

I felt him fill my ass, he wasn't that big but it still hurt.

He grabbed my hair and started pounding me harder.

"This is what you deserve bitch, for taking my job! Does it hurt when I fuck you with my big cock? Does it whore?"

"Yes, you're too big. You're ripping me!"

Someone obviously got the job Altwain had lost - probably due to the fact he was almost always fucking me when he should have been at work.

But I wasn't going to tell him that, she needs this money.

He pushed my face into the dirt, it smelled like piss and vomit.

"Lick the fucking dirt harlot, it's all you deserve to eat."

He yanked his dick out of my ass with a loud popping sound, he then threw me against the brick wall of the alley and proceeded to throat fuck me ruthlessly.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming! You better swallow every last drop bitch. Arrgg."

His seed was bitter and foul-tasting, but I swallowed it all, then stuck out my tongue to show him.

He looked at me - slapped me for good measure - then pulled his trousers up, and started walking away.

"Sir, wait! You didn't pay."

He turned around slowly.

"You think you can tell me what to do?"

Oh, no, he got the look in his eyes.

"No sir, but I need that money. My daughter is with her aunt, but unless I pay she'll be kicked out."

He back-handed me.

"Bitches like you are always telling me what to do, and denying me what I deserve!"

He started beating on me, focusing on my genitals almost exclusively.

No matter how loud I screamed, no one from the street came to help me.

After he was done he spat on me, then kicked my cunt one more time for good measure.

"There's your payment whore, a lesson in where you belong. Aren't you gonna thank me?"

He put his grubby, shit covered boot by my face. I knew what he wanted me to do, and what he would do if I didn't.

I stuck out my tongue and tenderly licked it.

"You should be honored I wasted my time on trash like you."

With that he walked away.

I crawled my sorry ass over to the wall, and leaned on it - hoping I wouldn't die.

I can't afford to die, if I did no one would pay for Aya.

"If she stays safe with her aunt in the country she won't have to be a whore, she could get married and have a life."

<Yes, she can.>

I looked up at the voice that had just spoken expecting a customer, instead a cloud of smoke was floating above me.

"What are you?"

<An angel sent from above to make your life better.>

"How can you do that? I'm just a whore."

<Don't you want revenge? On the man who beat you? On spectators who did nothing? On the society who disparages your kind?>

"Why would I? I'm just a whore. I knew he was on the edge, but I just kept pushing because I needed the money for my daughter."

The voice was silent for awhile.

<What about your daughter? What if I said I could give her the life of royalty? That she would want for nothing.>

"What do you want?! I'll do anything you want."

<Your body, I desire your body.>

I guess I shouldn't have expected anything different.

I spread my legs, wincing because of the pain.

"I'm too injured to do much, but if you want, you can fuck my limp body."

<You misunderstand, I want your actual body to serve as my host. >

I hesitated, not because I wouldn't give my body for Aya, but because I had heard stories of demons in the night pretending to be angels to make deals and then slaughtering everything - and one - you love.

<You need not hesitate, I will be but a passenger. I won't change a thing about you, I just need to recuperate after my last holy war.>

That sealed the deal, only angels had holy wars - right?

"Okay, if you keep your word about my daughter."

<Of course. Repeat after me.

I tpecca uoy otni ym ydob, traeh, dna luos. Reverof dnuob litnu eht leehw fo noitanracnier sesaec ot tovip.>

"I tpecca uoy otni ym ydob, traeh, dna luos. Reverof dnuob litnu eht leehw fo noitanracnier sesaec ot tovip."


Once the final word was spoken the smoke flew into all of my holes.

It felt like someone set my skin on fire, my bones broke then mended into different shapes, my forehead cracked open to allow two horns to slither out, my four canines fell out so new fangs could grow in, my eyes and ears changed giving me heightened senses, and my skin grew scales. Finally, the pain subsided, and I looked around me.

Everything I saw was tinted in a red hue, I could see the faint outlines of living things scurrying around me.

I tried to stand up, but my body refused to listen.

<What the fuck is going on?>

What's going on is this is now my body, and you are but a prisoner in your own mind.

