
Rebirth: Might, Magic, Mayhem

Earth failed to protect the land of Socrathia from the invasion of demons after humanity had been summoned through a VRMMO to protect the land of Socrathia; subsequently Earth fell under the might of Driblarks Horde.  As one of the last survivors, Jason was ready to give his life for humanity, only to be betrayed at the last moment When The System that governed the world of Socrathia gave Jason the opportunity to reincarnate a day before --Might, Magic, Mayhem -- went live, Jason accepted. Filled with regrets of his past life, Jason awoke a day before the VRMMORPG that opened the gates to a new realm was released. Allowing him to prepare for the demonic invasion, and change the fates of all those around him. Armed with the knowledge of the future Jason is ready to become an unstoppable force and strengthen the forces of Earth and Socrathia to defend against the endless tides of the horde. Come support me on Patreon for exclusive access to early release chapters and an exclusive discord community. https://www.patreon.com/might_magic_mayhem

dav3676 · Games
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29 Chs

Quest Start

As Jason went to pick up the loot a small crowd had formed. There were several Users who had been watching from the side. Some of them were staring at Jason with their mouths wide open.

"Did you see that?"

"Look at all that blood!"

"That guy must have Legendary equipment on him! He doesn't even have a scratch!"

"No way that's Legendary, it has to at least be Mythical!"

"Nah man, that guy's probably just a high level. He's just bullying the weak, you'll be able to do that as well when you're his level."

There were even some Users who were chatting to themselves describing the whole scene over again to an audience. --Might, Magic, Mayhem-- had an option for streamers to connect to their audience, spreading the fame of this game even more in the real world.

"My name is Dreamcatcher with Funky Real News bringing you the first in game footage of Player vs Player action! Viewer discretion advised, as you can see there was a ton of blood! Let's go interview the winner and get his name!"

As Jason picked up the last silver coin he counted his gains; Two maces, two Oak Shields, one bow, thirty arrows in a quiver, eight health potions, one dagger, a holy staff, and twenty nine silver. Plus the eight silver he had leftover, he now had 37 silver.

Jason looked up after picking up the last silver, very satisfied with his gains. He saw a black haired, robust female with a smile that could win a million dollars walking towards him. She was wearing the beginners clothes and holding a staff in her left hand.

"You said your name was Thanataion right?" She said while outstretching her hand to shake his, "My name is Dreamcatcher!" She flashed him a smile that could melt a thousand hearts.

Jason looked at the hand outstretched hand and shook it. "Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yes, my 2,000,000 viewers and I all wanted to ask you some questions! Would you mind if we go somewhere a bit more…." She bit her lower lip as she looked him up and down, "private?"

Jason chuckled, "I am busy right now, maybe some other time." He quickly turned in the direction he was originally walking towards.

Dreamcatcher was stunned, 'Did he just turn me down?'

"Wait!" She yelled as she ran after him. "At least send me a friend request so we can chat later!" She lightly grabbed his elbow, making sure to put on her cute puppy dog eyes.

Jason didn't miss a step as he continued walking, he did send Dreamcatcher a friend request though which she quickly approved. She could prove to be useful later on.

After Jason pushed through the crowd that was becoming larger by the minute, he continued down the street eventually arriving at his destination, the Crusty Bakery.

As Jason opened the door a pleasant smell of freshly baked bread washed over him. He walked in to see a large counter in the middle of the room, clearly separating the store font and baking area. The counter didn't have much bread left on it for sale, most likely because they were nearing the end of the day and didn't want to have an abundance of leftovers they couldn't sell.

There was a cute little girl on the other side of the counter, maybe only a few years older than his daughter. She had an apron on over her casual villager clothes and smudges of dough across her face.

"Good afternoon sir!" She said with happy little smile over her face, "What can I get for you today?"

Jason glanced at her and walked up to the counter. He scanned over the bread and asked "How much for the rest of today's batch?"

The little girl looked pleasantly surprised. They very rarely ever sold out early in the afternoon! "That'll be 45 copper sir." She politely stated.

Jason nodded and put the 7 loaves of bread into his inventory after giving her a silver coin. He was just grateful that time froze for objects that were put into the inventory; preventing any decay from occurring.

"Keep the change."

"Oh thank you sir!"

He chatted with the girl a little bit about the bakery business while he munched on a loaf to quell the slight hunger he had. As he built rapport with her, he finally got to the topic he had come to this building for.

"I've heard there's been a lot of disappearances lately." Jason questioned.

The countenance of the girl immediately darkened, and tears seemed to glisten in her eyes as she nodded.

Jason, waiting for this reaction, then asked, "Are you ok? Have you lost anyone?"

The girl couldn't hold back her tears and nodded. "My brother just went missing yesterday"

'Yesterday? I didn't think I'd be that lucky to walk in right after it happened!' He thought to himself.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure the guards will be able to find them." He calmly said to her, he patted the table gently and turned around to begin walking out.

"Wait! You're an adventurer right?" She suddenly looked up with hope in her eyes, "You look like one of those new Users who came to our world right?"

"I don't have much money," she continued, "but I beg of you, please save my brother!"

