
the dragon awakens

the next day we can see luvia and rin along with bazett sitting on th eground in seiza position as yuuji looks at the m with his menacing eyes, irisveil was also preset and was giving a very scary smile, the girls did not dare to meet his eyes after what they saw the before day, those demonic eyes would forever be engraved in their memories,

"so , even after i told you guys to stop trying to be the heroes and let the lazy vampire cleanup after himself, you still went after the 8th card , and now illy and kuro are badly injured and may need a few days of rest under my supervision, tell me how should i punish you??!!"he said as his voice took on a demonic tome halfway through , his eyes turning back to the demonic look frm before, his red pupils shining like lights while his white sclera turned pitch black, this was the result of his cosmic energy surging throughout his body and making physical changes,

the girls began shaking in fear as a tremendous pressure erupted from him, in the end it was his mother who calmed him and said

"instead of blaming them we should be finding out what had happened to the crater and the class card??" she said to which yuuji nodded , although he already knew what had happened

the girls looked among themselves while yuuji sighed tiredly,

"stop conversing with your eyes, i know you are planning to go check the crater, knowing my sisters they would follow you no matter what because they want to help their friends and i am sure miyu feels the same , i cannot hope to stop those three unless i tie them up, so just wait until shirou comes back from his outing with sakura , then we will come with you"

""WHAT"" rin and luvia screamed when they heard that shirou went alone with sakura for scouting, they were incredibly jealous, irisveil laughed at how popular her son was and bazett sighed at how the girls of two prominent mage families were behaving

soon the group along with the now recovered kuro, illya, miyu, and ange who followed them because she was bored came to the area where the crater was before, yuuji had a serious face as he said,

"this place is shifting in and out of our reality and another unknown one" just as he finished speaking , two people materialized along with the crater , a woman who was using the 8th class card with gilgamesh, and another who looked to be using a berserker class card with magni,

immediately they attacked the group but angelica was nothing compared to a fullfledged heroic spirit like ange , she quickly defeated the fake , just as ange was about to take the gilgamesh class card from angelica , beatrice sneakily kidnapped miyu and illya , she also took angelica along with the class card and went back to their world,

yuuji immediately opened a portal to miyu's world and traveled there to search for them,there they found out that the heroic spirit of gilgamish was incarnated into a flesh body of a child, ange immediately took to the kid and started calling him little brother , she then forced him into calling her big sister, although he was at first reluctent, soon he really did came to see her as a big sister, two days later they found illya and miyu along with bazett , luvia and rin who were strangely dressed fighting against an army of heroic spirits made from black sludge from angra manyu ,

seeing angra manyu enraged both ange and shirou because of the pain it had caused the both of them, just as they were about to take action they saw the counter part of shirou engage the army ,


(author notes: i will be calling the miyu verse shirou as emiya and illya verse shirou as shirou)

emiya had projected the sword ig-alima and used it to create a platform for him to climb,

"you never learn do you?, faker!!" came the voice of angelica as she attacked him with the gate of babylon, he used trace to defeat all her swords, he was then joined by one of the girs who claimed to be friends with his sister, she also had the same powers as him and that intrigued him, just as the two were about to engage angelica another voice came which startled kuro because of the familiarity,

"you two stand back, you are not yet ready to fight against a heroic spirit yet!!" kuro turned around to find shirou calmly walking towards them with his hands in his pocket,

"another faker??, just how many of you are there??" angelica yelled and fired a few noble phantasms at them but shirou casually raised his arms and a complete form of rho aias formed to protect them, the power of the shield depended on the wielders prana, considering that shirou now used cosmic energy, the shield was practically unbreakable,

he slowly extended his arm and a sword materialized , a beautiful weapon said to be the blade from which merlin had modeled caliburn from, the blade with dragon slaying properties, the sky dragon felling sword, he broucht the blade high and swung down, while calling out it's name

"BALMUNG!!!!" angelica escaped by a narrow margin as the blast rom the sword completely destroyed ig-alima, but without giving her any time to escape shirou continued , another noble phantasm materialized in his hands , a yellow spear that once belonged to the knight of fiann, the yellow rose of mortality, Gáe Buidhe

shirou used the spear to cut off angelica's hand which now fell to the earth, now slightly panicking , she brought out the shield of gods to protect herself, but shirou would havenone of that ,

"trace on, Gáe Dearg!!" the crimson rose of exorcism materialized, he used it to temporarily disable the shield which made angelica panic even more, just as she was about to run away shirou used his power one more time, another spear which looked similar to Gáe Dearg but gave a very different feeling

"Gáe Bolg!!!" the spear that reverses causality, it directly pierced through the heart of angelica, killing her , the class card was then retrieved by ange who along with kid gilgamesh or gil as he was now called who were floating in air watching everything happen, ange then gave the card to gil who got back all of his treasury, he then identified erica to be Pandora's box

just as julian ,beatrice and erica were about to escape , yuuji sealed off the space around them making it impossible, suddenly beatrice used the noble phantasm Mjolnir to it's final stage as Mjölnir Ragnarök, the sky turned red and the area returned to the age of gods, the time of ragnarok began once more, just as the lightning from the heavens was about to kill every one in the area , suddenly the sky cleared and the lightning was negated, the ragnarok did not occur and the age of gods ended, standing at the epicentre , being stared at by a terrified julian and a confused beatrice , was none other than yuuji emiya, his demonic form with red and black eyes , his black hair flowing about wildly in the wind, the absolute pressure from his power, all of it made him both handsome and terrifying,

"you dare to try and kill my siblings, you try to harm my friends, today you shall know that even a weapon of a god cannot save you from the rage of a dragon!!"

immediately he brought out incursio who responded to his father's anger and enveloped him the armor which he wore for the first time after his rebirth


kuro, illya ,miyu, luvia and rin were having a hard time keeping up with the events, first they saw a shirou look alike who introduced himself as miyu's older brother, then much to kuro's shock their own shirou emiya had shown up and used the same powers as the heroic spirit that she used, rin and luvia had their jaws on the ground to find their kind and caring crush destroying a woman using the strongest class card as if it were nothing, bazett was especially terrified now that she realized that , the heroic spirit archer that she had defeated before had not even used 1 % of it's true strength ,

and then suddenly the crazy woman used mjolnir to enact an artificial age of gods and create ragnarok, they had thought that they would die but then everything vanished as if it never happened then they heard a demonic voice that sent chills down their spines, they turned aroud to find yuuji holding a familiar looking rod in his hands

"you dare to try and kill my siblings, you try to harm my friends, today you shall know that even a weapon of a god cannot save you from the rage of a dragon!!"

as soon as he shouted that he was enveloped in a futuristic looking draconic armor with dragon wings, if the pressure before was like a tsunami crashing on a small boat, now it was like a supernova concentrated into a single spot, he then raised the red beam sabre and pointed the tip towards julian and his group, what he did next would forever be engraved into all their minds

"INCURCIO!!!!" the moment the word was said a gigantic beam capable of destroying entire planets vaporized julian and his followers , nothing was left of them and neither was the fake heroic spirits,

he then turned towards us as his armor dissipated into nothing,

"well, now that everything is done , let's go home"

Next chapter