
Chapter 9 &10

Following Wilbur's example, I tried to adjust myself to the stance once more.

"What about now?" I said

while stroking his white beards he said with squinted eyes "Hmm, much better. Try lowering your center of gravity a little, The Idea is to be aware of your balance in whatever position you find yourself in."

This is a bit hard to control. I slightly lowered my Hip

"There. Let your body memorize this posture, till you are able to do it even when you are in other postures."

Hearing his reprimand, I could only Sigh "Haa..."

Amusement could be seen in Master Wilbur's eyes after feeling satisfied with my progress.

"it has only been a short few days, but you take everything like a sponge. I'm glad I was able to give you guidance hahaha. You may not be qualified as a Puppet Master yet, but I already taught you the basics. It's up to you to train it everyday after this. If you aim for the top, you'll find this experience to be useful in the future." Master Wilbur said as circled around me.

"Master, to be Honest I still see how all this is connected to being a puppet master...!please forgive my ignorance" I quickly stated.

Master Wilbur smirked at me and laughed before saying "Hahahahaha... Forgive my poor naming sense as well, I only felt it is more fitting than what my predecessors called it."

"And what was it called before?"

" An 'Onalphyss'...It's to exert Dominance over anything and everything, To Control with your Will!!. The One who started this path was a Demon called "Mangral", He jotted down all his insights and so did the one after him. Until it got to my turn, now it is yours." He says while passing me his Journal.

<The Master's Wish!> : Complete your training with Master Wilbur and become a Puppet master.(Your performance would decide the Quality of you class type).

(99% to completion)


Master Wilbur's Book of insights(Journal).

Blue Grade Silver Threads(Rare).

Additional rewards would be added depending on your final results... (40 minutes left.)>


<#1 A strong body isn't enough√(Hidden chain quest) : You have Completed the first Basic steps of being a Puppet Master.>


+40 Will power

<you have received Night Owl leather Suit(Rare)>

<#2 My Will is your Bond?√ : You have completed the basic control of your body, Now you are to build the foundation for your soul. (completed) Spirit stat is over 200.


+40 Spirit

<Acquired new skill Heart strings>

<Acquired new skill Domain>

<Acquired new skill insidious whisper>

<Class name has been changed to 'Onalphyss'(Legendary)>.

<+2 to all stats after every level up >

The series of notifications shocked me a bit and also made me understand something.To recieve the class in full, there were "hidden quests".

Which means without completing them, I might as well be going about with trash. [Evil!...is this how people got there hidden classes?... no wonder they became monsters in the end.] as this thought crossed my mind, the second notification popped up and rendered me speechless.

I had always wondered why my spirit was already in three digits but now that I think about it, it's highly likely that it has something to do with my reincarnation.

On the bright side, with this I completed another quest with ease.



Name: Lu Tong

Gender: Male

Blood line: Lu / ????

Bloodline grade: Silver

Level: 22(Next LV: 132000)

Class: Apprentice Puppeteer(Onalphyss)

Age: 18 and a half years

Skills: Basic Slash(906/1000)LV5

Basic Thrust(1208/1500)LV6


Charge(807/1500) LV 6

Lightning Slash(200/2000)Max Level(Evolve)





Nifty Finger(-)

Weapon Mastery(-)

Heart strings Lv 1(0/5000): Connects Strings from your joruk to an item of your respective skill tree (0/2). Number of items increases as the skill level increases.

Domain Lv1(0/5000): Gives the user minor control over what happens within 5x5m of him or her.

insidious whisper Lv1(0/5000): affect the mindset of any one with a lower will and spirit for 20secs. (cooldown: 40secs). It's effect depends on opponents spirit and will.

Basic Sword art (4530/5000)LV 8

Unarmed Combat(2870/3000)LV6

Qi blocking fist technique(800/2000)Lv 1

Profession: None

Title: Bastard(Unequipped), Barbarian(Equipped),Executioner 1(Equipped), Wolf exterminator (equipped) Hunter 1(Equipped).

