
Chapter 400

Chapter 400 Model Project

  Comcast Group and Brian Roberts, who are so active about the big merger, obviously don't just want to play a supporting role after the merger.

   After several mergers are completed, Song Yang, Comcast, and General Electric may have to compete for control of the merged company by their own means.

But those are things for the future. The most important thing right now is to get the "model project" of ICNC TV station out, draw a big cake for the outside world, tell Wall Street and global investment institutions, ICQ, America Telecom, NBC, Kang The combination of Custer has a lot to do, and this is the key.

   On the TV station side, the most indispensable thing is a professional cameraman. When Song Yang, Brian Robert, Andy Lake and other directors of ICNC TV station stood together, the cameraman quickly pressed the shutter.

In the photo, Song Yang is smiling and standing with Brian Roberts. Tomorrow, this photo may appear in many financial and media news. It represents the emergence of a new player in the American media industry. !

After the opening ceremony was completed, Song Yang turned his head and glanced at the logo of ICNC. Although the current ICNC TV station can only be regarded as a grassroots team, its subscribers and media influence are far inferior to those of the old TV stations, but with This TV media means that it has its own mouthpiece in America and can make its own voice!

  It is less than a few minutes away from the start of the broadcast. Song Yang, Brian Roberts, Andy Lake and others are all waiting in the director's room, and Andy Lake keeps coming in and out to make deployments.

  The first news hosts are two well-known hosts seconded directly from NBC TV station. Today they help ICNC TV station to suppress the situation and ensure that there will be no troubles.

  Song Yang also received a call from Irene. The Internet TV station of ICNC is directly operated by ICQ, and the Internet operation mode used is completely different from that of traditional TV stations.

  Put down the phone, Song Yang said to the people in the director's room, "The website of ICNC Internet TV Station is ready and will be launched simultaneously with ICNC's offline news channel!"

The atmosphere was dull for a while, and Andy Lake couldn't sit still, and ran to the studio again, explained to the host, director, cameraman and others, and contacted NBC and Comcast TV Network to ensure that Nothing goes wrong.

   At six o'clock sharp, ICNC TV station officially appeared on the channels of NBC and Comcast TV network. After the director announced the start of the broadcast, ICNC TV station officially started to operate.

   "Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to ICNC TV, this is the first episode of ICNC TV..."

Song Yang, Brian Roberts and other people all looked at the picture on the screen in front of them, and could only hear a faint sound of breathing. Song Yang had entered the studio and participated in interviews, but this was the first time he was in the director's room. Watch TV programs recorded.

   "Today's commander-in-chief, held an inauguration ceremony, sworn in as the new commander-in-chief..."

  The TV screen was switched to the grand ceremony held in Washington. Today, the news channels of major TV stations basically reported this incident first.

"A shooting incident occurred in St. Petersburg, Florida. A middle-aged man was speeding into a business district. There was a conflict after police officers stopped the vehicle. The man was hit by a bullet and died on the way to the hospital. After the incident , a parade is taking place in this area!"

  After the host finished broadcasting, a blurred picture appeared on the TV. This piece of news was bought by ICNC and a media in Florida for the exclusive right to broadcast it.

ICNC TV's own reporters and news channels are still very weak. It is impossible to send hundreds or thousands of reporters to collect news all over America and overseas. It can only cooperate with many newspapers and magazine companies, and "Chicago Tribune ", "New York News", "San Francisco Chronicle" and other media cooperation, and give these media a fee every year to provide news for ICNC TV station.

  When there is exclusive news or important news, ICNC TV station will pay another high price to buy it and put it on ICNC TV to attract ratings.

   "A few days ago, Capitol Hill formally reviewed the 230 Internet Act proposed by the American Internet Association. Federal agencies such as the Trade Commission and the Communications Commission have expressed their support for this bill. This month will formally vote on the 230 Act!"

   When broadcasting the news, ICNC TV station also secretly reported Bill 230 on behalf of the big benefactor, which was regarded as building momentum for Song Yang, a big benefactor, to establish the American Internet Association.

  Song Yang couldn't help but glanced at Andy Lake. As the president of the TV station, he was much more worry-free than he thought.

Then came the local and overseas news reports in America. There was nothing new. The styles of the major TV stations in America were not much different. The real exclusive news reports were all released on the top programs to maximize the news. Influence.

