
Rebirth Of The God Of Souls

Alternate Name: The God Of Souls System! Surrounded by terrifying Gods Deus stood his ground, even with all their tricks and underhanded means they were still killed by his hands! The shackles of a powerful barrier held him but his power was still unfathomable! Sadly, he has to die at the hands of his former rival and friend, who attacked and killed him when he was at his weakest! Chill up! Things are still going according to plan. Deus knew that he would die one day worse still, at the hands of his crafty, two-faced friend who betrayed him in the past. But that was it... He is dead, but his vow to kill Zeus still lives on... All hope is not lost, he left a package for his reincarnated self in the near future, along with a mission to kill Zeus, the Emperor of the Upper realm Million of years later... A gangster and bastard from the Maxwell Family, with an unknown heart disease, discovers a shocking secret... He, Leon Maxwell is the reincarnation of a powerful God by the name, Deus Anima... ┏━━━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━━━┓ Congratulations, Leon Maxwell my reincarnated self, the Soul Merging process has been completed. You've obtained a legacy from the God Of Souls, Deus Anima... THE GOD OF SOULS SYSTEM ┗━━━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━━━┛ 'What?! I'm the reincarnation of the God Of Souls?! ' ***** With this System, Leon would cave his path to power... Even after getting reincarnated his anger has not been quenched and his thirst for revenge has risen even more... "Wait for me, Zeus. I'm coming for your head!" ***** Join our discord server.... https://discord.com/invite/dyhAPQhnsy

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasy
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252 Chs

Creating a bank account.

Looking at the glorious and lively looking city Leon sighed.

'This place is like heaven when compared to the slums, but this place is only for the rich, if you don't have a stable income that can keep up with the overly costly things, then you're doomed. But this gives me more reason to come here. I'm tired of slum life, once I become an adventure then am set for life' 

Breathing in fresh air, he stopped a cab, which was a flying car that hovered one meter above the ground, most heavy flying vehicles can't go higher than one meter hovering.

The cab which was a flying car, didn't have tires, instead it made use of oxygen jet engines, the Jet engine was so advanced that it makes use of pollutants in the air, use them as fuel and oxygen becomes the end-product of the entire reaction, which results in the engine purifying the air instead of polluting it.