Hp: 2220/2220

Mp/Energy: 5000/5000

Hunger: 43%

Thirst: 84%

STR:95 WIL:80 AGI:70 SPI:280 FOC:60

BR:60 STA:85 COM: 44 LUCK: 6

Unassigned stat points: 0

Experience Points(178957)

Anyways just that, I learned the basic of a puppet master. I was exhausted because other than the period needed for sleep and eat, I poured every little time I had these past few days for training. Master Wilbur who had taught me should've also felt tired. But he didn't show it when I looked at him…. instead he was quietly looking around with caution.

"Well well, you will leave tomorrow morning, yes? too bad it seems we are not alone anymore" He said calmly.

[Hmm??? some kind of story progression?] I thought.

"Is the Chu palace is even more terrible now that you don't even have little courtesy?. oh well I suppose it's not so surprising if you think about it. "Master Wilbur suddenly spoke to no one in particular.

Wilbur silently walked toward his tree stump and sat down before using his fan to fan himself. with the silence, his back looked somewhat lonely. in fact I suddenly had a bad feeling as I got into a fighting stance.

Although it's only for a fewdays, he did make me his disciple. Also, at the end of the day, it's the disciple duty to follow the path of their Teacher and protect them if possible.

[Teacher for a day, Teacher for life.]The proverb Ran through my head as I scanned the surrounding.


"at this old age, to think I would visitors trooping in from left to right makes wonder...My apologies, to interrupt your sneak attack..how rude of me!. Now Come, Attack to your heart content. Feel free to get extra People, hahahaha" Wilbur thundered, clearly getting annoyed with whatever or whoever he was talking to.

Still there was nothing but eerie silence that enveloped us. ButThen, Wilbur turned toward Lu Tong and stared straight at him.

[Fate bringing him here might be a sign . This is my last chance to correct the past. Cao er]



In that moment the quiet had become like icy drips onto already cold skin. Cao Li stopped his steps, ears straining as he inspected everything incase there was a trap. He was never like this, like some scared Child. he turned around, eyes taking in every detail, seeing things he'd never had the call to notice before. His last encounter with his Master was now a Heart demon to him and he intended to Kill him today, in other to free him self. The moment he found this location, He brought several elites under him just to slay this Monster of a Man.

As he looked at the anxious faces of those who had fought him before, he was sure they were like him.


Cao Li then spotted the Youth who has been receiving training from the Monster. He looked to be 19 years old, Black flowing hair and smooth fair skin, Obviously from a Noble House but that didn't matter. The youth's sword like brows were furrowed as his sharp eyes darted all over the place.

"Hehehe. Wanna play?" Wilbur said as he stepped out from behind a Wide Olive tree, Just next to Cao Li.

[F*ck! when did he move?!] Cao Li quickly placed a barrier around himself before jumping in different direction. Chaos ensued as his group scattered temporarily while cussing.

Cao Li inspected himself and found a crack on his barrier, his face immediately lost all color. The Scar on his Back and lower jaw seemed to be throbbing.

Wilbur's hands were empty but given the sudden Appearance and aura that seemed to be coming from all around, Cao Li knew this was it, this time Master was going all out and he too would have to give his All.

"Little Tong, Even if I lost my Joruk...Let this useless Master show you how an Onalphyss fights." Wilbur Bellowed as an otherworldly Aura escaped from his body like a Tsunami and his White hair flew around wildly.

Lu Tong quickly looked through their Status

<Name: Lin Feng(Wilbur) Wild Boss>

Age: 323

Level:LV 286(weakened)

Class: Puppet Master(Legendary)

Profession: Assassin, Blade Master, Alchemist...

HP: ??????

MP: ??????

Danger rating: Unfathomable .

<Name: Cao Li(Traitor)Elite>

Age: 46

Level:LV 135

Class: Taoist Master(Rare)

Profession: Alchemist, Con Artist...

HP: ??????

MP: ??????

