
Chapter 1: Mundane Life and Rebirth

My name is Ethan Miller, and my life has been nothing but average. From the very beginning, I knew no extraordinary circumstances or remarkable achievements. Growing up in a small town with a modest family, I was always the quiet and introverted one. While others seemed to effortlessly make friends and build relationships, I found solace in the pages of books, the solitude of my thoughts, and my deep love for history.

After completing my education with average grades, I chose the path of stability and pursued a degree in accounting. I landed a job at a local accounting firm, where I diligently carried out my responsibilities. Colleagues saw me as reliable, but I struggled to form any deep connections with them. It was as if I blended into the background, unnoticed and forgotten.

Outside of work, the loneliness in my life was palpable. I had no close friends to share my thoughts and experiences with, and my family was absent from my life due to tragic circumstances. Losing my parents at a young age meant that I had no siblings or extended family to rely on. Days drifted by, marked by a profound sense of isolation.

To fill the void, I sought refuge in hobbies that allowed me to escape the monotony of my existence. Books became my constant companions, transporting me to faraway lands and introducing me to fascinating characters. Alongside my passion for books, my love for history burned brightly. I delved into the annals of the past, relishing the stories and lessons that it held.

Nature also became my sanctuary, providing a temporary respite from the emptiness that pervaded my everyday life. I would often take long walks, immersing myself in the beauty of the world around me, reflecting on the historical significance of the places I encountered.

However, fate had a tragic twist in store for me. One evening, as I was engrossed in my thoughts, I was struck by a speeding truck while crossing the street. The accident left me severely injured and fighting for my life.

Despite the best efforts of medical professionals, my injuries proved too severe to overcome. Days turned into weeks as I lay in the hospital bed, clinging to life. Ultimately, my body succumbed to the injuries, and I passed away, leaving behind a life that had been defined by solitude and unfulfilled dreams.

As I departed from this world, I carried with me the love for history that had always been a part of my being. In the end, I found solace in the knowledge that my passion had brought me moments of joy and intellectual fulfillment, even in the midst of a lonely existence.


In the quaint state of Vermont, nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of the 19th century, a tale of extraordinary circumstance began to unfold. From the depths of the ethereal realm, Ethan Miller was reborn, shedding his former self and emerging as Scrooge McDuck, the sixth son of a destitute family. The McDuck household was filled with the clatter of boisterous voices and the bustling of weary souls. Five older brothers and three older sisters stood as guardians, casting long shadows over the youngest, Scrooge.

As an infant, Scrooge lay swaddled in the tender embrace of his mother, gazing into the world with eyes that held ancient memories. Though his body had been renewed, the remnants of his former existence lingered within him, whispers from a forgotten time. Yet, as the dawn of his new life arrived, Scrooge found himself engulfed in the shroud of uncertainty. The knowledge of his past collided with the disorienting sensations of infancy, leaving him bereft of understanding regarding his era or his place in the world.

The year was 1853, a time fraught with turmoil and transition. The winds of change whispered through the land, foretelling the storm that would soon envelop the nation. But to Scrooge, these historical nuances were mere fragments, elusive whispers he struggled to decipher.

Unable to comprehend the world around him, Scrooge's senses remained nascent, preventing him from fully experiencing the vibrant tapestry of life. The sights and sounds that surrounded him blurred into a symphony of vague impressions. The tender touch of his mother's hand, the scent of the crackling hearth, and the muffled voices of his older siblings were but distant echoes, slowly seeping into his consciousness.

In the McDuck household, life was a constant struggle. Poverty cast a heavy shadow over their humble abode, leaving little room for extravagance or idle musings. Scrooge's brothers and sisters, weathered by their arduous existence, shouldered the burden of their family's survival. They toiled in the fields, their sun-kissed brows glistening with sweat, while Scrooge, in his tender infancy, remained an observer, a mere passenger on the turbulent river of life.

As days bled into nights, Scrooge's mind sought to bridge the gap between the fragments of his past and the reality that enveloped him. His older siblings, with their weathered faces and calloused hands, seemed like guardians from a forgotten time. But the question of their significance eluded him, buried beneath the fog of infancy. The yearning to comprehend his place in this unfamiliar world grew with every passing moment, tugging at the depths of his being.

