
Chapter 24

It's 6:30 pm in the evening and the students and some faculty staff are in the cafeteria socializing and sharing memories about their short summer vacation.

While some people were attending to their own affairs and taking pleasure in everyone else's company, others were concentrating on a group of young people in the heart of the cafeteria. Two women who are unquestionably stunning in everyone's eyes were accompanied by two men with golden blonde hair who exuded the highest dignity and power.

"I hope you'll like the academy, your Highness Dominic. I'm sure you'll excel in everything like your brother here." It was a lady with hair as beautiful as a pink rose and her face was beaming with positivity. Beside her was a veritably fine lady that looks exactly the opposite of her, she's got a feisty look and a very curvy body that any girl dreams of having.

Dominic cleared his throat, "I 'll sure do, lady Ashmore." Dominic looked at the lady with curiosity. The girl was Lady Anastacia Ashmore, and the other lady was her best friend, Lady Andrea Acker.

'So, this is the lady that my brother is so crazy about.' Dominic examined her face again.

'Not bad… and this other lady seems like someone I want to see cry in pleasure.' As his old habit, Dominic smirked shortly gazing at Andrea.

While Anastacia and Dominic were having a discussion, Daniel was busy staring at Anastacia. He missed her so much during the summer and they could only write letters while yearning for each other. Since he confessed his feelings, Daniel has maintained his manner despite wanting to kiss her and hold her hand. During their freshman year, it took Daniel 7 months to understand his feelings towards the lady, it started with irritation to curiosity and then admiration. It was merely two months after he confessed and then suddenly the semester was over.

The lady hasn't even responded to his confession yet and so he'll make sure to express his love to the lady whenever he gets the chance this semester.

"Do you enjoy your food, Annie? I previously placed a special cake order for you ". Daniel looked at his assistant and he quickly brought a box containing the cake, which is only available to the highest nobility in the Kingdom.

"Oooh, I like cakes. Thank you, your Highness Daniel." The lady shyly smiled.

"I told you to just call me my name. Please?" Instead of looking stern and cold, Daniel was like a pleading rabbit in front of her. She flushed with his remarks while Dominic wanted to throw up watching the cheesiness he witnessed right that moment.

'Argh, Seriously, this guy doesn't look like my brother at all.'

The woman abruptly shifts the topic and starts asking, "By the way, where are prince Elliott and Everett? I've never seen you three apart so it's new to me not seeing you together here."

She is aware of the strong bond between the three who have known each other since they were children, along with Lord Matthew and Lord Ian of the same Erias Kingdom. She also likes the twins because they were friendly to her throughout their freshmen year.

"Oh, I'm not entirely sure but I guess they're with Matthew…and his sister." Lady Ashmore raised her brows unintentionally as a result of her surprise. Since the twins would not select Matthew before him given that the three of them had known each other for a longer period of time, she suspected that Daniel was keeping something.

"Really? ... Are they dining somewhere outside the academy?"

"Not really, they're just in Matthew's greenhouse…well, this is just my speculation, but I believe Everett liked Matthew's sister."

"Oh?" Anastacia finds Daniel's statement hard to believe. She was certain that the twins liked her as they weren't kind to anyone, including Andrea that she was close to. She suddenly found herself in a sour mood.

"I think her name was Malia, right?" she continued.

"How did you know?" Daniel wondered how she knew about her. Even Dominic, who was listening to their conversation, expressed interest. Dominic was already interested in Malia, and he was already thinking of ways to get close to her. He also had ulterior motives because he wanted to tame the lady, who to him resembled a wild black cat.

"That girl was Lord Cedric Cromwell's fiancée, and when she once caught a glimpse of Cedric and Andrea together, she threatened Andrea!" She exclaimed.

"Hahahaha, I was not threatened, alright? She seems too frail to intimidate me. She just asked me and Cedric some questions. I felt a little bad since I really like Cedric after all."

Daniel and Dominic had the same perspective; in all honesty, they didn't see Malia as someone who would threaten anyone. Daniel believes that she was pushed to prove her extraordinary talent as a result of the engagement's cancellation so the world should celebrate the outcome if anything.

"Poor you, you don't have to feel bad. Cedric didn't like her; it's good to be honest and always say what's in your heart." Lady Anastacia smiled facing her friend and holding her hand.

"Right? You really understand me, Annie." Andrea hugged her friend.

Daniel was a little bothered by her statement but didn't want to make a fuss about it. Thinking that she means well. Dominic, however, was in complete disbelief; although it sounded as though she was thoughtful and caring about her friend, the idea was very skewed or biased. Except for the two adulterers, there was no concern for anyone. She didn't feel bad for Malia and instead made her look bad for confronting the adulterers.

