
I'm dead right

Hello dear mortal-??? A voice said and

as I looked up I saw a man in white robes standing before me.Before he could say anything I quickly put the pieces together and realized I'm dead and the man standing before me Is some type of God.

I'm god and you must be wondering whats happening well the thing is yo-God.

I'm dead right I deadpan.

U-um yes that is correct you are dead but you can be reborn or you can come stay in heaven with the other angels-God said.

Reborn I would like to be reborn I said with a slight grin on my face as a the about the possibilities.

Ok since Your death is my fault I will give you four wishes-God.

Ok for my first wish I want to be reborn as a dragon demi-human in a fantasy world like in the mangas my friends used to talk about. And my second wish is to gain the abilities of the thing I eat.

For my third wish I want big wings so I can fly with ease.For my final wish I want to have need to for sleep.

Ok granted you shall now be reborn mortal have a good life?-God said as every thing got blurry...

I wake up to see an old woman holding me in her arms smiling down on me though she looked nothing a demi huma.. But I'll just have to wait and see.

Hold on my friends always said the the main character/Mc could always just say status and a window would pop up I wonder if that'll work I thought to myself but unfortunately Couldn't speak yet so I'll have to wait a few years....