
Time Lost(Chapter 1)

My name is Jack. just Jack. That's all anybody needs to know, and will ever know. Even if I wanted anyone to know more about me what could I tell them, my last name? Don't got one of those, middle name? Don't have one of those either.

My parents tell me, or told me, when they still talked to me, that I wasn't important enough to name. The doctor gave me this name when I was born. I guess I should at least thank my lucky stars that I have a first name.

My everyday life is wake up go to school, come home, and ask the neighbors if they would pay me to do work. At least I make enough money to feed myself. After working the entire day I sneak into my house at 9:00 pm and go to bed.

I mean, my life could be worse. I could not be able to have a place to sleep, and I could have worse grades, and even look ugly. But I'm average in both of those categories. I don't really hate my life either. at least my parents don't hit me, at least not that hard.

The part that sucks the worst about my life? Well I can't say I'm alone here, but it's most definitely school, it's terrible. The teachers and students are both cruel, worse then my parents I have to say. The teachers dislike my being late everyday, and the students are the ones making me late. No one mentions the black eyes or the bloody face.

well that's about all there is about me or at least was, until one day...


I was walking home on a ordinary day, and then I hear the voice of the last person I want to see, on such a great day. His name is Eon, the "King" of East West Brooke, the school I attend.

"Hey pretty boy, why are you walking through MY neighborhood, I told you before people like you aren't welcome." He yells out to me

"Eon, I can't get home walking any other way, I can't help it." I shout back while picking up speed

"Go the f&#$ through the woods dips.h.i.t it won't take that much longer." He yells while running twords me

As I'm much slower than him, with him being the captain of the track and field team. I have no chance. As he tackles me to the ground a group of his minions gather around me, and start beating the s.h.i.t out of me.

They didn't know at the time but one snapped my neck when he stepped on me, and killed me.

This is my first story, if anyone reads it please tell me how I can make it better. I'm only in high school still learning though so I guess there's still room to improve. thanks for reading!

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