
Shadow Ball + Witnessing the Power of Complete Domains

After looking at his balls, he figured out several things that he could do with them.

First of all, each ball required one to focus their entire mind to control them. Of course, Inei could bypass this restriction by creating separate streams of thought. Each ball could only shape itself into one-part objects. For example, with one ball, he could create a pipe, but he wouldn't be able to form large and complicated structures, like cars, without knowing the structure of the car and having more orbs. Of course, for small objects, like books and nails, he could create them easily.

Secondly, he could 'see' everything in the direct view of the orbs. Coupled with the ability to hide these in shadows and change their colors at will, he had gained a pretty good scouting tool. Although he hadn't tested this new ability out against top-notch jujutsu sorcerers, he reckoned that they might not even be able to notice them. Well, as long as they weren't from the Zenin clan, that is.

Finally, and Inei was most excited about this ability, it could affect the soul, the body, and, to a lesser extent, cursed energy.

Inei did, however, have to use cursed energy to form and maintain them. When Inei tested out the consumption, he realized that the cursed energy usage to manipulate them did not have a constant increase per orb. This meant that when he formed more orbs, his consumption of cursed energy would increase exponentially.

Of course, as long as his consumption was lower than the regeneration of cursed energy, he could use them indefinitely.

Currently, in his daytime form, he could use 3 of them at once without negating the regeneration of his cursed energy. In his nighttime mode, he could use 10.

'Hmm, what should I name this? Big Flying Balls of Death? Orbs of Primordial Chaos? Truth-Seeker Orbs? Shadow Ball?. I do look like a skinny Gengar, so lets go with that.'




One day, as he was training with one of Maki's spare spears, Gojou, who was carrying Yuuji with his right hand, teleported in, grabbed him without saying anything, and teleported away.


When he opened his eyes again, he was floating above a large lake. In front of them was a small hunchbacked monster, who made people feel like he was an old man.

'Oh sh*t! Has the plot already come to this far? And why did Gojou bring me here?'

Besides him, Yuuji was freaking out.

"What am I doing here?" he said as he started frantically looking around.

"I brought you and Inei-kun here to watch me fight this special--grade monster. Don't worry, he is weak," Gojou smiled as he said.

Inei's eyes widened in realization, 'That's it! Gojou doesn't know that Jogo is part of a group!'

Shaking away his thoughts, he turned his gaze to Jogo who, angered due to being called weak, had blew his lid, literally and figuratively. Huge streams of fire flowed out of the holes in his head, immediately evaporating the surrounding water.

Making a few hand seals, he activated his domain, Coffin of the Iron Mountain. Their surroundings were covered in darkness before the inside of a volcano slowly came into view. The temperature rapidly increased, but Gojou quickly nullified it. Huge chunks of rocks and globules of lava shot towards them, breaking apart with just one of Gojo's punches. Throughout the entire time, Gojou was lecturing Yuuji on how domains work, while Inei was examining Jogo's usage of his cursed energy.

Domain expansion was a high-level barrier technique that realized one's innate domain. Although not specifically stated in the manga, they were typically related to one's innate technique.

Due to his inability to quickly and efficiently form a barrier wall, Inei had yet to form a complete domain. He had a theory that as long as he could understand Toudou's lesson on cursed energy channeling, he would be able to unleash a domain.

'I need to see more people channel their energy,' when he saw Jogo attacking, he felt like he had vaguely grasped the concept of channeling, but it kept escaping him.

Meanwhile, Gojou had started to take off his blindfold, revealing his six-eyes(No, he doesn't actually have 6 individual eyes, that is just the name. Think of it as a cool looking eye with the energy-seeing abilities of a Byakugan combined with the perception of a Sharingan).

He crossed his fingers before unleashing his domain, immediately wiping out Jogo's and trapping him by overloading his senses.

'How can I bypass the domain's effect? Maybe if I completely shut off my senses before looking through my shadow balls? That might actually work... well, unless the domain also affects consciousness-imbued objects. On second thought, it probably won't work. After all, it would be silly if the domain didn't work on cursed puppets. Wait, most cursed puppets don't have a consciousness, they are just moving due to someone controlling them with cursed energy'

After ripping off Jogo's head, Gojou was about to take down the domain when Inei stopped him and asked, "Can you let me see what it feels like?"

Gojou smiled, his eyes twinkling, and said, "Sure"

Immediately, his mind practically exploded from the intake of information. He cut off his senses' connection to his mind and tried looking through a shadow ball stored in his shadow. Surprisingly, Infinite Void didn't affect them. He still couldn't move, but he could attack via his shadow balls, if he wanted to.

He waited for a while before Gojou took down his domain.

"So, how did it feel?"

Inei thought for a moment before he truthfully muttered, "Annoying"

Gojou chuckled quietly as he put his blindfold back on. He turned his attention back to Jogo, about to start questioning him on his intentions, when several sharp roots came burrowing out of the ground, shooting towards Yuuji and Inei.

Inei didn't move, allowing his shadow balls to cut the ones that approached Yuuji and him. Gojou didn't do anything to stop Jogo and Hanami, only watching them run away.

Gojou looked back to Inei and Yuuji. Yuuji was still tensed from the sudden attack, while Inei seemed to be deep in thought.

'Good, they seem to understand where they stand now in terms of strength. When one understands their own limits, they will naturally understand the limits of others as well.'

Suddenly, Inei looked at Gojou and asked, "How do I improve my control over my cursed energy?"

Gojou smiled before shaking his head, "You'll have to find that out for yourself"

Inei frowned, "Can you show me how you attack?"

Gojou looked to the distance and raised his right index finger. A red glowing orb formed at the top of his finger. A short moment later, a huge beam shot out, blowing everything in front of its path away. When the huge dust clouds faded away, Inei could see the large amount of destruction just from that one attack.

'Sigh, I'm still nothing compared to the true powerhouses. One day...'

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