
Chapter 1: Without a system

Will covered his ears. He couldn't understand why something which had been going on for almost 10 years was on the headlines everyday. He wanted to go and kick away the TV from which the news was coming from. But alas, he had no hope of surviving his roommate's ability if he did. So he just covered his head with the pillow and tried to fall asleep again. He eventually gave up and stood to get an early morning meal. His parents had been able to send him only 100 slips for the week so he had to find a way to survive with that amount. He sighed as he poured himself a cup of coffee. Ever since the discovery of that virus 10 years ago, the difference that already existed between the rich and the poor had widened considerably. It was all just so annoying but there was nothing he could do about it. The world today depended on your ability and the speed of evolution of your system. Unfortunately, he was too poor and couldn't afford even a low grade ability. That's just how things were. He looked at the the clock on the wall and almost spilled his coffee. For just how long had he been reminiscing about his life not to realize how late he was for his school trip. He just hoped he wouldn't miss the bus or else the school principal was sure to expel him this time.


At the back of the line, Will was not paying any attention to what the tour guide was saying. Apparently, this was the museum of systems. 'What a dumb name' he said to himself. The principal spotted Will at the back not paying attention. She snapped her fingers and Will dropped the phone on the floor. He looked up and saw the whole class staring at him. Some were whispering while others were giggling. He didn't really care though. A long time ago he used to care. But eventually he learnt how to live without a system.

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