Rio concentrated his mind and imagined himself getting information on the skills

Soon enough, a notification from the window made him smile unconsciously:

[Generating skill information panel…]

[A separate panel has been created for skill information!]

[You can get information about any of your attributes here!]

[Would you like to open the panel?]


"Yes!" (Rio)

Immediately a blank panel opened in front of him, Rio was confused for a moment, then he thought of something and concentrated on his technique section first:

[Basic Swordsmanship(C):

- A basic skill every swordsman has, it shows your understanding and mastery of swordsmanship. It is the easiest sword anyone can learn, yet the most necessary sword art to qualify as a true swordsman.

-Generally, it can only be increased to a peak of D rank, but your sword potential has surpassed the general boundaries of basic swordsmanship. Increases 25% extra damage to your opponents, when using a sword to attack.]

[Elemental Sword Art(C):

- A unique sword art, created by an extremely strong swordsman, it combines several elements in the swordsmanship at the peak.

- It has several sword skills, that have yet to be unlocked by you. The gradual increase of your understanding will help you to unlock more of its secrets.

- 40% extra damage in every attack when used.]

"This is quite detailed information on my skills, I am getting more and more interested in it now" (Rio)

Next Rio focused on his skills to check them out too…

[1. Body strengthening(C-):

- A basic skill every swordsman can acquire by training in basic sword arts.

- Generally, it can only be raised to D+, but your sword talent has surpassed these boundaries, giving you an even stronger body, than normal.

- All body resistances, attack capabilities, auxiliary and defensive capabilities increase by 45% when used]

[2. Lightning Sword(C-):

- The first sword skill that can be unlocked when training elemental sword arts. It causes a precise and extremely fast sword attack with every strike when used.

- Damage and Speed increased by 40% when used]

[3. Sword Aura(D-):

- A skill evolved from sword energy due to your sword talent.

- Can use elemental energies to concentrate on your sword and elemental attacks like 'Fire strike' can be used through this skill.]

[4. Handling(D-):

- The second unlocked skill of elemental sword art. Provides greater defense.

- A defense skill, that can be used to defend an opponent's attacks and divert them in the wrong direction or toward the opponent.]

[True Immunity(X):

- A passive skill, can help block unusual skills used to harm you.]


- A skill with extreme potential.

- All the stats, reactions, and senses will be boosted by 2 times when used.

- It is still a half-complete skill a second part is still needed to complete it.

- Required skill for completion:???]

Seeing the information about the skill concentration Rio was already dumbfounded.

"2 times the stats, reactions, and senses? This is too overpowered!" (Rio)

This small sentence means that once this skill is used all the stats of Rio Like Attack and Defense, will be at 100 from 50 directly, even though its mana consumption seems high, and according to Rio's calculations he can only use this skill for 5 minutes at most, it can already be considered a deadly weapon.

Not to mention the stats even the reactions and sense will be boosted, which can help Rio to use his sword even more fast and precisely. Simply saying, this skill is tailor-made for Rio and can boost his strength very high, even if it's just for only five minutes it's already so damn good.

You should consider the fact that only someone at the peak of A rank can have 100 stats but Rio will be an exception to this limit from now on.

"But this last sentence confuses me a bit, this skill is already good enough yet it says that it's not complete yet?" (Rio)

I wonder when I will be able to find the other half to complete this skill. Well for now let's check the last and most awaited thing that I always wanted to check out. Let's see:

[An Unknown Fragment (???):

- ???

- ?? …Need more fragments…(1/???)…???]

"The heck is this? I never read anything about this in the novel, there was no explanation about this mysterious fragment in the novel, I wonder what this thing is for." (Rio)

"It seems to need more fragments to get more information about it, that's such a headache, why does it feel like I am being dragged into some big problem having this thing with me." (Rio)

"Not to mention I can't even throw it; this thing seems to have been stored in my soul space and can't be separated so easily." (Rio)

Figuring out that he couldn't do anything about this, Rio just put it at the back of his mind and decided to fall asleep. It has been a long time since he had a good sleep. The incident at the islands and the encounter with Marik, all took a huge toll on his body.

After closing his eyes Rio fell asleep instantly.

In the morning the next day, while he was enjoying the beautiful sunrise standing near the window with a teacup in his hand, a peaceful start of a new chaos-filled event had come near already.

"New Year is coming soon, with a new event along with it….. sigh~ can't an extra have a peaceful life.... Well, I am looking forward to it as always." (Rio)



Author's Note.

On the demand of several readers, I decided to go with the skill option, leading Rio to a new journey by leaving an incomplete skill, Let's see where this leads Rio.

Thank you all for your support.