

after war had ended yuuji came back to his world to tell zelretch of everything that had happened, as soon as he got home he learned that his siblings had once again ended up getting caught up in trouble,

it seems that ruby had somehow opened a portal into another version of their universe where yuuji did not exist, they were trapped there for over 6 months , but after they somehow came back only two weeks had gone by, in these two weeks kuroe was in a complete mess as he tried to search the entire world for his siblings , going as far as threatening the clock tower , as soon as the group returned to their home, illya threw herself into her room and did not come out for over two days, miyu had a hollow look in her eyes while chloe would not respond to anyone, bazett, luvia and rin would look at kuroe with a saddened look , but there was also a determined look, sakura would not stop crying for sometime,

it would seem that the siblings had seen a universe without yuuji, and were traumatized by the experiences that their counterparts had went through without their beloved brother, while the group of high school girls now understood just how much their crush in this world had to suffer to gain power to stand by his brother's side, especially after they saw shirou's counterpart who was nothing more that an ordinary human, they were also determined to train themselves even more so that they can stand by his side, they had long since come to an agreement that the three girls would marry shirou, after all even though it was rare, polygamy was not unheard of among the magi,during these 6 months illy,chloe and miyu had grown very close to gil who had done everything he can to protect the three, one week after they returned , they heard the news that their brothers were back to their home world and were now on their way home,

as soon as their eldest brother had heard of what happened he groaned and sighed in irritation, he then looked towards them and said,

"can't i leave you guys alone for 1 month without something stupid happening ??" to this the girls looked away with blushes while the pink kaleidostick was struggling to escape from the grip of the sorcerer


for the next few months everything was pretty much calm if one were to ignore a group of four children causing trouble everywhere for certain families of magi, ange was right now working on a way to use her power "Sovereign of Magical Wands " to try and create another Frankenstein's monster to fulfill eve's wish, this was another thing that had changed, since she was not killed by mordred eve had also come with yuuji to his world where he promised to create another one of Frankenstein monster for her, but his studies hit a roadblock after he started studying her, it seems that the initial design was full of flaws, even though she looked human , over 80% of her body was mechanical in nature, she was essentially a cyborg unlike a superior human she was supposed to be, so he came up with an idea, he will work on restructuring her from the ground up while turning her into a true human , then he will start on enhancing her to the utmost degree while ange works on creating a counterpart for eve,

yuuji had managed to improve her current body into something like robot from an old movie in his world called the terminator, but if he wanted to make her human he would need a material with capabilities of kinetic energy absorption which would make her muscles, and another material with extreme tensile strength and indestructibility which would function as her bones,

while yuuji was working on the inside, ange had already worked out on the looks of the two humanoids, eve did not look much different from her previous self , just that she no longer had mechanical parts showing on the outside like her horn and electrodes on her head, instead she looked like a normal 20 year old girl who just happens to have unmatched beauty , but when yuuji hadfirst seen the designs for her counterpart which they had named adam,he looked exactly like the Frankenstein's monster from an old movie from his original world called ' i, Frankenstein' just without he surgical scars,

as he was thinking of old movies he suddenly thought of something and smacked his face while groaning,

"i am so stupid, why did i not think of this earlier??" he had been searching for materials for eve but such things did not exist in this universe, however such obstacles were nothing to a sorcerer , he could easily use the second magic to travel to a world he knows that has the perfect materials for his project, a universe called the Marvel Cinematic Universe,

normally he could create anything with the help of the first magic: denial of nothingness , but the magic had a limitation such that he would need to know an object at it's fundamental level if he wants to create if from nothing, so he decided to go to the MCU to obtain the two strongest metals known to man,

Next chapter