
The Chase!

Dick, his face etched with determination, found himself unexpectedly blocked by a formidable barrier of griffons flying in the sky looking for him. He had initially planned a stealthy escape from Angina's nest, aided by his army of goblin imps and the growth of vines to descend from the lofty nest high in the mountains to the ground below. However, he knew that using these methods openly during his escape would betray his location to the griffons flying above.

He had been cautiously letting his four little goblin imp helpers lift and carry him, moving with swift, smooth actions. Despite his meticulous efforts, he was still discovered while making his quick exit from the Lion Mountain Range, which was Angina's domain. The realization dawned on him with a grimace; Angina had once mentioned that the range was watched over by her the childrens she had birthed griffon, her eyes and ears in the wild.

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