
A new challenge

Hearing unfinished sentences of Craith, Henry felt his heartbeat quicken a little, " Is there a problem, sir, Craith? Why did Lord Dean send an elite knight to this remote place?"

"Nothing serious, we came for official work, but in the middle, we received an order from the lord to meet up with you and hand you over this envelope," saying that Craith took out an unsealed envelope from his pocket and handed it over to Henry.

Henry's smile, that graced his face during all of this meeting vanished upon hearing about the envelope. He raised his and took the envelope hesitantly. After taking the envelope and carefully opening it, he started reading carefully written everything on the envelope so as not to miss anything. As he read more of the content, his face became uglier as a dark shadow appeared on his face.

"Sir, is everything okay?" asked Craith.

"Hmm, lord asked me to meet him in a month. Sir Craith, do you know why the lord asked me to meet him?" Asked Henry with the hope of extracting some information.

"I don't know much, sir. I was only ordered to convey this message to you. Well, we should leave. If you have time, please visit Ravensburg. We will have a long talk there." Saying this, Craith left.

Henry wanted to know more why Lord Dean, one of the strongest and most influential people in the whole Kingdom of Thera, suddenly summoned him. He wouldn't have been worried if this message came to him directly,

"Have I been found out," as he thought, his palm started becoming sweaty. " I was too hasty. I should have made a better plan. Should I run away? No, I can't, he will easily find me. Let's meet him. We still have a good friendship."

" Sir, is it serious? Why did the lord suddenly summon you?" Asked the man who had gone to call him.

"I have no idea, but it's indeed serious, or else he would have sent a direct message to me. He wouldn't have sent his force." As he said, Henry shifted his gaze and looked toward the farm entrance.

"Go, find out what's the other reason they came here for."

" Okay, sir." Saying this, the man left.

Emrus Henry fall in a deep thought, he needs to know what was the other reason Lord Dean sent his personal force, a force who would usually spend their time in a dungeon. " I have to find out the other reason if I want to protect myself. I can't fail after so many years."


Yuji, who already left, had no idea what happened after he left. He felt it's time he leave and go deeper inside the farm. It's been more than 10 days since he waiting for the elder goat. For a second he felt he should at least stay for few more days, he already wait for so long.

"Argh, this damn feeling again." As Yuji thinking if he should move work stay here a sudden feelings of dizziness hit him. He closed the system, and after he recovered his vision, he stood up, walked a little, and started relieving himself.

'Snif snif,' "This scent." As he was relieving, a strange odor came into his nose. As he looked down, he notice the color of his pee, it was yellow with a bad smell.

"Ahh," Yuji let out a sigh " This is bad I need water," seeing the color of his piss he realized the bad odor he sensed was coming from his pee. Eating grass indeed provides him with water, but it's not sufficient. His body requires more water because of the intense training he has to do every day. It's the third day he is having a yellow pee, and it's not a good sign for anyone.

For those who exercise, water is more important than food. The reason is very simple: to stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause lots of problems, including loss of kidneys, and Yuji doesn't want that to happen to him. He always tries to stay as healthy as possible.

As he kept peeing, he swapped his gaze around himself but couldn't find what he was looking for. " Where can I find some water now?"

"I can't waste time. I should get going." Without wasting time, Yuji starts walking after finishing his tank. He would have waited for another day, but the situation isn't in his favor anymore. His body is Young, and more importantly he isn't getting the necessary things his body needs. There aren't any good grass, and because of the living also hard here.

Without wasting time Yuji starts walking with the goal of finding a source of water. After searching for some time, he had to change his way of finding. He searched the high ground and looked for any possible source of water, but unfortunately, he couldn't because of the sight blockage. There are trees here and there that block his vision from reaching far. With a sigh, he could only come down and start walking again.


"I am just wondering around wasting my time. I should ask someone." After failing to find anything on his own, he had to make this hard decision.

He noticed a goat lying not far away and approached the goat. As he approached the goat from behind, the goat turned his head and looked at Yuji, but surprisingly didn't react at all, as if he didn't care.

The goat completely ignored Yuji and kept munching the things in his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Yuji was a little surprised. "Well, this is surprising! This goat ignored me?" Most of the goats he has met till now looked at him in disdain as if he had done a heinous act and must be punished with death. Well, that's how all the goats responded, but except Gildir, no one attacked.

" Hello. Do you know where I can find water?" This is a huge farm. There should be a water source somewhere, right?


"I mean water, drinking water," Yuji said once again, thinking he didn't say it clearly. But even after saying this for the second time, he didn't receive any response from the goat, as if this goat doesn't want to talk to him.

"Why doesn't this goat want to talk? or could it be that he doesn't understand me?" Even though Yuji felt there was a high chance that his first thought was the correct one, he still gave his second thought priority. "Maybe this goat doesn't understand me. If he did, he would have already become furious for disturbing him."

" Sruuuuup, water, belly full, strong?" The goat didn't utter a single word but kept looking at Yuji as he kept munching food in his mouth.

"Water? Fuck". Yuji cursed, but surprisingly, there was still no reaction from the goat.

"No reaction! Why can't this goat talk?

"Or could it be this goat doesn't know how to talk?"

It was just a thought, this the only reasonable explanation. To prove his thought for a few seconds, he tried to figure out the reason behind it but couldn't find any.

"Should I use another method to communicate with him?"

"Beeeeeh, bah baaaaah." Cough, Cough. Yuji tried to mimic goat bleat with hope of receiving any response.

"Baaaaaaaaah, Beaaaah." The goat suddenly stand-up with a bleat and raised his front legs up in the sky look down at Yuji prepared

[ New mission- Dominance of the Challenger]

[You have challenge a goat in duel for dominance and your challenge has been accepted]

Seeing the system notification this a dumfounded expression appeared on Yuji's face. "What the fuck."

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