


Adelia landed on the floor. Her elbow felt like it was on fire, but her brain in its muddled state couldn't catch up.

Was it possible to still feel any more pain? Physical at least. Especially something as trivial as being tossed to the ground. She couldn't count how many times that must have happened today.

She tried her best to focus her eyes around her. As the blurry sight slowly cleared, Adelia's heart stopped. Scrambling to her feet, she ran to the girly pink plush curtains, and ripped them open. A still night met her, but the lush golden fields of wheat beyond the capital, deepened in colour under the half moon, were unmistakeable. As she stood there, mouth agape, she could hear a slight buzz originating from the bright lights of Market Street. Despite the early hour, the sun not yet peeking over the horizon, farmers and traders, no doubt, had begun setting up their stalls in the town square.

Adelia's dangerously still heart lurched, and finally began to beat again. This view. This balcony. This room. It's my room from when I was a Princess, before my whole world was turned upside down.

Refusing to even blink, she spun around and rushed to the large mirror in the adjoining dressing room.

After looking at her reflection, she stood stunned for some time, before sinking weakly into the couch behind her, refusing to tear her eyes from the mirror. The reflection of a young girl, perhaps 14? No it must be 15. Her face was still plump and rosy, but had just begun to show signs of sharpening, the slightest movement of her lips warping comfortably between cute and seductive. Her frame was slim and gentle, but there was a distinctive curve from her waist out to her hips, and her breasts were becoming full and perk.

Still dazed, Adelia recalled an old folk tale that she had overheard the maids whispering in the palace.

A Duchess, scorned and discarded, was cast out of her family home and died starving on the streets. Her husband, blinded by his obsession with his villianess mistress had worked with her and slowly whittled away his wife's power and support until she could do nothing but stagger away, bruised and broken into the slums. As she died, she swore bitterly in her heart that if she had the chance, she would take back what was hers, and throw her terrible husband and his mistress to the dogs.

The Gods had granted her wish. She returned to the time just after her engagement to her husband, and the rest of the story revolved around her wonderous transformation from a timid and weak willed young Lady, to a ruthless and vengeful Hero. The greatest Swordsman, man or woman to have graced the land in eons. She had brought her fiancee to his knees, revealing his sordid nightly affairs and all the treacherous and terrible crimes he had orchestrated in the dark, his mistress at his side. Or so it was from what I remember of the story.

Nonsense. Crazy. Insane.

Is that what had happened to her? She had never asked the Gods for such a thing! Or had everything she gone through before a dream? Or was this a dream?

Her head hurt.

She looked down swiftly, willing the confusing thoughts away and pinched her leg. Not until the skin was raised, swollen and red in protestation did she stop.

Whatever this reality may be, she can think, move freely, and feel pain. For now, this was enough to convince her that she had to face the reality before her. It seemed she really had gone back in time.

She tried to remain as calm as she could, out of habit, placing her hands folded in her lap and straightening out her back with dignity.

Despite the apparent fortuity of going back in time, Adelia was nervous. As a young adult she had been stupid and ignorant, and Nathaniel had had all the opportunity in the world to work against her. She hadn't even realised what had happened to her kingdom and her crown before it was all too late.

She chewed on her nails anxiously.

If the God's truly had given her a second chance, where would she even begin?

Thinking back to the story of the Duchess. As great as the story was, stories are by nature embellished and have a profound streak of.... Being totally unrealistic. She looked down at her dainty hands and wrists, the skin bright, peachy and clear of any and all blemishes. Swordfighting? Dream on. Ignoring her pampered upbringing, she was already in her teens. It was well known training in the sword started from the time one could walk. Even her skills in politics and scheming were severely lacking - evidenced by her end at the hands of the 'Kingdoms Hero' in her first life - her husband.

Her mouth formed a grim line as she was reminded of his pugnacious face!

But. She admitted with a sigh, her dignified posture crumpling. He was smart. Her Father used to urge her to focus on her studies to take over the crown.

"Misguided charity does no one any favours." He had said solemnly, "To rule you must bring prosperity to the whole land, that none should need such charity."

Of course she hadn't listened. She had thought she had more time, that she could tour the land, learn first hand the plights of her people and help them with her own hands. And then later settle down to study the laws and letters.

But it was folly. When the people were starving, rogues roamed the streets at will and the monsters began to cross over Gelly's Wall, their fury turned to their ruler. The sweet Princess of the past - merely a pass time of the nobility. Throwing scraps to the dogs and expecting them to appreciate it.

Perhaps they were right, she thought glumly, even without Nathaniel fanning the flames. Had she not wasted so much time on her idealistic fantasies and had taken her role as the future leader of their Kingdom more seriously, perhaps she would not have been fooled and controlled so thoroughly.

Adelia closed her eyes and opened them slowly. It wasn't a groundbreaking idea, but it was a start. She could take her time for now. Nathaniel hadn't poisoned her Father until 3 years in the future. At least, even if the worst should come to pass even in this life, she wouldn't just be a mindless puppet stamping her seal on every document her husband placed on her desk without question. She needed to learn more; about the rise and fall of Nations, Economics, Trade, Negotiation, Arbitration.

Still unsure of herself, but feeling a little better now she had at least one thing to work towards, Adelia made her way back to her bed and lay down. But the sleep never came.

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