
Rebirth Of Eden

A faithful encounter where you least expect it. Leading Azura to discover the truth of Adama. Motivated to prevent his extinction and that of his kind he sets out to challange the God's.

AzuraAmasu · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Moonlight illuminated the lone sky.

A mesmerizing sight granting access to his abode.

"Not like there's anything to see in the first place."

murmured Azura as he sat down.

The room consists of a miniature window accompanied by a feeble bench.

Despite appearing to be on its last legs, it somehow managed to hold his weight.

A rather vague description considering he's been starved for more than a week.

The Haze caused by candles melting resulted in his vision to blur, only feeding into his urge to nap.

"This could have been my perfect new…" grudging as he allowed his head to rest against the wall.

The blaring screeching of trains interrupting his speech.

Putting the obnoxious sounds aside, the room was the biggest enemy of them all.

Walls filled with decayed bricks, complementing the fragile substance were nauseating wood floors filled with mold.

Looking at the melancholic scene played out on loop only debilitated his resistance to barf.

"what did i do to deserve such treatment??"

A husky voice escaped his lips as he laid down.

Tears gushed from his lapis eyes as the realization of his imminent fate settled.

His emotions finally reaching climax, the feelings he's been dearly holding on to, all released in a single burst.

Digging his overgrown nails into his forearms desperately searching for something to assault.

The idea of yelling his lungs out crossed his mind. The sound of footsteps interrupting his plan.

Quickly turning his head to the wall as to not be seen sulking.

His door creaked open, following it were the sounds of heavy chains and the slamming of his door.

"Was someone in the same room as him??" The thought of being observed bothered him causing him to flinch.

Finally finding the courage to face his inmate, slowly turning his head he was met with scarlet eyes.