

The world is overtaken by a storm when the VR game Overworld swept through the world. Boasting the highest realism out of all the VR in the market, Overworld attracted a lot of attention. Coupled with the fact that money in the game can be converted to the currency in the real world, many treated it as a second world. Follow our protagonist as he embarks on a journey as the most disadvantageous race of the game: Orcs.

IWannaWriteANovel · Games
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23 Chs

Chapter 13

Red took off the VR helmet, causing his hair to cascade till it reached his shoulder. Sitting up, he stretched a little before proceeding to the bathroom.

Feeling the walls that had their paint peeled, Red pressed the switch that caused him to squint.

He grabbed the mug in the sink and scooped water from the bucket on the right side of his feet. He took a sip before making gurgling sounds. Spitting the water, Red reached for his toothbrush using it to remove dry and dead skin from his lips. Only after that did he glide the nylon bristles on his teeth and then finish the process by scraping his tongue with the back of the brush's head.

Refilling the mug, Red poured it on his face and neck before filling the mug again. With his right hand holding the mug, he utilized his other hand to reach the shelf and took out his facial soap.

"Drinking glasses couldn't be used as reading glasses so why should I use body soap for my face?" Red tossed his hair back.

Done with his morning routine, Red made his way to the kitchen while humming a tune.

He filled the electrical heater with water and brought out twin packs of coffee, a biscuit, a spoon, and a coffee mug inside the cupboard while waiting.

Time passed and Red poured the contents of the left pack into the mug. He then proceeds to put the metal spoon on before filling the mug with hot water.

Stirring the water, Red pulled out the spoon and put it inside his mouth. Nodding, he discarded the cutlery on the sink and enjoyed his drink along with the biscuit.

Coffee provides many benefits to the human body. It is scientifically proven that consuming caffeine 30 to 60 minutes before a routine increases a person's gains by double. Drinking it also shows a good result for a person's mental health. The study showed that drinking coffee reduces the chances of developing suicidal thoughts by a whopping 50%.

Time passed, and Red, now in his uniform stood behind the counter.

Quirking his eyebrows he greeted his 20th customer of the day with a smile.

"Welcome, Dear Customer. Feel free to browse our wares, you can come to me after you made your decision."

Hmm... why didn't she react?

"Something on your mind?"

"Um-uh, nothing" Layla replied.

Red, noticing his customer's jittery movement, decided to change the topic.

"Can you answer a question of mine? I've been working here for a month and I can't help but notice that the ratio of women to men in this area is not proportional. For example, from the start of my shift, I've only seen two male customers and both of them are with their mothers. Why is that?"

As soon as Red finished speaking, stifled laughter echoed in the dining area like a euphony of birds.

Seated around the table are 8 people, two of them are the mother and son duo that he just talked about along with other six women. They are covering their mouth with one hand to hide their smiles as they look in Red's direction trying their best to hold their laughter.

"This new cashier is much better than the previous one." one of the women said.

"I told you so. I was even stunned for a few seconds when I shopped here last week. The only problem is that he's quite dense or else we could have done many things together."

"You enchantress, what's so bad with being a little slow? I would rather have an inexperienced chap like him than my ex-husband. He only used his knowledge of women to cheat me. Hmph!"

Another round of laughter ensued among the ladies.

Red frowned as he rubbed his chin, "Did I miss something?"

"Um- I would like to pay for these"

"Sure!" Red skillfully put the items in a paper bag and process the payment.

"M-my name is Layla"

Huh? Why is she telling me her name? I think she doesn't shop in a convenience store that often.

"You're not required to give your name." Red smiled and shook his head. He gave Layla her change and watched as she broke into a run as if there was a monster in the store she wants to avoid.

"Kids nowadays are always in a hurry. They should enjoy life." Red sighed, forgetting that he is also one of those "kids" now.

After his shift, Red returned home and once again entered the world of Overworld.