Human turns into a Vampire and gets revenge and love.
Like no other day, 25th December, on Christmas day Hyun woo and Na mi decided to meet each other for a date as it was Christmas and their 2 years anniversary. Like always Hyun woo was waiting for Na mi to show up at Kim's cafe that they decided to meet at. Kim's cafe was the cafe where they first met and had their first date.
Almost an hour passed by but Na mi still did not show up so Hyun woo decided to call Na mi and ask why is she taking so long.
( Incall)
Hyun woo: "Na mi, where are you? why are you so late?"
Na mi: "Uhh, Sorry I am still getting ready."
Hyun woo: " But you are 1 hour late. Nevermind I will come pick you up."
Na mi: "No no need I am on my way."
( Hyun Woo did not hear the last part of the sentence and ended the call)
After the call ended he started to head towards her house. While he was on the way to her house, when he was crossing the road a car came dashing and hit Hyun woo really hard and sped off. Hyun woo flew up and landed in the middle of the road really hard that his leg and arm broke and his head was bleeding really heavily. While he was about to lose consciousness on the other side of the road, he saw a blurring figure which looked like Na mi and he was sure that it was her because she was wearing the clothes that Hyun woo brought for her the day before. But Hyun woo was shocked when Na mi walked away without even looking back at him.
This all showed that Na mi was not even a bit concerned about Hyun woo at all. She did not even turn back once to see Hyun woo. After that Hyun woo lost all consciousness.
( Kang a vampire has powers, one of the power was stopping time and another own was mind control so whoever he makes eye contact with they will forget all the memories they had for the whole day.)
At that moment the time stopped all around and from nowhere Kang came out and carried Hyun woo and ran away really fast. After the vampire disappeared all the people that were there were really confused about what happened. But all the pupils forgot about what happened really fast and continued their Christmas celebration as if nothing happened.