
Life In the University

At this moment, after Henry shakes his hand with Bill Gates, Henry feel quite strange as he feels something odd about the atmosphere. Little did Henry know, at this moment, the wheel of history began to change its trajectory. This inconspicuous handshake became one of the factors that change it.

Henry just ignored the strange feeling as he invites Bill to a dinner. Bill gladly accepted Henry invitation as he too would like to know more about his roommate. They use Henry car as Bill don't have one now or rather confiscated by his parent.

Bill Gates in 1973 is rather rebellious youth as he keeps charged by the police by his speeding. So after multiple mistakes Bill Gates make, his parent confiscated the car.

Henry then drives the car to the city center as he want to go to a Michelin restaurant. Since Henry arrives in 1973, he never really enjoyed his life as he keeps busy with writing novel and various trouble. So tonight, he really wants to relax as he has another purpose which is to befriend with Bill Gates.

Bill Gates will be one of the most important pieces in his recent plan. So treat him nicer doesn't seem bad as he is useful later.

After a nice dinner, Henry then goes strolling the city with Bill Gates. After 1 hour, they decided to go back to university as tomorrow is the first class.


In the morning.

The university officially started its study. Henry reported the course of Economic, Mathematics, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering. Bill Gates is a law department, but he also reported mathematics courses. So he occasionally meets with Henry in the same class.

Bill Gates mathematical talent is undoubtedly very powerful. However, there are always two people in the class who have better math skills than him. One person is called Steve Ballmer, and the other is his dormmate, Henry William!!!

Bill just know his handsome dormmate yesterday. He feels Henry is quite good from his action yesterday, but he never knows he is a genius in mathematics!

There is a saying "People with the same hobby, race, and interest gather together.", so less than 3 days, Steve Ballmer joins Henry group as a friend. The Trio is then known as Three Madman.

Bill Gates then learn Henry is interested in computer programming, he is feeling excited. He has long wanted to study computer programming, but sadly his parent doesn't agree as they want him to become a lawyer. But deep down, he is very interested in computer programming as he feels that is the future.

So when he learns Henry studying computer programming, his interest suddenly reached the peak. And then under various advice from Henry, he finally decided to report into Computer Science as he feels he should pursue his dream! As for his parent, he will explain to them later as now is more important.


1 month later.

Henry walks in the park as he breathes the fresh morning air and warm sunshine. He then begins to run and doing various exercise. He begins doing exercise lately as he knows the body is the capital of the revolution. If his body bad, various activities later will not be enjoyed and you got weaker.

As Henry doing a push-up, a blonde chick approached him. She then places the water bottle next to Henry.

"Henry, you should rest now." Susan Miller says to Henry.

The blonde chick named Susan Miller, in the past 1 month, she basically keeps giving him a bottle of water in the morning after he exercises. Henry knows she is interested in him, so he just let her be.

In the past 1 month, Henry now basically popular in Harvard. He can be called the university most famous people. His score is perfect for every course he took so much he nicknamed 'Learning Devil', and to top all of that, he still very handsome and have very generous and gentleman temperament. He is basically prince charming of the women in Harvard and bane of men.

This Susan Miller is just one of the women that interested to him. Every time he took classes, he basically surrounded by the women in the class. Many professors quite fond of Henry too as he is very hardworking and very smart.

Henry then took the water and drink it.

"Thanks for the water, Susan." Henry thanked Susan as he wiped his sweat with a mini towel.

"It's no problem if I can keep providing you the water every morning." Susan blushed a little as now she can smell Henry sweat and she feels it's very masculine.

"Then, I must go to class now, see you later." Henry grabs his thing and began to prepare for class.

Henry thinking to be an intern at some companies as he wants to gain experience at the hardware section. His knowledge of software is unmatched by anyone in this era, but the hardware is his weakness. Henry knowledge for hardware is from the future and it's difficult to realize it from quite some time, so Henry must use the best resources in this era to equip himself.

The company that Henry wanted to apply for was called American Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC Corporation of the United States). On January 5, 1970, DEC launched the PDP-11 computer. The PDP-11 has a series of calculation functions, is easy to operate, beautiful in appearance, and has a longer service life than other computers. It has quickly become a model for the small computer industry and has become a model for a generation of small computer designs. DEC influence began to spread across every corner of the industry, spread all over the world, and finally stood out, breaking through the blue giant figure, surpassing all other opponents, becoming IBM number one challenger! You must know IBM now is a well-deserved giant in the entire United States, so you know DEC company greatness.

Henry plans to 'learn' the hardware knowledge that DEC has and absorb it into his own.

DEC has a branch office in Boston, and this company is also one of Bill Gates favorite applications during college because they sent helicopters to Boston Airport to hire candidates to the company headquarters. Of course, this incident was learned in the biography of Bill Gates by Henry.

So Henry plans to invite Bill Gates with him so he can gain experience too. After Bill Gates heard Henry idea, he not hesitated to agree as this is beneficial for him too. So the two people plan to take a leave for 3 days so they can apply to the DEC in Boston.


The next morning.

Henry and Bill ready for their trip. They just carry some simple luggage as they just want to apply for an intern there and back to Harvard after it. So they leave directly with Henry car to the DEC headquarter in the Boston.

here's your update!!

And if the novel power stone rank can reach rank 100 before Friday, I'm will release 5 chp!!!!!

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