
Training the Cat





In the early morning, Adam was walking down the main street to the edge of the island to find a place to train. As he was walking, he heard a young, excited female voice calling out his name.

"Adam!" The young Blake was running towards him with an excited look on her face, "I was just about to come and find you! When can we start our training?" **(A/N: Just a reminder, Blake will be a bit OOC for the time being, she's a normal 11-year-old kid and hasn't experienced the hardships of the world yet)**

Blake was wearing a purple work out shirt, black sweat pants, and black sports shoes. In her hand was a standard wood practice katana.

"We can start now if you have free time." Answered Adam as he looked towards the smiling Blake. "Where did you get your practice katana?"

"You like it? Dad got it for me this morning from the local huntsmen equipment shop. He said that the katana is a good sword to start with." Blake said while looking towards the wood katana and stroking it slightly.

"Hmm. It's good, I need to buy one so we can train."

"I'll show you the shop!"



After buying a wood practice katana for himself, Adam asking Blake where the best place to train is, Blake, lead the transmigrator to a clearing in the nearby tropical tree jungle.

They stood ten feet away from each other, Adam faced Blake and asked," Have you unlocked your aura yet?"

"No, not yet, mom and dad wanted to wait until I was at least 12 years or older." Answered Blake while looking slightly down.

"It's fine, I will unlock it for you." Walking up to the cat faunus, he placed his hand on her sholder while channeling his aura through his body. Black and red aura started fluctuating out from his body, he closed his eyes and chanted, "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee."

As Adam was chanting, his black and red aura traveled through his arm and on to Blake's sholder. his aura starting seeping into the young girl's body. As if something awakened, a deep purple color started pulsing out of Blake's body, successfully unlocking her aura.

Opening her eyes, Blake looked at the boy in front of her. She couldn't look away from the beautiful red and black light coming out of his body and his face. Snapping out of her trance, she blushed and looked away, cursing in her head for staring. Thankfully for her, Adam still had his eyes closed and didn't see her blushing face.

Opening his eyes, Adam looked at the young cat faunus. "Congratulations, your aura is now unlocked. We can begin training now."

"Thank you," Blake Answered softly while still looking away slightly.


Weeks flew by after the first day of Blake's training.

The first two weeks were Blake exercising her body to build a good foundation. Adam and Blake focused on increasing her agility, speed, endurance, and reflexes/reaction time. He wanted her to work on these things so that they can effectively support her future semblance, Shadow, which allows her to create clones of herself.

Agility and speed needed to be worked on so she can effectively switch out with her clone and fast enough to dodge attacks Endurance was for battling multiple enemies and yet maintaining motion and energy without fatigue. Reflexes/reaction time was so that she can deploy her clones fast enough and dodge close range attacks.

After exercising her body to an acceptable level, Adam starting teaching her swordsmanship and how to properly use a katana. Adam decided against teaching her his Iaijutsu style swordsmanship because it wouldn't work with her fighting style and her future semblance. Adam uses the Iaijutsu style because he needed to store energy in his blade to use Moonslice while Blake needed a fast pace style to compliment her semblance and speed.

Adam taught her the basic sword stances. After working through the stances for a few days, Adam thought that she was ready for a faster pace sword style. After she was proficient, Adam and Blake sparred each other to work out the weaknesses and holes in her swordsmanship (A/N: Sorry I don't know a lot about swords and how to use them, I'm sorry for skimming through it D: )

After sufficient physique training and sword training. Adam and Blake were ready to unlock her semblance. Adam decided the best way to unlock it was to go through live combat and push her to her limits. RWBY doesn't really go on to explain how one unlocks their semblance, but it has been shown in the show that it to react to emotional turmoil or stress. So the only he could think of to stimulate Blake's semblance was through pushing her to the limit her body could take.


"Are you ready Blake? I won't go easy on you, you may get severely hurt." Adam looked towards Blake that was standing in front of him with a slightly concerned look in his eyes.

"Yes, I want to do this. Don't hold back." Secretly delighted that he was concerned about her, she put on a determined look on her face, staring in his eye/mask.

Looking her in the eye, he gave her a small nod and went into his Iaijutsu stance with a hand on his sheath and another on the handle, and crouched down slightly. Blake looked towards the bull faunus in front of her and unsheathed her sword. She had a sword in one hand and her sheathed reversed gripped in the other.

Waiting for each other to make the first move, Adam decided to start. As if disappearing, he reappeared in front of blake while quickly unsheathing his sword before striking her. Blake barely had enough time to defend before another strike was ready, pushing her back a few meters before stabilizing herself.

Not only was Adam fast, but his strikes were also fast and precise, like a coiled up snake ready to take a bite out of his prey.


Before long, Adam and Blake exchanged 10 strikes, all of them were from Adam while Blake barely could defend herself. Finally, after the 11th strike, as if teleporting, Adam reappeared behind Blake and slashed her back. Most of it was reflected by her aura, but the cut was still deep enough to bleed.

Blake jumped forward, creating distance between them. He crouched on the ground, exhausted, sweaty, and breathing heavy, she gazed towards Adam, who appeared not even winded, realized the power distance between them.

"It's time to end this Blake." Looking towards Blake before going in his signature Iaijutsu style stance, Adam's black and red aura fluctuated. Activating his semblance, Moonslice, he amplified all the energy he gathered from the fight before slashing towards Blake.

Looking towards the powerful wave of red and black energy, Blake stood there in terror. 'Why can't I move!!... am I going to die?... No, no no Noooo!'

As if something snapped inside her, and identical copy took her place and she appeared out of the way of Moonslice.

"Congratulations, you unlocked your semblance. it seems you can duplicate yourself. We'll take a 10-minute break." Adam gave the tired Blake a small smile.

"Thank you..." Blake looked towards Adam and gave him an exhausted smile. (A/N: The reason why the fight is so short is that they are severely outmatched. Blake's been training for a few weeks while Adam has been training intensely for over a year. next chapter will be a time skip because I think I milked Menagerie enough.)

Wahahahah! Thank you for all the support!

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*****Also, should I get rid of Jaune and Adam takes his place? Comment your answers.*****

Zheprcreators' thoughts