Danger rating: Extremely Lethal

<Name: You Xi (Elite)>

Age: 33

Level:LV 116

Class: Monk(Evil)

Profession: Poison Maker...

HP: ??????

MP: ??????

Danger rating: Extremely dangerous.

"Below us!" Cao Li yelled abruptly, pulling Lu tong's eyes from the User interface. [All the Enemies are supposed to be seen in the second update...this]

Everyone reacted to the sound and jumped.

However, only few made it in time.



Many screamed as they fell over and Their legs were gone

When the others landed, they took defensive postures, but some of their feet were already entangled by something that appeared to be thin strings.

"Are these…..The Strings?" Someone asked with a stutter.

"they are just steel threads diffused with magical power..." a newbie said as he cut the threads with his sword and prepared for the enemy attack.

"Don't..." Cao Li tried to warn but ended up too late.

The string sucked the qi within the sword like a starving wolf before forcefully drilling itself into the poor lads body. not long after the body turned into what looked like an electrocuted corpse while everyone else sucked in cold breath.

"don't use mana or Qi when cutting them, Use the talisman I had given to you all and get into formation" Cao Li who seemed to have calmed down quickly gave orders.

Turning his gaze to where Master Wilbur stood watching them with an Amused smile , they had already taken their swords and cut off the string before stared at the Monster they were needed to subjugate.

There was no indication of a presence now.

However, they could see the Old man standing alone not too far from them.

While his feet were making dull thuds while tapping his feet on the ground, he appeared to be watching a play and nothing here was of his concern.

The man looked unarmed and He carried not a single weapon.

However, if one looked closely around him, you can see the threads that reflect the sunlight.

The threads were drifting freely in the air as if it were alive.

"Be careful, He is manipulating those steel threads."

the one named You Xi called out, as they confronted Wilbur.

Looking at the scene, Cao Li was hit by a feel of nostalgia. He remembered how they had first me till this day.

"Master changed–You grew old while the Patriarch still remains the same." He muttered.

And as though Wilbur heard his words, he frowned and his steel threads spread out with the speed of light.

The steel threads were glowing in the sunlight.

Relying on that glow, The Group tried to avoid the entangling strings. key word being 'Avoid'.

What was troublesome wasn't its speed but the low visibility, unpredictability and the number of strings itself.

Despite using just five fingers, Master Wilbur manipulated the threads many times the number of his fingers.

And those threads were attacking them from all sides.

Their angle and attack timings were nasty.

He predicted their movements and blocked their escape paths. Moreover, as the directions from which they could evade were limited due to their numbers.

Lu tong stared on with wide eyes and a skill name popped up in his head [Domain?... is this the true ability of Domain?.]

The strings had longer reach than swords, so the enemies pulled out talismans that formed barriers around them. this temporarily stopped the threads as they charged towards Wilbur.

They can't attack unless they can close the distance, which they did.

after all since the beginning of the fight, they couldn't even move one step closer to him.

Now as they got closer to him, Wilbur's fingers moved in an odd manner so all the strings seemed to merge with several others and struck the barriers.

And Instead of them to be repelled, The barriers shattered and they were sent flying backwards.

Within the space of a few seconds, the man has already completely dominated this area once again.

He still hasn't moved a single step.

Just by manipulating the strings using his fingers, he has them running about trying to escape its range.

They looked like puppets being manipulated by his threads.

"Everyone, retreat." Cao Li roared.

In response to the instruction, the others reacted immediately and went outside what they thought was the range of the threads.

If they stay inside, they would only exhaust themselves.

If they don't have a method to attack him, the situation won't change.

Cao Li and You Zi looked at each other and nod their heads.

It seems to be true.

Lu Tong Noticed this and quickly checked on Master Wilbur's status.

<Name: Lin Feng(Wilbur) Wild Boss>

Age: 323

Level:LV 198(weakened)

Class: Puppet Master(Legendary)

Profession: Assassin, Blade Master, Alchemist...

