
Rebirth Of The Serpent Master

“Seal his magic, keep him in the dark!" These words were spoken when a new baby joined the Diverso family. The newborn, foretold to bring chaos and tragedy, now posed the greatest threat to the country. Little did Mateo Diverso know, the baby he had just grandfathered was the person he beheaded not long ago. Karyan, once a powerful wielder of snake magic, had been wrongly accused, stripped of his power, and put to death. Seeking revenge, he vowed to return and bring ruin upon his enemies. But fate played a cruel hand, as Karyan was reborn into the household of his sworn enemy, plotting a slow and deliberate revenge, ”Tell me, how do you plead…?” He asked calmly.

Jeri_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


Karyan and Reverie stepped back into the serpent realm, the familiar sense of magic wrapped around them.

Karyan glanced around. "Do you feel that?"

Reverie nodded. "Yes. Someone else is here."

They walked slowly across the grassy plains, eyes scanning the horizon.

"Let's act normal," Karyan whispered. "Pretend we don't know."

"Got it," Reverie replied.

They started to practice their moves, all the while keeping their senses alert.

Suddenly, a figure stepped out from behind a large rock.

"Who are you?" Karyan called out, trying to sound calm.

The figure didn't answer, but charged at them instead.

Reverie stepped forward. "Karyan, watch out!"

Karyan met the attacker, blocking the first punch. "I see him!"

They fought back-to-back, parrying and striking.

The intruder was quick, but Karyan and Reverie were quicker.

"You're good," the intruder said, breathing heavily.