
441 | Powerful Zheng Xiang

Ye Tian Yun frowned as he stepped out of the Elder's Hall.

Not because he was unsatisfied by the chat with the Elder he had just not, but because the looks and the stares from the few disciples were bugging him.

Getting stared at wasn't a new thing for Ye Tian Yun.

In the Middle Heavens, he was no less than a celebrity.

However, what bugged Ye Tian Yun was the fact that these disciples were 'avoiding' him and glancing at him in 'fear.'

'The only thing I did was put a random disciple in his place. What's going on?'

He couldn't help but think that the disciples were overreacting too much.

Shaking his head, Ye Tian Yun walked ahead.

However, just as he was about to enter the Inner Court once again, he encountered an acquaintance.

Hou Xing.

This disciple hated Fang Chen and was the prospective top disciple among the Outer Court Disciples before the Inner Court Entrance Hunt.

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