<No, you're an angel! You promised you wouldn't take over, that you only wanted to help me.>

And you idiotically believed me, who would want to help a stupid whore?

<No, my daughter, you promised!>

Yes, and unfortunately that somehow made it into the contract somehow, so at least that part of what I said was true.

<What are you?>

The correct question is what are we? And what we are is the greatest species to ever live on Saeria.

<I always thought merfolk stayed under the sea.>

What? No, I'm a succubus from the proud demon race. How was merfolk even an answer? They can't turn into smoke! So, do me a favor and shut up.

Sometimes, I wish idiots weren't the easiest to possess.

I looked at the pile of rags in the dirt she called clothes.

"I'm going nowhere in those."

<You can't walk around naked!>

Didn't I tell you to shut up? Looks like you need to be punished.

I imagined a mental hellscape and threw her inside of it.

<Ahhh!! Please make it stop, it hurts!>

Music to my ears.

I ran and jumped into the air, turning into my gaseous form.

I sailed above the heads of the people who so callously ignored the cries of a woman in need.


"Stupid bitch!"



Altwain threw the cup he was drinking from into the wall.

He had shown that whore her place, but he was still mad.

She knew he had lost his job - he talked about it often enough - yet she still demanded he pay.

He just took what he was owed as a man!

She should have been grateful that he paid all those other times.

He watched as the beer from the cup he had thrown seeped through the cracks of the floor.

"Great, she made me ruin my favorite mug. Guess I'll have to beat the cost of it out of her tomorrow."

Thinking about that whore got him thinking about the one who stole his job.

Tiniyra is one of those inferior wood elves, and she was always one upping him until she got him fired.

"If I could, I would make that bitch pay!"



"What the hell is that smell?"

A sweet smell was seeping through the walls making him horny.

his 'huge' dick was rapidly swelling.

"Altwain, you left me all alone."

He looked all around himself, trying to find out where that voice is coming from.

"Who said that? Show yourself! So, I can kick your ass."

Right in front of him smoke streamed in from all the holes and cracks in his house, formed into a human shape, and it then became the whore he had beat up a little while ago.

At least he thought it's her. She looks ten times hotter, younger, and she doesn't have any bruises.

"Is that you .....um...?"

Shit! I never got her name, I always just called her whore. He thought to himself.

"Just call me Desirae."

Every time she spoke his erection gets harder, he was on the verge of cumming right on the spot.

"Couldn't get enough of me huh? Well, it's your lucky night."

He reached forward to grab her wrist and to pull her to her knees, but his hand went right through her. As soon as he touched her pleasure spread through his being, until that pleasure turned to pain when he couldn't cum.

He fell to his knees, and buckled over in agony.

"What's the matter? Want to cum?"

"Yes! I'll do anything! Please."

"Haha haha, you look pathetic."

She was doubled over due to laughing so hard.

He wanted to slap her for that insult, but his need to cum won over his pride.

"Please, please, please have mercy on me."

After laughing a couple of seconds more, she righted herself.

"Fine, you're lucky I have a soft spot for the walking dead."

What is she talking about? I'm an elf not the undead. Stupid bitch. He thought.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. After all, I'm a whore and whores get paid. "

He was peeved, he already kneeling, isn't that enough?!

"How much do you want?"

"How much is you cumming worth?"

Another burst of pleasure then pain, this was torture.

"Anything, everything!"

"Then get to it, bring me everything valuable you own in this hovel."

He jumped up ignoring the torture he was going through, and searched his house for anything of worth.


When he returned dragging his icebear pelt he uses for a blanket with heaps of stuff on it, Desirae was sitting in his favorite chair playing with a wooden knife he had gotten as a joke for his hundredth birthday.

"Here I did as you asked, so I get to cum right?"

She kept playing with the knife.

"Whor....uh.....ma'am can I please cum?"

"Get on your knees, where scum like you belong."

His legs lost all will, and he fell to his knees.

"Why do you have this?"

She said while gesturing with the knife.

"It was a joke."

She looked at him and gestured for him to go on.

"My friends gave it to me saying if any woman didn't want my wood, I could always penetrate them with my other wood."


"Are you gonna let me cum or not bitch?"

