
My worth- as a forgotten princess

What's my worth? My value in life? How can I as a nobody become known maybe it's the critical dealing of this political feelings? Thy trust in self doubt in father and thy mother is long lost with the feeling of betrayal and unknown thought.

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." Staring out into the white cold covered grounds of the garden yet the feeling of pass sadness came with the cold. " Am I really good? Or am I not?" Questioning my self again as the needle poked they the fabric slowly, even if this room was full of trash it was my trash only. Must I suffer for a death I haven't caused? Am I weak for crying for the love of a man my older sister sued against me? What a Lummox!!!

Fake your purity until something that was never yours becomes another's.

"Can you help me sister! I lost my favorite handkerchief!" The way your eyes rested over caught this fallen little girl over. 'I remember how you frantically cried to me about that old thing I made for your birthday, so I made you a new one with the riches fabric I had which was a pure white fabric with pink string and I made you another.'

'Instead of thinking this fool you cried to the king and said o stole, the proof of blood dripping down my fingers from endless hours of trying to make it nice and beautiful went to waste as a flog hit the bare of my back. My screams went to empty eyes of other. Turning there back on the quivering girl the girl who begged for forgiveness only to be added more flogs. '

'Such a torture mechanism! Created only to raise hell upone this princess!! Should I cry over spelt milk or should I fall to my knees and beg for a second chance. The Gods and goddesses above heard my plead and gave me this chance I TrueType deserve to get back at them 100 flogs each for every times I was accuse of things I didn't do, Fainted from each flog against my my small body before the crowning or the fact that my husband in which I interested all my love to turned his back on the true victim!! '

Gripping the fabric between the small grasp of the fabric face scrunch up in pure sadness and pain. " I can not let my life waste away in this god forsaking storage cage" she spat quietly before she stood up placing The barely finished fabric dress ruffles onto the bed before her feet gently tapped against the old oak floor towards the fire place which hasn't been touched in so long other than earlier that night.

" with the oath, I promise to give I will make them al suffer my wrath !" slowly the from went quiet once more only the crackling of the slowly dying flames and her little sniffles we're heard as the cold suddenly came to work its crazed magic. Turning away from the slowly dying flames only having the night sky to light the room for her. The lights of the moon reflected off the snap making the nightly garden glow beautifully using the light to guide her fingers she began to work along with the fabrics again.

" I am not smart nor am I stupid, I have the memories of my past life and book smarts from every single lonely day of reading and hiding behind a bookshelf listening to my sister tutors teach me, maybe I can do it once more " that question made her first clutch again flincibing as the needle dug deeply into her finger. Pulling it out and started at her fingers.

" am I worth the pain of another?" siting and shook her head of any thoughts and got off the bed and walked to the clothing design fashion design dummies

Fitting the dresses onto the dummies and gently moved new fabric around before fixing the ruffles and making the skirt correctly to give off an illusion of joy and playfulness. I don't want anyone's attention I just want to prove them all wrong.

" have my dress barely finish and yet not even a day passed. In my life before this, I never had the speed of God to finish in such a short time?" she muttered the sweetness dripping from her lips as she carefully pulled over the deep baby blue fabric over the top and carefully connected the corset top onto the dress before she stepped away from her fingers covered in cuts yet she didn't mind all the cared bloody cuts in which she could clean and fix herself.

A loud grumble echoed around the empty room. God was she hungry. " am I worth to be fat?" she puffs her cheeks and glanced at the mirror before smiling weakly. " I am worth to be my own women- uh child"

Fixing the tattered gown before leaving her room holding the key tightly around her neck before she rushed away to get to the kitchen sneakingly digging any guard in her ways" I want food, no one can stop me! Steal bread and moldy soup can fill me so much"

Peeking into one of the lion's dens slowly pushed the door open and saw the oven flames burning yet no one in sight. Walking over to the large table and noticed fresh food in which smelled yummy and delish. Instead of rushing back to her room she ate all four bowls there and then before she gulped down fhs soup until there wasn't anything lift before she rushed and lift the kitchen quirky passing a few guards and maids along the way before slamming into a hard chest.

Eyes snapping upwards there stood the man I adored so much as my childhood friend the one who knew the truth and tried to save me yet so many times before. " Andrew!?"