[System Notification – Quest issued: Save my brother – Unique

Difficulty: B

Mona Lokisdu has requested that you save her brother, please follow any leads and rescue him before he dies.

Objective: Return Henry Lokisdu home. Bonus reward if returned alive.

Experience Points: 40

Do you accept?]

After scanning over the mission and seeing that it was the same one that was published in the forums in his past life, Jason nodded his head.

"I will bring your brother home." He said firmly as he walked out the door.

Jason walked out the door, and continued towards his next destination, the House of Magic. 'This quest is going to be a hard one.'

Missions were graded by the system according to their difficulty; the grades ranked from easiest to hardest were F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS and X.

In the past this quest had been activated by a player two weeks after the brother had gone missing. The guards were never able to find the missing people or the culprits in charge, and it wasn't until the User started finding clues after he accepted this quest that the culprits are found.

After defeating the culprits the user obtained an item that granted him an extremely powerful unique class. Since this was a one time quest and a unique consumable item, the player bragged about his victory and the process of obtaining the class on the forums. He then became an almost unstoppable existence until he betrayed humanity by joining the ranks of Driblark.

This unique class was what Jason was after and he felt no guilt taking this man's fate from him. Traitors deserve nothing more than to rot in hell.

Due to the difficulty of this quest though, the User was level two with a six-man party all at level two. Even then they lost four comrades in order to overcome this quest.

Jason wasn't too worried, he had three rare items with some powerful titles attached. He just needed a few extra skills.

As Jason walked up to the House of Magic, he noticed that it seemed like a rather simple building comparable to the other wooden buildings around it. The only difference is that the sign was glowing a bright red with the words "House of Magic" dancing around it.

Jason walked into the store and he saw an extreme change from the simple exterior. Inside, rows upon rows of book lined shelves that spanned for hundred of meters. Great marble pillars rose from the ground to support the impressively sculpted ceiling with a mural of the universe painted on it. The paint seemed to be moving and twinkling like the night sky would, with shooting stars running across the ceiling here and there. The inside was clearly bigger than the outside.

An elf came floating down from the top of one of the bookshelves. "Good afternoon and welcome to the House of Magic where we serve all with delight and might. My name is Frenir, how may I help you?" Frenir seemed to be giving a rehearsed welcome with little enthusiasm in his voice. He clearly was bored with everything happening.

Jason looked at him and quickly got to his point of asking for three skills specifically; Flame Throw, Holy Seal, and Night Eyes.

"I'm also going to need a mage rune imbued into the front of this shield."

"Very well." He waved his hand and a glowing stone appeared out of thin air and transcribed an ancient rune that looked like a blue circle in the center of his shield. "That will be five silver."

"These are all level 0 spells that anyone can learn, are you sure you want them? It will cost you 30 silver." Frenir drawled out, "I have class items for sale as well if you would like to take a look?"

"No thanks." Jason firmly stated, handing over the thirty silver.

"As you wish." Frenir then clapped his hands and three books flew off the shelves and stopped right in front of him. "Here are your items and have a magical day." The elf then disappeared into smoke as his last words echoed in the air.

Jason was pleased, because of the run-in with the Whiplash guild he had enough money to buy three more skills.

Jason picked up the Flame Throw book and received a message,

[System Message – Flame Throw – Skill Book

Fires a jet of flame out of arcane focus. Five-foot length and three foot width.

Thirty damage per second.

Consumes ten mana per second.]

[Would you like to learn skill?]


[System Message – Holy Seal – Skill Book

Imbue item with Holy Energy.

Demonic and Necrotic enemies take double weapon damage.

Fifteen Mana per second.]

[Would you like to learn skill?]


[System Message – Night Eyes – Skill Book

Allows user to see in the dark.

One Mana per second.]

[Would you like to learn skill?]


The inscription that Jason just received on his shield allowed him to cast spells through his shield if he needed.

Jason finally felt completely confident he could tackle this quest and set off with full desire to conquer this new challenge.

He walked outside and walked back towards the Crusty Bakery and stopped at an abandoned church along the way. In the past the User who had completed this quest had given detailed information on where the clues led. All the clues led to this church where a cult was performing a demonic ritual in the catacombs underneath.

'Thanks to the hard-work of the fellow who did this quest before, I can skip the boring and back-breaking work of following the clues.' Jason mused to himself.

There was a large empty courtyard in front of the church, with nothing but weeds and an old dried-up fountain. Looking at the church he cracked his knuckles, drew his sword and attached his shield. He then walked through the front gate, ready to get work.

Prepare for blood, guts, and dark themes in the next chapter!

Shout out to Naheem_Brown_1300, Badboy_01, Chaos_Envoy, Levi_Groom, Project_reader, Ammon_G, and DMay04 for the power stones!!! You guys are awesome and are true fans!

Leave a review, shoot me some powerstones, and share the book with your friends! The more attention this novel gets the further the story can go!

Special shout out to my editor who catches the majority of my flaws!

I just commisioned a new front cover from an awesome artist, that will be ready and uploaded on the 25th of August!

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