
Mom Will Help You Bathe!

The word "Mom" lingered in the air, a fragile whisper from Dick's lips. As Rem exited the room, a silence fell, dense and uneasy. Ram stood frozen, her eyes wide with a shock that seemed to echo the walls. The sight of Dick, her charge, had clearly startled her, as if she was guarding secrets too heavy for words.

Slowly, as if pulling herself from a distant thought, Ram's features softened into a smile. "It's alright, Dick. Let's have dinner, shall we, after dinner mom will bathe you and sleep together?" Her voice was gentle, yet there was a tremor that Dick couldn't ignore.

The walk to the dining room was quiet, punctuated only by the soft clinking of cutlery being set. Dick's mind, however, was anything but silent. "Rem and Ram... what are they hiding from me? Rem's glances, they're too intentional, too... knowing." His thoughts were a tangled web, each thread pulling tighter around the notion of danger.

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