
Anime magic

Cosmic God began reading and learning all the theories and research his greater ethereal has brought him.

He was impressed what she has brought him everything from magical theory, warp manipulation and Magic runes as well as possibility of in her words making anime magic which in his opinion sounds a bit stupid but the possibility of making anime base magic possible is possible in a sense.

To be honest with himself he's not quite sure on that front but you never know if you don't try it any special looks at the anime book in his hand overlord.

One of his favorite series although he died before he can see the third season however that won't stop him he saw quite a bit of spells from the anime show so he's thinking if you can't incorporate those spells.

After reading all the source material he's been given he goes down to the practice range which takes but a few minutes for him and started gathering warp energy in his hands as Picture of the spelling his mind and I'll reaching with his hand holding up two fingers uttering a single word.

(Cosmic god) chainDragon lightning!!!!!

From his hand two dragons made of lightning spewed from his hand toward the intended target clashing its mighty power against the wall the power fueling the spell broke the wall all the way to the next building.

He looks at his handiwork impressive with the spells power he can probably downscale it to give it to his followers if they please him enough with the deeds.

(midnight light) that is impressive my Lord it looks like the first spell from the overlord series is a success I brought a list of all spells we can try out.

(cosmic god) indeed midnight we can take our time and explore the depths of overlord magic you what I'm gonna call it that for now on.

With his voice is the final verdict both the greater ethereal and her creator began exploring the depths of the now named overlord magic practicing all the spells that he remembered from the anime and books as well as the records in his library love it and able to make spells that are similar to the martial arts used in the warriors of the universe selecting them as a type of support spells for his soldiers.

within days it matters to go through all of it but he wasn't done oh no his anime fever was running hot that's began going through all the books he could remember that revolved around magic all way from fairytale to black clover, overlord series and even Elemental spells that are similar to jujitsu in Naruto.

As he practice more and more with the arcane arts he's starting to tap in to his sphere of sorcery give him more power of magic and proficiency and as time went on he fully embraced his sphere making it more proficient in any form of magic he conducted as well as items revolving to Magic runes given him more options to the ways of the arcane.

When he finished embracing his sphere began to alter his body slightly making his cosmic theme body glow more his eyes deep purple power as if one looked at a neutron star as well as other set of hands becoming thinner but more robust than muscle as slowly his magical power skyrockets making obvious changes his power has increased by embracing his sphere.

With three of his spheres embraced that left only one to go his ambition which he can take his time at the moment but the moment he does his entire being will be at full power at his current limit if he wants his past that moment he needs to find other ways to gain other spheres of influence that won't be too demanding.

With enough practicing magic he sent his greater ethereal away to continue her duties and to report any progress in her theories and research with possible.

With all that done the cosmic God makes his way to his throne room we're roll up on role of ethereal knights answer gargoyles on the ceilings for decoration and to fight any forms of intruders that may enter this place.

Open the big double doors with detail art one side of an angel the other of a demon as he pushes The double doors open with keys with all fours arms as he makes his way to his throne as he takes his time just walking in the halls and looking at all the detail work he put into this place.

He sits down upon his gigantic throne that is pitch black and within that blackness twinkles in light of endless stars sitting in it he thinks about all the things he's done up till now which can only be summed up as in possibilities what she's been doing for the past several years I cannot stop the wonder where his limits be if really goes at it.

However his thoughts were interrupted by a big flash of light in the center of his throne room when the light occurred all of his lesser ethereal's surrounding the throne room and as the light begins to die down what stands before them is a single door a plain old wooden door with an iron handle on it the cosmic gotten looks at the strange door thinking to himself.

(Cosmic god) why the fuck is the door disappearing it's just a plane door is beyond strange.

Looking at the screen scene in front of him he noticed the door slowly opening as he takes interest in what is about to walk out of the door as they try to think of all these memories in 4K of what this could be.

However all of his thoughts are interrupted when I single individual walks out of the door the cosmic gods surprised and intrigued on who walked out.

(cosmic god) Well I'll be damn I never thought you would be here of all places so what brought you to my humble Home.

Cosmic God spoke to the stranger speaking as if he knew this strange person for one thing stuck out on the stranger is that this person has pointy ears.


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