


"I'm ready whenever you are."

Ichigo said as he pressed the dog tag to his chest.

"Lay down the rules."

Ichigo smiled as he lifted his zanpakuto to his shoulder.

-Recap end-

Before Ichigo's body hit the ground, Toshiro used shunpo to catch his body before doing it again.

Appearing in Ichigo's bedroom window, Toshiro places his body on the bed and casts a bakudo

"Bakudo 78, Millón Escudo"

-This spell creates a powerful barrier on any part of the body.

After casting the bakudo, Toshiro appears behind Uryu and Ichigo.

"We're going to have a chat after this is over."

Toshiro turned to Uryu and said, as he walked past them with his pistol out.

A hollow jumped in for a sneak attack as Toshiro had his back turned. Channing a large amount of reishi into the barrel, Toshiro fired as the Hollow neared.

Opening its mouth in a roar, the hollow's upper body exploded on contact as the shot continued, killing twenty more caught in the crossfire.

Not done, Toshiro began to chant.

"The crest of turbidity, seeping out. An insolent vessel of madness. Boiling up, denying, numbness, blinking, obstructing slumber. The steel princess who creeps. The mud doll, ever disintegrating. Unite! Oppose! Filling the earth, know your own impotence!

"Hado 90, Kurohitsugi."

After finishing the chant, a large box of black energy formed around the majority of hollows, and pierced them with dozens of energy spears, lacerating them from head to toe.

As the box falls, Toshiro turned and walked between the stunned boys.

"You two can handle the rest."

He uttered before vanishing

Seeing the man that caused them to stay rooted in instinctual fear vanish, the remaining hollows rejoiced with shouts as they charged Ichigo and Uryu.


Arriving just outside the playground, Toshiro watched as chad stood with blood running down his face, but he didn't look worried as he brought his right arm back and punched with all of his strength.

Mirroring chad, the hollow punches forward, but before they connected a bright light illuminated Chad's arm.


At the sound of a punch connecting and tearing through flesh, the hollow was sent back from the smoke with one less arm.

When the smoke cleared, Chad could be seen standing there with a transformed arm. It was black with a red stripe going down the middle, and two white lines that operated the black and red on both sides. Above his shoulder stood a guard resembling a mounted gun guard with the same colors. On the side of his wrists were two back spikes protruding up.

"What the hell."

Karin muttered before flinching as she thought she heard her oldest brother whisper "language." in her ear, but she found nothing as she frantically looked around.

'Haha, that was fun.'

Toshiro chuckled lowly as he watched Chad finish the hollow.

'Thank you for saving Karin, I'll make sure you become much stronger than your original self.'

Toshiro vowed as he once again shunpos away.

-Karakura High School-

Standing on the roof, Toshiro watched as Tatsuki promised the hollow an ass-kicking for making Orihime cry.

-Five minutes later-

Unlike the original, Tatsuki didn't pass out, but she helplessly watched as Orihime fought.

Feeling the slight fluctuation of reishi, Toshiro lazily glanced over as Tatsuki stood on shaky legs.

'Is she going to become a Fullbringer as well?'

Toshiro wondered curiously.

As the hollow went to grab Orihime, Toshiro got an idea to help Tatsuki unlock her power.


Toshiro muttered lowly as Orihime's arms locked behind her back.

"I've got you now"

The hollow spoke with glee as it squeezed Orihime


"I wonder how hard I have to squeeze to see your head pop off."

'Her reiatsu is higher than Orihime's, but I don't see any changes. Did it not work?'

Toshiro's musings were interrupted a second later as Tatsuki cracked the ground in a show of speed and power. Appearing in front of the shocked hollow with one step, Tatsuki sent it flying forty feet into the air with a kick to the chin.

'What the fuck.'

Toshiro exclaimed mentally as he watched Tatsuki place Orihime to the side.


"Get up, ugly. I promised you an ass-kicking."

Tatsumi mocked with a cocky grin.

Enraged, the hollow shot four thorn-like projectiles at her. Dodging two, Tatsuki caught the other two between her thumb and middle fingers before flicking them back into the hollow's eyes at triple the speed.

"Increased durability, speed, and strength."

Toshiro muttered to himself, only for Tatsuki to look up at him with a smirk.

"You can go ahead and add hearing and sight to that list, pretty boy."

Coughing to hide the embarrassment, Toshiro hopped down next to Tatsuki

"How long have you been here?"

Before answering, Toshiro put a reishi bullet through the hollow's head to finish it off.

"Long enough."

"And you didn't help, why?

Tatsuki asked with a little annoyance

"Because you're strong, and I could feel that you were getting stronger."

"At least you're not lying to me."

"Can you hear my heartbeat?"

Tatsuki nodded with a smirk.

"Your powers keep surprising me, but I think I understand them now."

"Let's hear it."

Motioning for her to sit, Toshiro sighs before preparing for the long explanation and questions.

"What you are is a Fullbringer, a fullbringer draws out souls that reside in materials and put them to use. It also allows them to alter their appearance and manipulate their movements. When a fullbringer comes into contact with a tool or piece of equipment that's compatible with them, they can change its form."

He showed his necklace for example.

"Like you, Chad just unlocked the same power, but his object was his skin."

"Why his skin?"

Tatsuki asked as she leaned forward in interest.

"Because he's proud of the skin on his arms. The reason for his power has a story, but it's not mine to tell."

Nodding in understanding, Tatsuki motioned to continue.

"You have confidence in yourself. When you stood up to save Orihime, the thought that ran through your mind was, 'better, I want to be better, faster stronger, smarter, and many more.' you desired to be better, but without changing yourself. In response, your power manifested as such."

"So, my full bring power is, me?"

"Yes, it makes sense if you think about all the training and practice you do. You've been building self-confidence from years of hard work and dedication to your craft. Physically changing anything about your appearance wouldn't feel right to you. Am I right?"

"Yeah, thank you."

She replied with a small blush from all the compliments


I'll upload at least 2 chapters every weekend when I'm ahead of schedule, so prepare for the unexpected chapters.

And the reasoning for Tatsuki's fullbringer might be a bunch of bs, but I liked the idea.

Next chapter