

The game resumed with Kiyomizu Seiryu Elementary School having the advantage on the scoreboard. Since all of Kira's teammates respected him greatly for being the star player of the team, they didn't oppose him.


With the ball at his feet, Kira was irritated that Arata had stolen the spotlight from him, so he was determined to make an incredible play. He charged towards the Kiyomizu Seiryu team, dribbling past each player one by one, ignoring all calls for a pass, which excited the crowd greatly. Approaching the goal face to face, he was confident he would score. However, to his dismay, he was stopped by Arata, who placed his foot in front of Kira's shot at the exact moment, and then continued to carry the ball into the opponent's half, leaving a frustrated Kira behind.


"You think you're going to pass me, you little guy," said a Matsukaze Kokuo defender.


"I don't think... I KNOW," replied Arata confidently.


Arata positioned the ball slightly behind his body and instantly executed a rainbow flick to get past the defender, then continued running through the middle of the field, creating some space after dribbling past two more defenders with his speed and reached the penalty area. There, he faced Kira who had managed to catch up to him.


"Ah, it seems you want round two," Arata said with a laugh.


"You won't get past me again," growled Kira.


"We'll see."

Arata decided to try a new dribble he had been working on. He passed his foot over the ball and flicked it up several times, teasing an elastico.


"AN ELASTICO," thought Kira.


But in reality, Arata executed an extremely fast reverse elastico, leaving Kira confused and unable to keep up with his movement, thus gaining enough space to cut inside and shoot into the goalkeeper's corner, which he couldn't reach.

2-0 Kiyomizu Seiryu Elementary School.


"We can win this," Arata said to motivate his team.


"YES!!" shouted the rest of the team in unison.


"HEY, Kira-Kun, I've tolerated your antics enough, now pass the ball!!!" shouted the coach of the opposing team.


"TCH, Fine..."




The game restarts with Matsukaze Kokuo in possession of the ball, which is quickly passed to Kira.


"Come on, Kira, for our third round," Arata challenges.


"Pass the ball, Kira," said one of Kira's teammates.

"TCH," Kira replied after passing the ball, looking at Arata and laughing at him for not facing him again.


The right winger of Matsukaze Kokuo is dribbling towards Sota (the left-back of Kiyomizu Seiryu), manages to get past him, and continues running towards the goal line. He then makes a pass to Kira, who is positioned inside the penalty area.


Kira is about to shoot towards the goal but is stopped by Arata, who is in front of him.


"There's nowhere to run, if you want to score, you'll have to get past me," Arata challenges.


Kira flicks the ball over Arata's foot but hesitates to make any move as Arata's defense is relentless and leaves no space.


"Here, Kira," the left winger of Matsukaze Kokuo appears asking for the ball as he enters the penalty area.


Arata tries to intercept the pass but the ball grazes his fingertips and reaches the opponent, who prepares to shoot.


"Not so fast," said Akihiko (a defender of Kiyomizu Seiryu), who throws himself in front of the attacker but gets evaded with a feint, allowing the opponent to score.


2-1 (Kiyomizu Seiryu)

Halftime: All teams head to the locker rooms...

"Everything is going well, guys, it's just a matter of continuing at this pace and we'll come out with the victory," said the coach. "Pay attention to all passing lanes now because Kira has started to pass the ball more."

Matsukaze Kokuo Elementary School Locker Room:

"Hey Kids, we need changes if we want to win this game. Our biggest problem right now is dealing with Ichinose Arata; he's completely disrupting our defense on his own. So I don't want to see any of you going 1v1 against him. If he gets the ball, you need to double mark him," said the coach of Matsukaze Kokuo.

"Alright," they all shouted in unison.


The ball starts with Matsukaze Kokuo Elementary School in possession, passing it back to their midfielders who then pass it to one of their midfielders who looks up and observes the game, noticing that their right winger has dropped back a bit to receive the ball.

Now with the ball at the right winger's feet, he decides to try another individual play against Sota.

"This time, you won't succeed," Sota challenges.

The right winger tries to evade him again with a feint aiming to reach the goal line, but this time, Sota manages to tackle him and passes the ball to Arata, who speeds towards the opponent's field, dribbling past three defenders in sequence until reaching the edge of the penalty area, face to face with Kira, who remains silent this time.

"Kira, you're not my opponent," Arata says confidently.

Arata performs some stepovers to easily get past Kira, facing the goalkeeper who rushes out desperately to stop Arata, who calmly chips the ball over the goalkeeper for a goal.


3-1 (Kiyomizu Seiryu)


The crowd goes wild with Arata's beautiful goal, as he dribbled past all his opponents and finished with a delightful chip over the goalkeeper.


By this point, after the goal, the players from Matsukaze Kokuo Elementary School were emotionally shaken and struggled to continue playing with concentration, which made the rest of the game much easier for Kiyomizu Seiryu.


FINAL SCORE: Victory for Kiyomizu Seiryu with a score of 5-3.


For those who only looked at the scoreboard afterwards, it might seem like an extremely close game. However, the truth is that after the fifth goal, Arata had grown bored with the match as the players from Matsukaze Kokuo weren't performing anywhere near their potential. He simply asked to be substituted, finishing the game with four goals and one assist, capturing the attention of all the championship analysts who believed a new Japanese star was emerging and a great rivalry was forming.


Inside the Kiyomizu Seiryu locker room, various children were extremely happy and celebrating their victory.


"Hey, kids, today's result was very important for us as it puts us one step closer to nationals. But remember, there will be other tough opponents, so don't think it's all decided," the coach reminded them.


After the game, they returned home by bus, which caused some anxiety for Arata, but everything went well. Upon arriving home, he talked to his parents who congratulated him on the game, and then went to bed as he was very tired from the match.


Next chapter