
Reborn as a Fallen in DXD

This is a story a young man in his 20's, who died because of GOD mistake. But for his surprise GOD gave him a second chance to be reborn again in his most favourite anime High School DXD with 4 wishes. This is my first fan-friction novel please enjoy. ----- NOTE : This novel is purely based on imagination and i do not own any characters or the main story of HIGH SCHOOL DXD. And i don't own the cover as well I just got it from Google, if you don't want that then just tell i will remove it ok. Please don't sue me i beg you. Thanks and, ENJOY. Please support: https://discord.gg/k5rAzk6xdP

Vladimir_Alexander · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 6 Shuri's location and Decision

In a forest you can see two children cuddling and sleeping, one was a 10 year old boy with golden hair and blue eyes and other was a 10 year old girl with black hair and golden eyes, there were Asahi and Kuroka.

"Shall we go home?" I asked Kuroka who was sleeping on my chest, i have dispelled the barrier a after Kuroka handled her powers because he did want any attention.

Kuroka hearing him saw that suddenly satup

"Wait, I don't even know your name" she gave me a silly but a cute smile.

I stud up from the ground opened my 6 pair of wings, as i walked on the air i said "My name is Asahi"

"Asahi Azazel"

Kuroka just gave a warm smile and opened her wings and flu to me. She just held my hand and said "Ok".

I looked confused and asked her "Don't you want to ask me anything about Azazel being my father and all?"

Kuroka shook her "I don't care. I just want to be with you, Because you are the only one who makes me feel happy, Together forever remember".

I just sighed and teleported to my room.

Then i called the maid who served me "Tell everyone in the palace that from today all will give her the same respect they give me, She is Kuroka my queen. If i see something is wrong I will kill them all".

The maid saw Kuroka and bowed "Kuroka-sama"

For some reason after fusing with my energy she also started to have my temperament.

After telling the maid to arrange some nice cloths for Kuroka i sent her out, Kuroka went to have a bath.

'Now kuroka is mine but it's a pity my body as not matured to have her completely' thinking of this I sighed.

I walked out of the room to see Azazel and to tell about Kuroka.

After i explained about all the stuff i know about Kuroka

"You mean you made her in to a fallen angel with you powers" he asked me with a curiousity

"Yes dad, this is the 5th time i am telling you she is a fallen angel now" but i can still see him having his doubts, "Wait here for a moment".

I went to the door and told the maid to go and call Kuroka here. After some time Kuroka came inside the study. She wore a black princess dress which made he look cute and noble, I called her near me and told her how he was not believing me. I told her to manifest her wings so he can varify it and so Kuroka just opened her 6 pair of wings.

Azazel suddenly stud up from his chair "12 wings how is that possible".

"Dad i removed the devil chest pieces and fused my powers with her, so when she became a fallen angel she became so power full that she as 6 pairs now" I told him the truth may be 50% truth.

Azazel sat on this chair with his hands on his head "Son you never failed to shock me in any thing you do, i have never heard of anyone making a fallen angel like you in my life".

He sighed for a whole 10 minutes and saw us and asked seriously "So what will you do with her now?".

I held her hand to which she did not refuse and told in a serious voice "She will stay with me from now on"

He saw my hand and knew what i was thinking and smiled "Ok, do whatever you want i won't stop or say anything".

Then i took her hand to walk outside of the study but stopped halfway and turned to him "Dad i want to know Shuri Himejima location"

Azazel didn't ask much and told her loction to me.

I came to the room with kuroka, Kuroka said she was sleepy and went to bed.

I came to the window and thought about akeno

'Should i save her, According to the time line of the plot her mother will me attacked and killed. she will be abandoned by her relatives for her fallen angel blood, she will be saved by rais after 1 and half year later.

No, I want her to be turned in to a devil for my taste, let me master "Wang Ling" powers first i have not even touched it's power surface yep'

So i decided to practice hard to master his power so i can crush the party of that Oppai Dragon.

As I spent the next few years in training 'Wang ling' powers and started to create many skills from that anime,



Cuddling with kuroka while sleeping

And doing some normal stuff with Azazel

Before i knew it i was 13 Years old.
