
So this is my new family.

Josh- Thanks. Okay and by the 3rd wish I would like to be able to learn faster than everyone.

Gabriel- Choose something else. You will be able to learn 6 time faster than everyone because of you werewolf side and the vampire side.

Josh- Okay. Can I save this wish for later in this moment? I'm not able to think in something else right now.

Gabriel- Okay. So now, I'm going to spin the roulette to choose your world, I wish you good luck Josh.

Josh- Thanks.


Gabriel- Congratulations, Josh. You are going to reborn in a medieval world.

Josh- Why is that something to celebrate?

Gabriel- Because this is a supernatural world that means that I will be able to make a werewolf to fall in love with a human and then they have a son which will fall in love with a vampire and then you will be the son.

Josh- Okay, so now I'm ready to reborn in that world, wish me good luck Gabriel.

Gabriel- Don't worry Josh. I will be here to pick you up once you die again, but please take your time.

Josh- Thanks. [By the way now that a look back, when I ask for help, did I say it loud or it was in my mind?]

Gabriel- [Sh*t. He almost got me. I hope that he doesn't realize that I was reading his mind.]

—————— CALADIA ——————


Male Voice- Honey. I'm feeling horny.

Female Voice- Me too. But Why?

Male Voice- Could be the full moon?

Female Voice- I hope so. But for now, let's go the room.

—————— Lovely moans ——————

After this conversation, if someone get near this house, this person this person would be able to hear the melody of the creation and be witness of the arrive of a legend.

—————— 9 MONTHS AND A HALF LATER ——————

—————— IN A HUT NEAR A FOREST ——————

Male Voice- Honey, resist the pain it's almost here.

Female Voice- Valentine, shut up. I would like to see you suffering the same as I am now. You wouldn't be able to deal with it, so come here and let me squeeze your arm.

Valentine- Yes, Bria. Honey, have you tried to be more kind at the time to ask favors?

Bria- Valentine, this is not the moment for discussions so come here and give me your arm.

Doctor- [Thank God my wife is fishing with our children because if she saw this, ufff. I don't even want to think about it.]

—————— BABY CRYING ——————

Doctor- Congratulations. It's healthy boy. Give me a minute while I verify if he is an Extra-Ordinary.

Bria- Doctor, please be quick. I want to hold my baby.

Doctor- Yes, madam.

Valentine- So, honey how are we going to call our son?

Bria- I was thinking on Valerio.

Valentine- Why "Valerio"?

Bria- It's because of our names honey. Vale for yours and Rio for mine. But at the beginning, the name was supposed to be for girl, but I think that he would mind Jejeje.

While the husband and the wife were discussing about the name for the new born in the mind of this last one you could see a guy trying to analyze the situation.

Josh- [Finally, I was getting nervous I thought that the gestation was going to be faster. Oh, the men who is holding me should be the doctor. Hey, you, the guy with pale face. Take me to my parents.]

—————— BABY CRYING ——————

Doctor- Looks like he's hungry, but why the resonance rock doesn't have any reactions?

Josh- [ Oh. I forget that I'm still a baby. Aaahhh, it's going to be a hard way to childhood.]

When Josh began to cry the doctor realized that he took longer than usual, so he started to walk to Valentine and Bria, once he arrives, he gave Josh to his parents.

Doctor- Valentine. Can I ask you something?

Valentine- Yes, doctor. What it's happening? Why you have such ugly face?

Doctor- I'm afraid to said this but looks like your son is an Ordinary Human.

Bria- I don't care. He still my baby. I carry him be 9 months so I'm not going to abandon him just because he is different from us.

Valentine- She is right, Doctor. Even if he will live less than us, he is my son.

Valentine/Bria- Our Valerio.

Josh- [So this is my new family. Wait how did they called me? Valerio? But my name is Josh.]

Josh/Valerio- [Now let's recall everything we know:

1st I am reborn.

2nd I have 4 unbreakable rules.

3rd This is my second chance to experience a whole family.

Now let's make a list of what we should do:

1st Learn about this world.

2nd Find a way to survive in this world.

3rd Do the things that I couldn't do in my last world.]

Josh- [World prepare yourself, because Valerio is coming]

Next chapter