
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Ch37: Ninja Graduation Examination

Haruki's words echoed in Yasuke's ears, each one like an additional blow. His body aching and his heart heavy with worry for his feline friend, Yasuke struggled to get up, wiping the blood from his lips with the back of his hand. The humiliation of defeat was near, but still, something inside him refused to give in.

Yasuke felt as if his own body did not belong to him, as if someone else had taken control of him. It was a strange sensation; the pain began to fade. As a doctor, he could not scientifically explain what he was feeling.

With his eyes fixed on Haruki, Yasuke took a deep breath, trying to steady his breathing and clarify his mind. The leopard's agile and precise movements were fixed in his mind, his once stiff body now relaxed.

Haruki, noticing the change, felt the situation he had controlled begin to change. He decided not to play anymore and, taking out his kunai, he attacked the young shinobi's neck.

To the surprise of the experienced shinobi, the boy who previously struggled to dodge and with desperate eyes was no longer there; like a wounded animal with nothing to lose, he faced the attack without moving and even lunged against the sharp blade.

He dodged slightly, allowing only strands of his hair to be cut by the kunai. In a fluid and swift movement, Yasuke not only met the threat, but counter-striked. He grabbed Haruki's outstretched arm and applied a technique involving a great expulsion of chakra, learned from Minato's continuous boasts.

A piercing scream filled the forest, evidencing the impact of Yasuke's attack, which now showed fierce determination in his eyes.

Pain invaded Haruki's body, who did not expect such audacity from Yasuke. He tried to strike the young man in retaliation, but he nimbly escaped. His steps, once erratic and clumsy, were now those of a predator who moved in his environment as if it were his own playground.

He skillfully camouflaged himself and hid in the undergrowth. Haruki, now feeling something he had not experienced in a long time-fear-sensed danger in the forest and sensed lurking eyes of an enemy naturally hiding like a chameleon.

Realizing his own fear, Haruki frowned. -Brat, don't think a successful hit will change anything," he said, trying to hide his nervousness.

-You and I know the difference in levels, why don't you come out and stop hiding like a Konoha rat? -He tried to provoke, seeking to regain control of the situation.

However, the only thing that responded was the lurking silence of the forest. Haruki, receiving no response, felt a shiver as he noticed eyes on his silhouette. Without too much time to react, he pulled out a shuriken and threw it, the hollow sound of metal piercing wood only intensified his frustration.

Just when he thought his opponent had escaped, the sound of cutting wind caught his attention. As he looked up, a shuriken pierced the air towards his body. He quickly used his healthy arm, along with a kunai, to deflect the attack. However, as he impacted the attack, he heard another one from behind him. This dynamic was repeated several times. Maybe before he could have withstood all the attacks, but with an injured arm and the pain affecting his mind, some attacks ended up impacting the body of the experienced shinobi.

Haruki could not take it anymore. Although he had accepted the challenge thinking it would be easy, and despite the partial restriction of his chakra, he never imagined needing it, he realized that he could no longer be arrogant and had to respond appropriately. Now he was forced to respond in earnest. Skillfully, using his only available hand, he formed several seals, injected his chakra and cast a jutsu: "Doton, earth clones", creating one of them. Although this technique consumed most of his usable chakra and although he knew how to release the seal that suppressed his chakra, doing so would attract the attention of the Anbu and he would not be able to escape in time.

Yasuke, on the other hand, remained hidden, watching his enemy from the shadows. Although the pain had returned, the blows he had delivered taught him that he could win. However, the appearance of the clone added a new difficulty to the fight. He decided to stick to his strategy of attacking and hiding, using shurikens to wear down Haruki's resistance and buy time while he thought of a new strategy.

After several exchanges of attacks and defenses, Yasuke decided to change tactics and unexpectedly appeared in front of his enemy, accompanied by a copy of him. Haruki smiled at the sight of him, regaining some confidence.

-It looks like you've finally stopped hiding. You should have run away, now you've managed to annoy me enough to kill you," said Haruki.

Yasuke, observing Haruki's state, replied with a smirk:

-I don't think your state is the best as to say such an expletive.

-You brat! You think because you hurt me a little you can talk so arrogantly? -Haruki got angry. Even without moving, my clone can destroy you.

Yasuke simply looked at Haruki's clone and then at his own, who gave him a smile and a thumbs up.

-I don't think you're all about numbers. There are two of us and one and a half of you? -Alluding to Haruki's current state.

-Do you think because you made a clone you can beat me too? -said Haruki, and his clone moved forward.

Yasuke's clone also moved, attacking quickly.

Haruki, though he didn't show it, was quite surprised by Yasuke's appearance together with a clone. He did not believe that a boy who had not yet become an official ninja would have the chakra capacity or the knowledge to execute such a technique. As he pondered this, he watched as the clone clash rapidly approached, confident that his clone would easily overcome his opponent's.

The two clones, quick as they were mere replicas, faced each other knowing that any damage, no matter how slight, would destroy them. Haruki, confident in his clone's superiority, watched as he attacked directly, attempting to pierce Yasuke's clone's chest with a kunai. Unexpectedly, the latter did not flinch from the attack and continued on. Haruki was even more surprised when the attack passed through Yasuke's clone's body without difficulty, but it did not dissipate.

Quickly, Haruki deduced that it was a Bunshin no Jutsu and began to search for Yasuke's figure, thinking that he had used the clone clash as a distraction for a sneak attack. However, he found him in the same position he was in before. Confused, he left his thoughts behind and decided to attack directly.

-I don't know what you expect, the Bunshin have no physical body, they can't attack me directly. Mine can hurt you instead," said Haruki, confident in his clone's tactical advantage.

As he said, Haruki's clone advanced towards Yasuke, while Yasuke's clone also moved towards Haruki. Haruki, still confused by Yasuke's plan, watched as Yasuke took out a pill from his pocket and, with a grimace, placed it between his teeth before raising his hand.

When Haruki's clone was less than a meter away, Yasuke executed his move.

-Shit, after this I really need a vacation - "Room"- Yasuke announced, as a semi-sphere rapidly expanded with him as its epicenter.

Just as the clone was about to make contact, Yasuke reacted:


At that instant, Haruki noticed that the clone, which had not looked like a threat and was now in front of him, showed a pale face with a pill between its teeth. Meanwhile, the real Yasuke was being pierced by a kunai, but he was only smiling mockingly.

Haruki, confused, felt the alarm of his experienced instincts, trying to raise his last healthy arm to perform a jutsu. However, it was too late; he had expended too much chakra on the clone and was unable to defend himself.

Yasuke, his face pale from the extreme use of chakra, bit down on the pill. Revitalized, he attacked with the kunai in his hand.

-Injection Shot," he declared.

The scene of their last confrontation was not repeated this time. This time, Yasuke managed to connect his attack with full force. The blow penetrated his opponent's chest.

As a result, Haruki's eyes became vacant and he collapsed to the ground. Yasuke had triumphed; after knocking down the main body, the clone simply disintegrated into dust with a helpless gesture. Yasuke cracked a smile, but his joy was short-lived. Blood rose in his throat, causing him to cough violently as he sat down on the ground and covered his mouth with his hand.

- It seems that the continuous use of pills during these days, without allowing my body to recover from exhaustion and injuries, was not the best decision. It will take me a while to heal," Yasuke mused, fighting the urge to become unconscious from the pain.

To be continued...