
The Two Pillars (2)

(Axton and Lucia's POV)

"In those files are every dirty deed and criminal act that Earl Kist has committed." Ciaran finished

Axton's eyes widen, Earl Kist was a prominent noble and was rumored that within a couple of years he will be offered the title of Marquees.

If what was in the file that Lucia was just handed true, then it could easily destroy the earl.

And that was just for accepting the invitation to meet with the boy. Axton thought as he looked over the items he was given.

Lucia slowly came out of her shock and looked at the boy again with a very serious look.

"How do you know about this?" She asked as some murderous slowly leaked out.

Earl Kist was the one who Lucia refused, and he made her life a living hell.

The girl and the man that stood behind the boy tensed up when they felt the murderous intent coming from Lucia, but the boy remained calm as if he knew everything would be fine.

"Miss Lucia…" he began seemingly not fazed at all. "As I said, that is a gift for you. What you do with it is up to you. Use it or not, that is your decision alone." He paused before continuing again. "As for how I know about that. Well, let's just say that I was very invested in the hopes I could recruit both of you." Ciaran finished as he leaned back in his chair.

"Recruit us for what exactly?" Axton asked as weariness entered his eyes.

"Before we get to that Mr. Lambert, I humbly request that you use the scroll on your sword. If I'm correct, then you will be pleasantly surprised." Ciaran smoothly replied as he turned his attention towards Axton.

"My sword?" Axton asked as he glanced at the weapon that was strapped to his side.

A slight nod was Ciaran's only answer.

Slowly taking out his sword and laying it on the table, Axton took a deep breath before laying on hand on it as he grabbed the scroll.

Channeling a bit of magic into the scroll to activate it. Axton watched as both the scroll and the sword started glowing for a few seconds before dying down.

Slowly opening the scroll to read it, Axton's eyes soon began to bulge out of his head. Continuing to read it he couldn't help but be shocked. Alternating between looking at Ciaran and the scroll, Axton couldn't help but think to himself. "Just who is this kid?"

"If you don't mind Mr. Lambert, I would like to know what the scroll says." Ciaran calmly asked.

Pausing for a few seconds as he looked at the scroll, Axton decided to read the scroll.

Sword of Mimicry (Epic Grade) (Dormant): Activate the sword by channeling mana towards the hilt. Once activated the user loses the ability to cast their own magic spells, but in turn, depending on which mana stone was slotted into the hilt the user will be able to cast spells belonging to that specific school of magic at their current level.

While not all that powerful, in terms of damage output. The ability to use other schools of magic was powerful and in the hands of a gifted user, he could become near unstoppable.

Both Axton and Lucia came to the same conclusion. If these were just gifts just for agreeing to meet the young lord. Then what would they be offered for whatever job he had for them?

"What is the job?" Lucia asked, still on guard but the murderous intent had disappeared.

"I want the both of you to become our instructors." Ciaran pointed toward himself and Callista.


(Ciaran's POV)

The look on both of their faces was priceless as I told them why I wanted them. Once I told them why I wanted to recruit them, and with a promise to double what they were making in their current guilds and a few other things that would help them become stronger. They accepted on the spot.

Now that I had our instructors in the bag, I could breathe a sigh of relief. I had secured a path to power and hopefully, I would be better prepared for when I entered the academy.

Sighing as I flopped onto my bed. I couldn't help but lament the fact that I had no system. Having a system would have made my life so much easier, do this quest… did you complete it? Congratulations here is this overpowered ability use it well.

Nope, I had to learn everything on my own. No simple push of a button, and I was suddenly a master swordsman. No infinite mana so I could spam spells. Wanted to use a spell? Then you had better put in the time to learn it.

Well, I thought to myself no use in crying, it is what it is. At least I have the backing of a powerful house and if I'm diligent and put in the effort I can become powerful. Does my father think I will just tap out at the upper realm of rank D?

Well in the future I will show him! I was already working on a plan to obtain a mythic seed.

Me being killed by the protagonist. Not if I destroy him first.

I already took my first steps toward defeating him. Earl Kist is being supported by House Whiteguard, that is how he was able to gain so much influence and power. When Lucia uses the information that I gave her, then not only would it destroy a powerful pawn for House Whiteguard, but it will also hurt their reputation moving forward.

I thought about killing the protagonist, but my gut feeling was that he probably had some special plot armor that would make it very difficult to kill him, if not impossible. If that is the case then I would just have to destroy his whole house, or at the very least weaken him so much that he could never pose a threat to me in the future.

Whether by hook or crook I will become the most powerful so that not even fate can challenge me. I will survive in this world I was reborn into and destined to die.

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Woooo! What I consider as the first arc for the MC is complete.

Let me know what you think about the first 10 chapters as a whole.

Also what do you think about the magic item? My first time creating one.

A 3 year time skip is coming next chapter.

SithLordAnocreators' thoughts
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