
Rebirth of great Demon in past

The Great Demon Reborn in his past and Change his future

Daoist9Gg0go · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Kan lan revenge part 3

And when Ji Kon Lin is going than there a voice come "you think that you can go after killing my sect elders and students "!? Ji kon lin reply"yes "

And than that voice say"hahahahaha than just die!!". When that voice say this than there a big sword come in sky and strike Ji Kon Lin and there was big explosion there and than...

Back to our Kan lan

Kan lan reached his room and than Start cultivation,he take out the seal that he take from his family treasure room and say"this seal have so many pure energy and also they can hide pure energy so in my surrounded person did not find him and than Kan lan place that seal in his front and start cultivation,when kan lan start cultivation that seal fly and give his energy to kan lan .

And in morning Kan lan reached EARTH REFINING LEVEL 3 and than Kan lan room was knocked ,they open the door and in front of his there was a letter flying and than Kan lan see that letter they take than letter and thought "I think that this is from my family but my did they have a blood on him " and than Kan lan open that letter and read and the word was

"The time come in past the person was chang, the sect was change but you did not change,my biggest enemy in the world was you "

And Kan lan was shoke and say

"J.j.j.Ji K.kon.l.lin".

Kan lan face become dead they say"the hope that I was can build my family back to position and also to destroy Qin family and Gen family was end now because..

And back to present the Kan lan saying this to ye ro and Fe ren, Kan lan say and also ki family give me the material that make this pill and than they take out 2 Grade pill and give to Ye ro and say now you two go in garden and cultivate and than they two go in garden and sit and Fe ren and Ye ro take that pill and start cultivation and Kan lan protecting Fe ren and Ye ro and than after 5 hours one servent come to kan lan and say"young master, leader is calling you in hall " and Kan lan go in Hall and they see there was his brother Kan Lian is sitting in one side and there was a girl and a old man was sitting in other side, his father was talking with that old man and when Kan Li see Kan lan they say"this is my First son Kan lan , Kan lan they are from Medical sect and they come here to to recruit a student and they select your brother" Kan lian say"big brother if you want to go sect than you go I did not go there" Kan lan say "no I have my plan so you can go and also if anyone bully you tell me the name of that person" Kan Lian say"okey but your cultevation.." Kan lan stop him and say "you go and you did not take any tansion of our family just concentrate to you

Cultivation,I was here okey" Kan Lian say"okey broken and father I was going than and than Kan Lian fly to his sword and when they go ka li say "I don't know what your plans but I know that you are doing all of this thing to safe our family,I did not asked your paln"than Kan li go to his room

Kan lan say in here mind"father you did not have to take any tansion i have a plan that no one can thought about that."


"In next chapter we are going to see what was Kan lan plan and also what happened to Ji Kon Lin ."