

Huff... Huff...

Heavy breathing accompanied by the sound of constant grunts echoed through the darkened cave.

A young man was leaning against the cave wall, his chest heaving up and down. His blue eyes were tightly closed, his entire face contorted with pain and exhaustion.


Small, sharp gusts of wind blew through the cave, causing the man's sweat-drenched hair to sway slightly.


Suddenly, a subtle sound of something crumbling came from the man's chest. Normally, this would be cause for concern, but the youth didn't pay it much mind.

Channeling Mana throughout his body, he allowed the energy to settle into his muscles, ring and finally the core. With a deep breath, he pushed himself off the wall and slowly opened his eyes.


His groggy voice rasped in the quiet cave.

≈≈≈ Status ≈≈≈ 

Name: [ Kai ]

Mana Heart Rank: [ F ]

Strength: F

Stamina: F

Speed: F+

Mana: F+

Control: E+

Charm: F

<-- Skill -->

[ Prime Thrust --> Rank E: Proficient Proficiency ]

A spear skill that allows the user to strike his opponent with an unexpected, yet powerful strike!

[ Fear --> Rank C: Basic Proficiency ]

A Skill that instills fear in a target, causing them to flee!


Kai stared at the status display for a moment before releasing a sigh of frustration.

"How is it still an F Rank?"

Staring at his charm attribute, Kai couldn't help but shake his head. He had ranked up a few times since he was sent back in time and all of his stats had improved significantly, except for his charm.

"Can't you just increase by a minor realm once?"

He muttered to himself, while sweeping his dark hair that had already grown long behind his ear. The only thing that made him at least somewhat content was the progress he had made with his skills.

Although his charm attribute remained low, Kai had managed to raise his rank once again.

"I sure have come a long way..."

Tilting his head back, Kai gazed at the ceiling of the cave with a satisfied smile.

In his previous life, he had reached the F Rank only when he was 35 years old, after years of rigorous training and countless battles and yet, now here he was at a much younger age, already surpassing his previous achievements.

"It feels good."

Ruffling his hair with his hand, he momentarily relished in the sense of accomplishment and progress he had made. However, he didn't linger on the feeling for too long.

Although he had done a lot to improve his skills and stats, Kai knew that he still had a long way to go. An image of massive destruction and the flames spreading throughout the land flashed in Kai's mind, reminding him why he was pushing himself.

Kai took one final deep breath, filling his lungs with the cool, damp air of the cave before he pushed himself away from the wall. Each step felt heavy, his muscles protesting the strain of his recent training.

As he emerged into the open air, the first thing that struck him was the brightness of the world outside. After hours spent in the dim confines of the cave, the sunlight seemed almost blinding in its intensity. He blinked, allowing his eyes to adjust as he took in his surroundings.

The landscape stretched out before him, a patchwork of greens, browns, and grays. The trees stood tall and proud, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. The ground beneath his feet was carpeted with a thick layer of fallen leaves, their colors muted by the fading winter.

Kai walked slowly, savoring each step as he made his way through the clearing. The air was crisp and clean, carrying with it the faint scent of pine and earth. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting the sensation wash over him.

"The winter is finally over..."

Kai murmured to himself, a sense of relief washing over him as he continued to take in the sight of the awakening world around him.

With a renewed sense of purpose, he began to make his way towards a familiar spot - a small pond nestled deep within the forest. It was a place of tranquility, a sanctuary where he often went to wash and relax.

The journey through the forest was serene, the only sound accompanying Kai's footsteps being the gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional chirp of awakening birds. Rays of sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor.

Eventually, Kai reached the edge of the pond, its surface shimmering like liquid glass in the midday sun. He paused for a moment, taking in the tranquil beauty of the scene before him. The water was clear and still, reflecting the vibrant hues of the surrounding foliage.


With a sigh of contentment, Kai knelt down at the water's edge, dipping his fingers into the cool, refreshing liquid.


Frowning slightly at the chill that traveled up his arm, Kai began to take off his clothes and prepared to immerse himself in the pond.


He entered the water with a soft splash, feeling an immediate sense of relief as the coolness enveloped his body.

The liquid gently caressed his skin, soothing his tired muscles and washing away the sweat.

Kai would've enjoyed the tranquil moment a little longer, but suddenly a faint sound caught his attention.


It was the sound of a twig snapping nearby.

With his lips pressed tightly together, Kai immediately summoned his cobalt spear from within his Spatial Ring, holding it tightly in his hand as he cautiously scanned the area.

He had made sure to kill most of the creatures near his shelter to avoid any surprises, but the occasional visitor would still find their way into his territory.

'Where are you...'

Kai thought, his eyes darting from tree to tree, searching for any sign of movement.

However, before he could react, a figure leaped out from behind a cluster of trees, landing gracefully on the opposite side of the pond.

Kai immediately recognized the figure's broad shoulders and powerful frame.
