1 New world

"Damn it's the same thing everyday, wake up, go to work, eat, come home, sleep and repeat why won't something surprising happen" I thought walking out of the store

Pulling out my phone I start checking to see if my favorite webtoon has a new chapter out.

"Still no update it's been three weeks" I though

(Well I guess it could not hurt to find new ones while I wait for this one) I thought while looking in the newly released

(This one just came out) I thought looking a novel with one chapter

Clicking on the first chapter I was shocked to see that it was completely blank. Thinking that I had no service I refreshed the page only to see a blank white page with a link that says' start new chapter. Having nothing better to do I click on the link.

After doing so a bright white light started to shine from my screen and covered my surroundings. Closing my eyes I wait a few seconds before opening them again.

Looking around I was that I was in a white room that smelt of alcohol

(Why I'm I in a hospital) thought taking standing up from the bed

While looking around a nurse came into the room

"It look's like you are awake sir that's good but if you don't mind could you sit back down and I will come back with the doctor" The woman said

"Could you please tell me where I am" I asked sitting back down

"You are at Gotham general hospital" the woman said with a small smile

(Are you fucking with me I got transported into DC no it has to be some type of prank this can't be real) I thought standing up and pacing back and forth.

Walking past a mirror I caught a glimpse of my reflection. Walking up to the mirror I was shocked to see that it was not my face looking back at me

(Wait a minute I have seen this face before, this is albedo from ben 10) I thought holding my head

[Host detected]

[System Activating 1%...10%...40%...90%...100%]

[System Activation complete]

[Welcome to the Ben 10 Templet System]

[Would the host like a tour]

"Hell yea, I would be pissed if I got transported without some type of cheat" I yelled without realizing

Looking at the door I was the the doctor and nurse were about to enter. Sitting down I waited for the doctor to finish his check up.

"Well Mr. Tennyson you look to be in perfect health you can check out at the front desk" said the doctor

"Great thank you doc" I said standing up

After checking out at the front desk I left the hospital

(System can you hear me)

[Yes host]

(Good at least I don't have to seem like a crazy person talking out loud) I thought

(System give me a tour of what you can do)

[Very well host]

[This system has been made with the ben 10 templet alter version. The purpose of this system is to turn the host into a being feared by all creatures among the universe]

[The functions of the system are: Status-Measure the host strength and displaces them in numerical value/Alien-shows the current strength and amount of aliens the host has/Gache- Allows host to spin for items ranging from a bottle cap to a multi-million dollar company/Harem- A area for the host to look at all of his love interest/Summons- Allows the host to summon aliens to fight with him but once summoned the host will not be able to reverse it or turn into that alien, also allows host to summon characters from other universe if the conditions are meet/ Storage-Allows host to store items in a infinite space, time in the space is frozen/Missions- Missions are given to the host to complete all rewards will vary and the missions do not have a punishment if failed or not completed/Map- A map of the surrounding area and used to pin locations of interest]

(Okay that was a lot, system show me my status)


Name: Albedo Tennyson

Age: 18 (Estimated Lifespan: 300 years)

Race: 40%-Human/60%-Anodite

Title: Transmigrator( +20 to all stats)/Last of the Anodite Species(+ 10 to all stats/+100% mana recovery/+ 10000 mana)

LV: 1/100

HP: 500/500( HP recovery 10 per second)

MP: 10000/10000( MP recovery 100 per second)

STR: 50

AGI: 50

END: 60

DEF: 60

DEX: 70

WIS: 70

INT: 80

WIL: 60

CHR: 40

LUCK: 999

Skill: Mana Manipulation LV-1/Mana Absorption LV-1/Mana Bullets LV-1/Mana Shield LV-1/Telepathy LV-1/ Minor Healing LV-1/ Telepathy Block LV-1/Invisibility LV-1

(System why do I already have high stats and skills) I asked

[The host had the blood of a rare alien species called the Anodite making him stronger that most humans and with the ability to manipulate mana/ also because of the title boost]

(I think I heard about them when I watched the show as a kid) I thought

[New Mission: Home Sweet Home- Follow the highlighted path to the home of the host

Reward: 10 common Gache spins]

(I was starting to get cold and plus staying out at night in Gotham is just asking to deal with the criminality insane)

Next chapter