

"Welcome back"

"What? I thought I died." I exclaimed

"Well. The thing is. It's complicated, and we have a bit of explaining to do. But first let us introduce ourselves. I'm the lead researcher Arthur. My three associates are Mary, Kim, and Thomas."

"Hello John." The three said in unison.

"Now. First things first. You've been... Asleep for a while. 300 years. Give or take a few months."


"As far as we know. You have no living descendants from your family. They all died off roughly 150 years ago during World War III"

~My family. Gone. All gone. What will I do now?~

"World. War. Three? How bad was the damage?"

"Pretty bad most of Earth is a radioactive wasteland. Just barely recovering. Most of humanity fled to space. Which is where we are now."

~A space station huh, just far have we come in the 300 years I've been asleep.~

"We have a few questions for you. The first one being are what are your very last memories."

"Well. It was a pretty nice day out. I was hurrying home to my parents house after making a quick run to the convince store for a drink. I remember a truck flying out of nowhere and thinking about a common trope in rebirth novels. And then I felt a flash of pain. And I saw... I saw..."

"Please continue John."

"Then I saw one of my arms and one of my legs on the ground. And I was bleeding out. Then. All I saw was pitch black. Then I heard a weird voice and woke up here."

"Good. I'm glad to see your memory isn't bad after all of those years. Now. I'm not quite sure how to put this. But try moving your body"

"What do you mean?"

As I try to move my body. I realize something.

~My arms are gone! So are my legs! What happened to me?!~

"I thought I just fell into a coma or something. What happened?"

"Well. You didn't actually fall asleep. You've been dead for 300 years. We are part of a company that is trying to develop Cybernetic Humans for use in differing fields. Project Phœnix. This is completely new to us. And you are the first human to actually have it succeed on. If we can learn what made you actually awaken. We may be able to end death itself. Anyways. I'm sure you have questions. So go ahead and ask now."

~Questions aren't even scratching the surface. My whole world has been flipped in whole hour. Well. 300 years.~

"My first question is: When am I going to get my limbs back?"

"Well John. As soon as this talk is over. We'll install the prototype limbs that we use with all of our Synths."

"Synth? What are those?"

"It's the preferred term for what you would call Robots. And you would be what they would call a Demi-Synth"

"My next question is what do you people plan to do with me?"

"We'll after getting you back to basic motor functions. We'll train you in combat. As in this age strength is huge factor and you won't get far without it. After that. We'll help you get integrated into society. You are the progenitor of our whole program. So we need to prove that you can be just like a human. Even better even."

~A better version of humanity. I like the sound of that~

"Now, how about those limbs?"

Well second chapter with a little bit of world building. If you guys enjoy it leave some comments on some ideas and I’ll see what I like and what I’ll incorporate into my novel.

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