In this age of horse-drawn carriages and flickering candlelight, Scrooge embarked on a silent journey, seeking understanding and connection. He yearned to discover the meaning behind the echoes of his former self, to unravel the tapestry of history that entwined with his essence. Though his voice was but a whisper, his spirit burned with a quiet resolve.


The distant toll of church bells echoed through the village, announcing the dawn of a new day. As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the cracks in the wooden shutters, Scrooge stirred in his cradle. His eyes, though still unable to focus clearly, peered out into the room that enveloped him. Shadows danced across the worn floorboards, their ethereal movements mirroring the mysteries that surrounded his existence.

In the corner of the room, Scrooge's older brothers prepared for the day's labor. Their voices mingled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, carrying fragments of conversation to the infant's ears. Words such as "harvest" and "trade" floated by, puzzle pieces that Scrooge longed to assemble. He strained his senses, attempting to glean any understanding from the muffled symphony that filled the air.

Amidst the tumultuous household, Scrooge's mother, Mary, approached his cradle, her face etched with tenderness and fatigue. She scooped him up into her warm embrace, murmuring soothing words into his ears. Scrooge's heart swelled with love for this woman who cradled him, her touch resonating with a familiarity that transcended his newfound infancy.

Mary's voice, a lullaby in itself, whispered stories of hope and resilience. In the gentle cadence of her words, Scrooge caught glimpses of his former self, the person he once was. It was in these moments that he felt the veil of uncertainty lift, if only for an instant, revealing fragments of his past.

As Scrooge grew, his curiosity matched the pace of his physical development. The humble abode he called home held secrets within its timeworn walls, secrets that beckoned to him. With each passing day, he ventured beyond the boundaries of his cradle, exploring the corners of his world with unsteady steps.

His siblings became his guides in this unfamiliar realm, albeit unwittingly. Their laughter, teasing, and occasional squabbles were like puzzle pieces that Scrooge collected, forming a mosaic of understanding. They shared stories of their own, of a time before his arrival, their words serving as breadcrumbs on the path to his past.

One day, as Scrooge watched his eldest brother, Matthew, tending to the family's small plot of land, he was struck by a sudden realization. The image before him sparked a connection, a flicker of recognition that shone through the haze of his fragmented memories. He remembered the fertile fields, the smell of damp earth, and the satisfaction that accompanied a day's toil.

With wide eyes, Scrooge attempted to vocalize his revelation, to share his newfound understanding with those around him. But his voice, still in its infancy, could only produce soft coos and babbling sounds. Frustration gnawed at him, the yearning for communication intensifying with every passing moment.

In the evenings, as the McDuck family gathered around the flickering hearth, tales of history and distant lands were woven into the fabric of their conversations. Scrooge, nestled in the comfort of his mother's arms, absorbed these narratives like a parched sponge. The stories unfolded like portals, transporting him to eras long past, evoking emotions he couldn't quite comprehend.

Among the tales of explorers and revolutions, one particular thread resonated deeply within him--the echoes of the American Civil War. The fervor and strife that gripped the nation captured Scrooge's imagination. He felt a pull, an inexplicable connection to the upheaval that defined the era.

As Scrooge lay in his cradle, his mind delved into the depths of the Civil War, sifting through the accounts of bravery, sacrifice, and turmoil. The nights whispered secrets to him, as if the ghosts of the past sought to share their stories. In the silence, Scrooge's mind ventured into uncharted territories, envisioning scenes of battles, the cries of soldiers, and the indomitable spirit that drove them forward.

Yet, even as his understanding of history grew, the yearning for a voice persisted. Scrooge knew that he possessed knowledge beyond his years, memories that stretched far beyond the span of his current existence. The question of "what now ?" weighed heavily upon him, a mystery that demanded unraveling.

With every passing day, Scrooge's resolve solidified. He didn't know how or why he got a second chance. But he wouldn't waste it. He was average in his past life but now he was reborn in the past armed with future knowledge. The journey would be treacherous, for he was but an infant in a world that demanded his growth and understanding. But Scrooge, the reincarnated soul with the flicker of ancient memories, had discovered a purpose. And so, he embarked on his quest, armed with the fragments of his former self and a determination that defied the confines of his tender age.

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