For the first broadcast, ICNC TV station also prepared a lot of exclusive news, and spent a lot of money to interview an important staff member next to the commander. The overall effect is not to say how impressive, but at least it is quite satisfactory. It is not only good for American locals but also overseas news. , have been reported, showing the style of ICNC, that is, to report on global media news, but at present it is mainly biased towards the local side of America.

   "The average audience rating by time period is 698,000 viewers!"

It was also reported from Comcast that the ratings of ICNC TV's first show, this ratings were barely obtained when Comcast gave sufficient resources, and NBC also opened up channels and resources for ICNC. Data, in the same time period, Fox has 2.13 million viewers, CNN has 1.31 million, not to mention the gap in prime time and trump programs.

   "The website of ICNC Internet TV Station has also been launched at the same time. The news video has been online for 27 minutes, with a hit rate of 21,000 times!"

ICNC Internet TV station is also launched at the same time. There are companies such as ICQ, Double Click, Hotmail, Feita Antivirus, and even Xueleshan Online Platform to drain traffic for it. In addition, it is the first Internet TV station. Naturally, many people clicked in with curiosity. .

  Brian Roberts and others looked at Song Yang. They were all from traditional media. For the Internet industry, such results are good or bad.

  Song Yang just nodded slightly. Seeing Song Yang's expression, Brian Roberts and others naturally understood that this result was not very good.

  However, most of the people didn't pay much attention to it. A TV station that just went online didn't have much popularity at all, and it didn't have a trump card program. Naturally, there were not many viewers who were willing to watch it.

  For other new TV stations, if they can get such data for the first broadcast, they may have to celebrate with champagne. Even some small and medium TV channels only have tens of thousands of viewers to watch during weekdays.

Song Yang, Brian Roberts and others went to the lounge and waited for the arrival of eight o'clock. The interview with Jeffrey Wegener and the report on the tobacco industry are the killer cards that ICNC is really preparing. Can you? Fight to fame, just read the report at 8 o'clock.

   A group of people were in the lounge, waiting for the arrival of eight o'clock, chatting in a low voice from time to time. The ratings of ICNC TV station were also being reported constantly. Since the broadcast started, the ratings have continued to decline.

   On the contrary, the click-through rate of ICNC Internet TV station began to rise continuously. The most important thing was ICQ, which used the "pop-up window" function for ICNC Internet TV station.

That is to say, through ICQ, a pop-up window was sent to the user, and a piece of news from ICNC Internet TV was pushed, so that the click-through rate of this news directly exceeded 400,000. In just one hour, the click-through rate of a piece of news exceeded 400,000. In the 1990s, it was quite scary for traditional media, and the number of visits to ICNC's website was also on the rise!

  Many people are watching ICNC TV station, including many companies in the Internet industry. ICQ has set a new record and is the first Internet media to establish a TV station. What will happen is still waiting to be seen.

   "It's not bad, but there's not much special about it!"

  Seattle Microsoft Corporation, invited professional media personnel, is doing analysis on ICNC TV station.

  After the news report after the broadcast, there were interviews with some celebrities, including a football star, a member of Congress, etc. After all, with the support of NBC TV station, the level of ICNC, a grass-roots team, will not be bad.

Bill Gates and others, after hearing the professional media personnel's analysis of ICNC TV station, there was no surprise on their faces. Bill Gates was still a little envious. No matter whether ICNC performed well or not, it represented that Song Yang had It has won its own media TV station, but Microsoft is elusive about this.

  Public Relations President Todd said at this time, "I heard that ICNC TV station has prepared a special program for today's broadcast!"

  When the media people heard this, they couldn't help asking, "Special program?!"

  Internet companies such as AOL, Netscape, Lycos, and Yahoo pay more attention to ICNC's Internet TV station website, which is to compete with these companies for food.

  After experiencing the ICNC website, Brady couldn't help saying, "This is an Internet-style website dressed in a traditional TV station, and it is still written by Bruno Song!"

  The Yahoo group standing beside Brady, Yang Zhiyuan, Fei Luo and others are all technical backgrounds, and they can tell the level of the ICNC website at a glance.

The style of the entire ICNC website continues the style of ICQ, Double-click, Hotmail and other websites. The entire page is set up very clean and eye-catching. After a period of time, another batch of news will be changed.

  Yahoo CEO Cooger is most concerned about, "Compared to Yahoo?!"

Brady, Yang Zhiyuan, Ferro and others looked at each other and shook their heads one after another. Yang Zhiyuan looked at the ICNC website on the screen with a very cautious expression, "It's a completely different style, but the ICNC website is indeed Yahoo's opponent. !"

  (end of this chapter)