
The First Kill Experience


<Emergency mission>

<Principal Mission: Get rid of the plague>

<Kill 50 Berserker Humans>

—<Secondary Mission: Satisfies your Vampire Side>

—<Suck the blood of 20 Berserker Humans>


•Principal Mission:

••1 Rare box

••1 Random Skill Ticket

•Secondary Mission:

••20% of control over your Vampire side

••5% of control over your Werewolf side

••5 Health potions>

<Progress of the Mission:

•Principal: 00/50

•Secondary: 00/20>

<Requirements to fail the Mission:

•Death of the Host >

<Punishment for failing the Mission:

•Destruction of Solace Town

•Death of all the villager in the Solace Town>

<Once the Host arrives to the battleground the System will help the Host. JUST WILL HELP>

<The Host will need to fight by himself>

<Good Luck, Host>

Valerio- [I have 2 minutes before arriving to the center of the town.]

Valerio- [System. Open the Beginner Package.]

<Yes, Host>

<Host received:

•Special Suit (self-adjustable)

•1 Wooden Practice Sword

•20 Status Points to Distribute>

<Items saved on the System's Inventory>

Valerio- [Show me the description of the Suit.]

<Special Suit>


<Rarity: Rare>

<Strength Increase by 35%>

<Charm Increase by 35%>

<Black Gabardine, made for close combat fighters, it's made with Kevlar with the purpose to provide protection against knifes, swords and claws>

When I ask for the description of the Suit, in front of me appears a black gabardine, almost like the one of Keanu on Matrix, I was amazed, I always wanted one of those Gabardines, so I didn't doubt to wear it while I keep running, let's clarify something, when the movie called The Matrix was released, I was 5 years old so dodging bullets whit a black gabardine was an epic goal.

Valerio- {System. Can you explain to me about the Random Skill Ticket?}

<The Skills have 2 ways to get them: Learn them or get it from the Skill Ticket. And with this ticket you will be able to get skills such as Cooking or Fire Manipulation.>

Valerio- {System. I will like to use my Random Skill Ticket.}

<Got it, Host.>

<Host Received: Archery>

<Archery Level 1/100

Current Precision: 10%

Dexterity with Bows

The precision increase with the practice>

Valerio- Really? I was hoping something like Wind Manipulation or karate, something useful in my current situation, but archery has no use now.

<Sorry, Host but I'm not able to interfere in the selection>

Been honest, I did see that coming. Not everything would be there when you need it, but I must be thankful with the System, without it I could never be able to do the bullet dodging from Matrix (In my case would be arrow dodging)

<Host. We are getting closer to the center of the town, please get ready to enter in combat>

Valerio- Okay, I'm feeling that the System is making fun of my situation.

While I was thinking if the System was making fun of me, I got into the plaza of the town and wat I saw make sick. There were body parts everywhere and the smell, oh men the smell of the blood was the trigger to release my thirst. In that moment there was just two thought in my mind: Make them pay for this, kill them! Kill Them All! and the second was a myself begging for the safety of Sherry.

I summoned the wooden sword which it's better that noting. Right?

At the beginning I was just throwing random slabs but then I realize that I'm a werewolf also not just a human. So, I made a tactical retrieve. And hide in one of the destroyed buildings.

Valerio- {System. Am I able to transform into a beast form like al the novel of werewolves?}

<Yes, but because that the bloodline has missing parts you are just capable to have a partial transformation>

While I was thinking of how been able to complete the mission. I saw that every "Human" were going in one direction and that direction was near my house.

Valerio- {System can you check where are they going?}

<By the direction they are taking looks like they are going to your house>

Valerio- {Can you check if there is some one on my house?}

<Yes, I'm able to feel 6 persons inside>

Valerio- {Thank God they're save. System, I have an idea, but I will need that you tell me where the "Humans" are.}

<Yes. Host you have one alone in 1 meter to your left>

Valerio- {Thanks. Okay, it's the perfect time to let the hunt begin}

—————— BRIA'S POV ——————

What happened, just a minute ago I was able to feel that monstrous presence, but now it disappears like it never existed. Let's see what happening outside.

Bria- Valentine. I'm going for Valerio, let's hope that he is in the forest and has not approached to the town.

Valerio- Honey, be careful. Don't try to be the hero, just go for our son and come back immediately. Do you get it?

Bria- Yes Honey. Don't wait for us awake.

Bria- [Why do I have this strange feeling that Valerio is not in the forest but here in the town. I don't like this feeling.]

I opened the door and again the first thing that welcomed me was a land full of body parts and blood, let's hope that my theory that of Valerio being a half Vampire gent wrong because if its true most likely he would have been tempted for the smell of the blood in the air.

Okay I just need to pass the center of town and I will have overcome the worst. Wait, why is that corner louder than the others? and why there is less Berserker Humans?

—————— VALERIO'S POV ——————

That was amazing; the smell, the taste and the texture everything was delicious, now I realize why in the movies, the neophytes, they get obsessed the first time they taste blood.

Lets remember it: System said that one Berserker Human were nearby so I went silent and in the corner there was my first victim, He had a coat, like the ones that wears the witches, well he was kind of dismembering a corpse so I get closer and when I was 2 steps behind I throw myself to him, then i bite his neck, at the beginning It felt disgusting but the mission said to suck the blood and there wasn't any message from the System so I'm guessing that I have to suck them dry. In effect when the corpse of the Berserker fell, I received the message, so I proceeded to do the same top the others.

<Progress of the Mission:

Principal: 01/50

Secondary: 01/20>

After 3 hours of being sucking blood I almost finish with the secondary mission. F*ck, I was enjoying my meal that I didn't saw the shadow getting close, it turns out that the shadow was my mother and I still have to suck the blood to 5 more and kill the rest, Josh come on think in an excuse. You know what, let's make that we never saw her at least until I finish eating.

Valerio- {System, show me the progress of the Mission}

<Progress of the Mission:

Principal: 15/50

Secondary: 15/20>

Sorry for the delay but I had a problem with my computer and I had to write the chapter again.

Please don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy.


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