HP: ??????

MP: ??????

Danger rating: Extremely Lethal.

His stats are reducing!, Could this be the Backlash of one losing his Joruk? his essence are escaping fast!.

Naturally, this was what the Duo were waiting for as they quickly put a red colored pill into their mouths.

To manipulate dozens of threads and precisely predict and guide people's movements. That is something that can't be done unless you possessed a certain amount of skill but it was taking a toll on him as he didn't have his second heart to support him.

Cao Li knows many that are stronger than Master Wilbur presently but at the same time, he knew his Master's strength at his prime.

Suddenly the Duo started glowing red as smoke discharged from their pores.

<Name: Cao Li(Traitor)Elite>

Age: 46

Level:LV 200(Temporary)

Class: Taoist Master(Rare)

Profession: Alchemist, Con Artist...

HP: ??????

MP: ??????

Danger rating: Extremely Lethal

Debuff: Unstable

<Name: You Xi (Elite)>

Age: 33

Level:LV 200(Temporary)

Class: Monk(Evil)

Profession: Poison Maker...

HP: ??????

MP: ??????

Danger rating: Extremely dangerous.

Debuff: Unstable.

You Xi was the same. Only now did Wilbur's face change, as he Noticed the Aura coming from the Duo.

Right now he knew he was in danger, He looked at Lu Tong and smiled before placing his right hand behind his back and continued to deter the rest with his left before attacking the Duo.

"Come!" He said not moving a step. With his eyes cold as ice and his heart filled with determination, he just looked down on the Duo from his spot.

[This was my last battle anyway...better not look bad infront of my new disciple.]

He didn't have the confidence that he could deal with this two Now, plus Cao Li still had his Joruk.

But Withdrawing is not an option.

in the next moment…Wilbur slightly moved his finger.

At the same time, a thread wrapped around You xi's neck While Cao Li charged at him like a wild bull.


Several Paper talisman flew out from his sleeves and glowed before charging at Master Wilbur, To which the Latter had his strings Roll up in form of a shield to block it.




For the first time Wilbur was pushed back by a step and Lu Tong could see blood almost flowing from his mouth before swallowing it back.

In an attempt to help, Lu tong noticed that he was unable to move at all, Looking closely at the thread wrapped around him, he noticed that it was extremely thin and very hard to see.

The strings they have seen up until now were the only ones that people were allowed to see.

[Don't tell me, from the beginning...…he knew he would lose? ]Realization donned on him as he stared at his Master's back.

"Yes...from the beginning." Wilbur said with a laugh as though he could read his mind.

his expression distorted due to the sadness and also anger, he kept telling himself that they were just pixels and digits but it still didn't change the way he was feeling. He had always had the problem of easily getting attached to people.

[Aah it Hurts!... I hate this]

he glared at The figures fighting.

You xi was now free and joined Cao Li in attacking.


At that moment, Wilbur moved... the right hand that had been unused moved but it wasn't for attacking. he pointed the finger in Lu Tong's direction.


Something rushed at him from the front.

so Lu Tong gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

"Haaaaaaaa!!" Wilbur roared as his Mana became Wilder.

his stance didn't waver,he blocked again with his left as He pulled a finger on his right hand lightly.

something then wrapped around Lu Tong's body and his mind went dark.

Naturally the Duo were stunned before Cao Li roared with a Grunt, "Kuh…STOP HIM!! The Journal!!!"

However, Wilbur seemed to have tightened the strings and everyone couldn't move for a few seconds, his laughter filled the air "HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!! ."

He then expressionlessly said.

"You Lose!!."

With those words, his hold on them was released and he began to cough up blood."*Cough*,* Cough*"

Despite his cough, He continued to laugh as Cao Li glared at His men who chased in the direction Lu Tong was pulled to.

"Tie him up." You xi said as he pointed to the coughing old Man.


Ta Do!! Thoughts anyone?

Did my best Honestly...lol

Daoist_Xuyicreators' thoughts
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