
Enthusiastic Mother and Cold Mother!

In the quietude of the morning, Dick's peaceful slumber was gently nudged by a familiar voice. "Dick, if you continue to slumber, your breakfast will turn as cold as the morning dew," it chided softly, the tone warm yet teasing.

Engrossed in his dreams, Dick barely registered the words until the door creaked open, heralding the entrance of a striking figure. A tall, red-haired woman, her vibrant locks cascading like a fiery waterfall over her shoulders, stepped into the room. Her presence was an infusion of energy, her lively aura instantly dispelling the room's stillness.

"Rem's mother did caution you against these late-night reading sessions," Ram remarked with a gentle reprimand, her voice a blend of concern and mirth. As she spoke, her hands deftly helped Dick into his clothes, her movements nurturing yet filled with an unspoken insistence on decorum.

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