
the dragon has a mission

after the battle, yuuji and the rest of th group arrived at miyu's home to take some rest, it was there that emiya revealed his and miyu's story, the girls were moved to tears but chloe kept staring at shirou from her world, yuuji ignored the stares that all the girls in the room were giving him , illya could not take it anymore and asked

"nii-chan, can you please tell me what is that power you used before??" luvia , rin , bazett and miyu could be seen nodding , emiya then turned towards him and said,

"now that you mentioned it, when i tried to use trace on that weapon i felt as if my soul would tear apart just by looking at it, just what is that??" to this yuuji sighed and said

"it is a EX-rank noble phantasm , incursio: the demonic dragon armor " everyone had their jaws on the ground when they heard that , immediately rin asked

"which legend does that belong to??, because i have never heard of a armor type EX-rank noble phantasm!!!"

"of course you have not, because i made it" yuuji said , rin fainted in shock, luvia was uttering some incomprehensible words , illya , miyu and chloe , who had no idea as to the significance of his statement gave confused looks, bazett sat still without any movements while her expressions were frozen


a few days later yuuji used his power to remove all the black mud from Pandora's box and used it as a holy grail to restore the planet to it's optimal condition , soon life returned to the once dying planet,

after that yuuji asked both miyu and emiya to go with them to their universe to which they agreed, it was because they had nothing left for them on this world , just as they were travelling through the kaleidoscope , something unexpected happened,

the archer class card inside chloe reacted to her brother and made her see all of his memories, and by extension , all the memories of the countless lives that he had lived,

as soon as they exited the portal she threw herself onto shirou and started crying, she could not bear the fact that her beloved brother had gone through so much , it took both yuuji and shirou over two hours to calm her down, miyu could understand what she was going through because she herself had felt the same when her brother was suffering, suddently a thought popped into the three girls heads

"wait, since miyu is an emiya , that means that she is our sister, and since all versions of shirou are emiya , then the one from miyu's universe is also our brother , that means we have two shirou emiyas in this world now !!" illya said, the three girls then started talking among themselves, illya had nosebleed , miyu was blushing crazily, chloe was showing a perverted expression, both the shirou's looked at each other and sighed, then emiya from miyuverse came forward and said,

"from today , all of you can call me kuroe instead of shirou, i have stopped being shirou emiya from the moment i took up the archer class card" he said to which yuuji nodded ,


a few days later , we see yuuji sitting in a room along with zelretch sitting in front of him, after bringing the siblings hime and explaining everything to his parents everything went smoothly, especially irisvel, she was giddy with having three sons and having twins at that, kiritsugu first spent a few days locked up in house because he could not accept the fact that his ideals had led his son from alternat dimension to become a counter guardian, but soon he got over it while silently vowing to himself to make it up to them , kuroe was introduced to everyone as shirou's twin brother , the same could be said for gil , yuuji had created a real body for him on ange's request , now he was living with his sister in yuuji's mansion and was forced by irisveil to go to the same school as illya , chloe and miyu, it was funny seeing the child version of the king of heroes, quaking in his boots at the terrifying visage of irisveil

a few days later yuuji received a message from zelretch , as that leads us to his current position,

"so , you are asking me to take my siblings to an alternative version of this world to monitor a holy grail war ??" he asked to which the vampire nodded

"normally i would do it myself but for some reason gaia refuses my very presence on that world, and considering that the only human that she approves of is you, what with you saving one of her incarnations from death and everything, so i want you to go there , also taking your siblings will ensure that they do not get caught up in any trouble after after you left, i had enough of your beatings every time they get in trouble!!" he said the last part with blaming tone in his voice,

"so , which version are we going to??" zelretch grinned and said,

"it is a version where the grail was taken from fuyuki by a magus family called Yggdmillennia, then a group of magus from the clock tower were sent to retreive the grail but were killed by lancer , one of the magus managed to use a reserve function of the grail, now fourteen servants shall fight to decide the winner, ruler class servant will watch over them, i wil be sending you guys around the same time that ruler had arrived , you will join her to monitor the war and make sure nothing bad happens!!" he said to the now sweating yuuji, because yuuji had already figured out which word they were going to

it was the world of fate/ apocrypha!!

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