The way she stared at him made him think that he had did something wrong, but then she smiled - he guessed that he just needed to show her where she belongs.

"Yeah, I guess I should get to that. You just have to do one more thing."



She threw him the knife.

"Stab yourself repeatedly in the heart with that until you die."

"You're not serious?"

She opened her legs revealing her cunt, smoke steamed out of it and flew into my nose.

Only one word can describe what he felt - divinity.

"I'll tell you what, do what I said, and you can fuck me."

He stabbed himself, it didn't go through his skin of course - because it was a dull wooden knife. Once more he stabbed, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again until he was bleeding.

The pain was unbearable, but he wouldn't... couldn't stop.

Eventually the knife broke in half, but he kept going.

Finally it pierced his heart, and he picked up the pace.

His vision started to fade, and his limbs were going numb.

The knife fell from his grasp, and landed on the floor with a thud.

And then everything... ended.



It took him long enough to die, I almost fell asleep.

< What did you do?! >

Oh, you escaped? You have my respect.

<You didn't have to make him.... do that.>

I thought you wanted your daughter cared for? All of his stuff will pay for at least a year.

I looked at Altwain's sprawled out form, a demon's got to eat.


He became raw mana and I absorbed it, I felt the energy flow through me.

<You don't have to speak that weird language to do magic?>

Of course not, demons unlike the inferior races are made of pure mana, so we don't need mana hearts or to slowly absorb mana to do magic.

<Then, why did you speak in that weird language before?>

That wasn't a weird language, I just spoke backwards so you wouldn't know what you were agreeing to.


I snapped my fingers and immediately a spell was cast, anyone who looked at this house would instantly forget they saw it.

I turned to smoke again and flew outside to the roof.

I looked at the village folk passing below me totally unaware what had awakened right beneath their noses.

I will conquer this insignificant village for my master, after all every empire started out with just one village.

"I can't wait."


Lynne prowled the back alleys of Saltwater, looking for her prey.

She arrived just after sunset and left the rest of the bandits outside the walls, she slipped past the blabbering twit Geoff.

After she was inside, she took to the shadows, only coming out to listen to snippets of conversations.

She was so stealthy that even a ghost would be startled by her sudden appearance.

"This is the first time I have seen a cat beastman without a slave collar here in Saltwater."

She turned around, and saw a fucking weeble.

It stood there on its stubby legs smiling.

Weebles were short, furry, had stubby round legs, no visible necks, a round head with antlers, a small snout, pointed ears, and a back covered in prickly spines. The most irksome thing about them was their unexplainable ability to sneak up on people while moving so slowly.

She picked it up and threw it against the wall, pinning it with her forearm. She slowly unsheathed her claws.

"Wow, those are pretty. Did you know they're your finger bones?"


"Five years ago Lord Karta did an in-depth investigation into the inner workings of the beastfolk - ecology, physiology, and sociology. One of the discoveries was that all beastfolk have a special set of muscles that pull the tips of their fingers down exposing the bone, and mineral deposits inside the tips of your fingers sharpen the bone as it comes out. Really something huh, I got plenty more facts about your kind if you wanna hear them."

They truly are just dumb animals unaware of impending death, it's a wonder the species has survived as long as it has.

"Well, if you don't want to talk about that, how about the Akkedis you're tracking?"

She jammed her claws into the wall, and pulled them down, leaving long deep gashes in the brick.

"What do you know?!"

It didn't even wince.

"I know that won't buff out, you'll have to patch it."

"Why aren't you afraid of me? I could snap your back with as little effort as it would take to break a twig."

"I'm not afraid of you because of the same reason you're not afraid of insects, I'm so far above you that you don't even register as a nuisance, nevermind a threat."

Before she could kill it in retaliation, it used its free hand to throw some powder into her face. She fell down on the ground.

She tried moving to get back up, but could only move her eyes.

"It's basilisk venom in powdered form, you won't be able to move until you receive the antidote."

It stood over her, and then petted her head.

"I know you have so many questions, and I might answer them. I do have a question of my own however, whatever am I going to do with you kitty?"

This just goes to show that if you don't pay people, they'll turn into a demon and eat you.

Dracolupuscreators' thoughts
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