
Top Eight Of The Competition

'Hehe, let's see what can happen with the unknown factor'

The first match was between Hao Li and Ling Chen, no matter how one looked, the opponents were not equal, on one side stood Hao Li at the Peak 9-star Dou Zhi Qi realm and on the other stood Ling Chen at the Peak 8-star Dou Zhi Qi realm , in terms of talent Ling Chen was probably better than Hao Li but cultivation never relied only on talent.

The best example was Hao Shen, although he was one if not the most talented youth of the Jia Ma Empire he wouldn't be able to raise is strength by 5-star in only three months if it was not due to his luck.

Hao Li was another of such an example, he was not very talented originally but he was very hardworking, due to some luck he got the chance to compete with those more talented than him and become one of the powerhouses of the Jia Ma Empire in the future.

So even if talent was important it couldn't determine a person whole future, depending on the strength of the thing Hao Li received he could even become as strong as a Dou Sheng while originally having a trash talent for the martial way , he could also be stopped after reaching the Dou Huang realm , all of that depended on luck this was why luck passed even before talent.

Hao Li and Ling Chen stood face to face on the stage and waited for the start of the fight to be announced.


Hao Li rushed towards Ling Chen using weird footwork that made him faster than he was yesterday surprising the audience once more.

'Heeeee, this guy is interesting, this should be a Xuan Class Mid Level Mouvement Dou Qi Skill, to be able to train it in less than a year he should have a fairly good comprehension ability, what's more he possesses a Dou Qi Skill on par with the three best Mouvement Dou Qi Skills of the whole Jia Ma Empire.'

While thinking of this Hao Shen looked toward his father who seemed to have recognized the level of the Dou Qi Skill Hao Li used and was looking a bit shocked , Hao Shen also looked towards the Elder of the Yun Lan Sect and saw different expression on their faces, four of them were surprised and shocked but the last one, Elden Bu was looking viciously at Hao Li, after looking at them Hao Shen looked towards Yun Yun, she was standing above the elders and looked at the fight suspiciously, feeling a gaze on her she turned toward were it came from.

Hao Shen and Yun Yun eyes made contact with each other, Hao Shen maintained a calm expression and slowly nodded in his eyes one could discern a faint trace of warning directed toward the elder of the Yun Lan Sect.

Yun Yun was shocked when she saw this.

'This little guy just gave me a warning not to try anything, how could he be so confident while only being a Dou Zhe realm practitioner?'

Yun Yun also nodded her head and both of them looked back at the fight.

Hao Li and Ling Chen had exchanged less than twenty moves but Ling Chen was already being cornered by Hao Li at the twenty-fifth move Hao Li punched Ling Chen in the gut sending him out of the arena.

"The match stops here, the winner is Hao Li."

Hao Li won and advanced to the semifinal.

The second match was between Hao Yu and Qin Yue, the two of them were 8-star Dou Zhi Qi practitioner, the fight between two girls made loud cheering resound in the arena.

Qin Yue and Hao Yu felt a little side so they blushed.

"Start the Fight!!"

The two girls began their fight.

The fight between the two of them dured quite some time and was finally won by Qin Yue after more than a hundred blows were exchanged.

The next fight was the one of Nalan Yanran and she won it easily.

Nalan Yanran was considered the participant who had the most chance of winning the competition before the apparition of Hao Li, the two were now at equal power so nobody could tell who would win if the two of them fought.

And the last fight of the top eight was Hao Wei versus Hao Mei, but the fight didn't occur as Hao Mei decided to forfeit it since she had no chance to win against Nalan Yanran anyway, nobody said anything about the forfeit since Hao Mei was only at the 7-star Dou Zhi Qi realm and thus was the weakest remaining participant in the competition.

The top four fight started an hour after the fight between Hao Mei and Hao Wei.

Hao Li was standing before Qin Yue who quickly chooses to surrender, she was still a twelve-year-old little girl so nobody said anything about it either, Hao Li, like his usual self didn't say a word before going back towards the resting room that was attributed to him.

The last fight of the semifinal was opposing Nalan Yanran and Hao Wei, one was the number one young disciple of the Yun Lan Sect while the other was one of the two strongest practitioners of the Dou Zhi Qi realm in the Hao Clan.

Hao Wei had cultivated some sort of Xuan Class Mid Level Dou Qi Skill during the time Hao Shen was away from home and was said to be the third strongest youth of the Hao Clan.

The fight started with Hao Wei charging towards Nalan Yanran straight, Nalan Yanran seemed ready to welcome him as she sent a palm toward him but before the palm could touch him he had moved at a ninety-degree angle on the right easily dodging the palm.

Hao Wei assault started at this moment, he used the Mountain Crush Fist, a Huang Class High Level Dou Qi Fist Skill that could crush boulder easily and sent multiple fists towards Nalan Yanran , but before the fists could make contact with Nalan Yanran, she seemed to disappear and reappeared behind Hao Wei launching the Supple Palm Dou Qi Skill ejecting Hao Wei out of the stage.

"Winner, Nalan Yanran!!"

'Hmm so she can use the Xuan Class Mid Level Mouvement Dou Qi Skill of the Yun Lan Sect at her level , that's pretty good , it's a normal thing for Brother Wei to lose this match but still he managed to reach the fourth level of the Direction Steps in only three months , that's already really good.'

The two finalists had been decided they were Hao Wei and Nalan Yanran.

"Now that the two finalists stand on the stage I'll announce the rewards of the competition , First place will get a Peak Rank 4 Dou Zhe Advancement Pill that allow one at the peak of the Dou Zhi Qi realm to breakthrough the Dou Zhe realm with one hundred percent chance, the pill was refined by Alchemist Gu, the second place will get a Low Rank 4 Dou Qi Boost Pill that helps a Dou Zhi Qi practitioner enter the Dou Zhe realm augmenting his chance of breakthrough by seventy percent and the third place will get a Peak Rank 3 Dou Qi Boost Pill that can enhance the chance of breakthrough to the Dou Zhe realm by fifty percent."

6/3 chapter today

I think this will be the last chapter, but I'll see

Thanks for reading this chapter.

YeChenZhicreators' thoughts