
Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle

The endless, cold, hard ice fields of the far north. Winter wolves stalk, frost tigers hiss and giants roar. ......... Many creatures brave the snowy skies to fight for survival. At the same time, a white dragon hatchling with the power of time breaks out of its shell and... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 90: The Prime White Dragon

Under the night sky of the polar ice plains, Garon, who was about to finish eating the ferocious python, suddenly shifted his gaze and looked towards the direction of Ice Cliff territory.

His expression darkened, his eyes sharp and containing a hint of dangerous light.

Just then, he had received an alert from within his dragon's lair.

The magic alarm he had set up a few days ago had come into use now that Garon was out.

Only an uninvited creature breaking into Garon's lair could have triggered the magic alarm.

Neither Luna nor the white dragon mother would do such a thing. Luna was very polite by nature; if Garon was not in the territory, she would not enter his lair. The white dragon mother had been sternly warned by Garon and wouldn't dare to do so either.

"Whoever it is, thinking of targeting me will pay a painful price."

With a cold huff, Garon abandoned the remnants of his meal, his wings flapped, and his body shot up like a streak of silver light into the sky.

Thousands of meters high in the air, under the clear moonlight with clouds swirling around, the silver dragon sped towards Ice Cliff territory at full speed.

In his accelerated state, Garon moved swiftly. From the triggering of the magic alarm to the appearance of the towering Ice Cliff in his sight, it took only a few minutes.

Through his enhanced vision, he saw that besides his own kin, there were two uninvited guests in Ice Cliff territory.

Two white dragons had just stepped out of Garon's lair.

One was a large white dragon measuring seventeen meters long, and the other was a massive white dragon nearly twenty meters in length.

From their sizes, it could be inferred that one was an adult white dragon and the other had surpassed adulthood and entered its prime, likely over two hundred years old.

Garon remembered the words of Luna and the white dragon mother, confident that these were the white dragons they had mentioned before.

However, he hadn't expected them to come to Ice Cliff territory and steal his treasures.

"Blind fools."

Garon's gaze was icy as he watched the two white dragons from above.

The two culprits, who had sneaked into his lair while he was away, were now excitedly clutching Garon's magic gems and various precious magical instruments or armor.

Garon's kin had not stood idly by, but they were clearly struggling in this situation.

The polar spirits angrily cast their spell-like abilities towards the sky, but they couldn't reach the height of the two white dragons.

The ferocious frost tiger roared continuously, leading several ferocious wolves in a relentless pursuit, but being unable to fly, they were helpless against the two thieves.

Ignoring Garon's kin, the thieves quickly fled outside the Ice Cliff territory after securing their loot.

Garon cast a cloud mist spell, his cold platinum eyes watching the scene unfold as he slowly approached from behind.

The two white dragons, unaware of Garon's approach, were obsessed with the treasures they held.

"Ha! That stupid dragon Salia, who knew she had amassed so much wealth."

"Now it's all mine."

The prime white dragon laughed heartily, unable to hide the ecstasy in his draconic voice.

The adult white dragon beside him seemed displeased, "Are you planning to hoard all these treasures? You must give me my share, as I have never kept all the loot to myself."

"According to our previous agreement, we always split the loot equally."

White dragons occasionally cohabit and raid together, sharing wealth and facing enemies. These two white dragons were an example of this.

The expression of the prime white dragon darkened, and he sneered, "Then from now on, our partnership is over."

Evil dragons are notorious for their lack of honor; any so-called agreement is merely because the benefits had yet to prompt a betrayal.

Now, faced with magic gems from Garon's lair—worth more than all their previous loots combined—the prime white dragon was immediately tempted to keep it all for himself.

As he spoke, the prime white dragon twisted his body, his tail lashing out heavily.

The adult white dragon, still somewhat inexperienced, hadn't expected his longtime partner to turn on him so abruptly. Caught off guard, he was struck by the tail and sent flying, the treasures scattering from his grasp, quickly collected by the prime white dragon.


"You despicable creature!"

"Give me back my things!"

After being thrown dozens of meters away, the adult white dragon stabilized itself with a flap of its wings, then glared angrily at the prime white dragon, baring its sharp teeth and unleashing a breath of frost without hesitation.

The size and age difference between them was significant, but driven by its greed for the treasure, the adult white dragon dared to attack the prime white dragon.

The prime white dragon displayed a look of disdain, countering with

 a thicker breath of frost.

The two icy blue frost breaths collided, with the prime white dragon's breath overwhelmingly crushing that of the adult white dragon, hitting him hard.

If it weren't for their shared species and resistance to frost breath, the adult white dragon would have been severely injured instantly.

Even so, he sustained considerable injuries.


"Ha, all of these are now the treasures of Holmes, the great white dragon."

"Disappear from my sight while I'm still in a good mood, or I won't hesitate to tear you apart!"

The prime white dragon's face was ferocious, not hiding his murderous intent.

Had it not been for the cumbersome task of fleeing with the treasures, he might have even considered killing his former partner.

The adult white dragon, his face grim, prepared to turn and leave.

Having torn their relationship apart, returning to their shared lair was no longer an option, as he was no match for the prime white dragon.

The adult white dragon thought of returning to Ice Cliff territory, to possibly collaborate with the white dragon mother when she returned, to deal together with the prime white dragon and perhaps reclaim a share of the loot.

With this thought in mind, the adult white dragon glanced back at the prime white dragon hoarding the treasures, huffed heavily, and turned around.

But as the adult white dragon turned, a cloud of mist entered his field of vision.

Cloud Mist spell?

The adult white dragon was momentarily stunned.

Being a white dragon himself, he was quite familiar with the Cloud Mist spell.

Could it be that Salia was catching up... the adult white dragon wondered.

Since his presence was inadvertently revealed, Garon no longer maintained the Cloud Mist spell.


With a flap of his wings, like the sails of a ship, the mist immediately dispersed to either side, Garon's imposing presence, unreserved at this moment, rolling forward and enveloping both white dragons.

A pair of cold, platinum dragon eyes gradually appeared from within the mist.

The oppressive presence, heavy as a mountain, made both white dragons stiffen simultaneously.

The prime white dragon's expression changed as he, too, turned around, joining the adult white dragon in staring back at Garon with pale yellow eyes.

"Do you really think you can steal from me and get away with it?"

The massive twenty-meter-long silver-scaled dragon body gradually became visible, Garon's gaze icy, yet his tone remained eerily calm.

"Resting for today, just two chapters."

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