'Did she mean that their feelings were more significant than Malia's? Unbelievable!'

Dominic wiped his mouth and stood up, "I'd like to rest. The trip was exhausting, so I'll excuse myself. Enjoy your night brother, ladies."

The ladies said goodbye while Daniel only nodded. The three continued to eat and talked about their thoughts and hopes for their next classes and lessons.


Meanwhile, in Augustus' private greenhouse, Malia and her companions appeared to be having a great time and enjoying each other's company

They looked funny as there was no proper dining table in the shed and so Malia was sitting on the floor very close to the tea table together with Ian, who shamelessly intruded earlier. Matthew and the twins stayed on the sofa while holding their plates.

Seeing this, Malia can't help but chuckle because she recalls past birthday parties she's been to when guests had to dine standing up because there were no tables or seats available.

I have to say that the seafood pasta and these dumplings were excellent! " It was Ian who initially voiced his enthusiasm for the dish. "Usually, Pasta doesn't taste at all interesting, so I don't really like eating it."

"I agree; this is the first time I've enjoyed pasta. These dumplings...well, the forms were different from each other because we didn't create a decent job in sealing so we assumed it wouldn't taste nice, but it seems like we were very mistaken hahaha." Elliott said.

Everett looked nervously at Malia and said, "Uhm, thank you for teaching us how to make them, Malia."

"You're doing it again!" Malia cried out.

"Huh? What did I do?" Everett looked confused.

"Stop looking so cute! My heart can't take it." Malia placed her hand on her chest acting hurt and with a serious face at that.

Everett blushed again with her silly open admiration of him.

'Gosh! What's up with that adorable face? It ought to be against the law!' Malia was unable to stop fangirling over Everett, who had been adorable all day. Malia considered herself fortunate to be so near them and doesn't care if others think she was crazy for finding him so charming.

Elliott only chuckled at whatever was happening, while Ian and Matthew felt awkward with it.

After a while, Matthew noticed that Malia had a sudden look of disappointment.

"What's wrong?"

Malia sighed as she thought back to her predicament, "I just wish I could store a lot of food for a week here, I don't like making Lily and Al run for errands every single day since they already have a lot of tasks as it is."

"Can't we stock up on food? What seems to be the issue? " Matthew inquired, gulping his mouthful.

"Ehh? They'll definitely go bad! There's no refri— way to avoid spoiling."

"I can do it!" Elliott raised his hand.

"What do you mean?" Malia was confused. 'Does he own something similar to a refrigerator?'

"Elliott is a Water Mage, you see that there's a long metal box in the back? Correct?"

"The one that appeared to contain a second box inside?"

"Yeah, that one! Water Mages can freeze the water that is kept in that outer box, making it last for two to three months. The inner box can then be used to store food," according to Matthew.

"Ehh…Ehh!!??" Malia cannot believe such a thing is possible, she even forgot about Elliott being a Water Mage and Everett as Wind Mage in the story.

"You really have no idea? How could you not know when you've been staying in the kitchen a lot?"

Malia honestly admitted, "Well... I thought they were buying them fresh every day hehe," as she rubbed her head.

Everyone laughed and thought she was charming to admit obliviousness about something. However, they suddenly stopped when Malia suddenly spoke again.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! So does that mean; you can make ice cubes?"

"Ice cubes? " Elliott is unsure of what she is saying, but he assumes that she is asking for a large block of ice.

'I guess there aren't any ice cubes in this place. They're always drinking hot tea regardless of the weather. Ahh, never mind ice cubes, I can just make smaller ice using a knife.'

"Don't mind what I said, but could you freeze that box later, please?" Malia pleaded.

"Of course, that's my payment for the meal."

"Cool! Thank you!" Malia smiled.

Upon seeing her smile, Elliott and Everett were pleased. She had come off as a distant lady earlier that day, but by this point, it felt like they had been friends for a long time.

Elliott kept his word after supper, and Malia also asked him to freeze two containers that she had filled with water. Despite the fact that they are unsure of what Malia will do for them, she appears to be fairly enthusiastic about the request. Malia asked them to make some iced tea the next day.

Later, they all walked Malia back to her room, and the three of them left for theirs as well.

Lily was already in her room, getting ready for her bath. Malia informed Lily that she wouldn't require anything for the day and that she could go to bed early. After saying "thank you," Lily headed to her quarters, which are on the same floor.

Malia took a little longer in the bath before going to sleep.




--- end of chapter 24 ---




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