
Rebecca's Diary

Rebecca Westmore is a happily married accountant with a loving husband. But she soon finds herself neck deep in debauchery of biblical proportions. And unbeknownst to her, her husband has a few skeletons in the closet too. What will happen when the couple’s secrets are laid out for all to see?

Barbara_Wong · LGBT+
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14 Chs


I finally got my composure with a strained laugh, "I guess it's Plan B for me," and I pushed him onto his back. Might as well enjoy the moment. His partly softened cock sagged off to one side before I took it in my mouth. The taste and aroma of my sex filled my mouth and nostrils, his contribution barely evident.

I sucked and licked and ate his balls til he was erect again. Then I took off my blouse and dropped the bra. I climbed over him and sat on his cock. I must have looked peculiar in the moonlight, with nothing on up top; my ripped panty hose surrounding his cock and my skirt bunched up around my waist. I rode him like that til even more of his juices erupted inside me.

The nice thing about leaving the abused panty hose on like that was I could pull them back across to absorb whatever might be leaking out as I snuck back into the house. I buried them at the bottom of the kitchen trash which I would be taking out after Jesse left. A shower and artful use of the shower hose cleared out the rest of the evidence.

Jesse didn't notice anything when we had a quickie before I drove him to the airport at 6 AM. And a pharmacy a stone's throw away from the airport than our neighborhood supplied the needed pill. I swallowed it in the parking lot and tossed the box into a gutter as I drove off. Thankfully, the cramps and nausea subsided before the reunion dinner, though I had to skip the school tour. There wouldn't be a baby on the way, this month. At least I sure hoped so.

I ran into Mason in the parking lot of the banquet hall. We told each other how great last night had been. I suggested we shouldn't sit together so as not to arouse more gossip than we'd already triggered.

I made excuses for Jesse whenever somebody asked, and had a good time dancing with single and married guys as the evening wore on.

When I was dancing with Flynn he invited me their place. "Darcy and me have some good weed and we're having a few people over. I know you're on your own, so we'd love to have you join us," he said as he peered down the cleavage exposed by my satin dress and push up bra. Jesse and me did weed when we first met, but when his company started doing random tests, he had to quit. I hadn't had any since then, but only because he didn't. "Chad and Lucy are coming. Mason, too," he added, plus a couple others I didn't even remember being in my class.

When I danced with Mason, I asked him, "I hear you're going to Flynn's place later. Maybe we can chat some more," I winked and made sure he had a generous gaze down my dress. We tried not to be conspicuous, but I loved feeling the bulge in his pants pressed against my leg while we danced.

When we stepped outside the banquet hall we enjoyed some serious stimulation below the waist. We weren't the only one's out there. Emma Reece, another girl whose husband couldn't make the trip, was also making out with an old flame. I figured they'd be taking the elevator up to her room at the Weston.

I was on my fourth glass of merlot when I summoned a cab for me and Mason. For good reason, everybody except the recovering alcoholics were swearing off driving that night. When we got to Flynn and Darcy's place, the door was ajar and we followed the voices to their back porch.

The room was pretty full, as we brought the crowd to eight, so I sat on the carpeted floor in front of Mason. There wasn't room for everybody on the wicker sofas.

Flynn rolled the first joint and passed the bag to the others. Someone on the sofa behind me started one and eventually passed it to me. My first drag hit right between the eyes. I'd heard that the product had gotten stronger over the years, but to experience that was still a big shock. I leaned back against the sofa and let the buzz sweep over my being. As the herb made its way to everybody, a quiet torpor overcame the room. We all just seemed to be taking it in. A second drag and everybody became more animated, muttering stupid sounding words of appreciation and watching the world light up. A potted flower became the most important being in the galaxy.

I looked over. Flynn and Darcy were sitting on the wicker coffee table and Flynn had put his hand on Darcy's boobs, inside thru the neck. Oh my so randy. Chad got the idea and had his hand on Lucy's leg - higher and higher. So electric to see in my current state. And then it was Mason's hand pushing down the neckline of my dress. I looked down at my exposed nipple. It seemed to be glowing and pulsating in its excited state. Then the other one was out. Mason expertly opened my bra, once he realized the clip was in front.

I told you there were eight of us. But I didn't tell you only three of us were females. One of the two extra men, Austin I think his name was, knelt in front of Darcy and had his hand on her leg. Flynn, whose head was rocking back and forth, didn't seem to object when he pulled her panties off. Kyle, another boy who'd poked my cunt in high school, came round in front of me and picked up my foot. That gave him a clear view of my panties and garters as he started to kiss my leg. Meanwhile, Mason was unzipping my dress.

Chad had his hand in Lucy's panties which were in plain view as her skirt was hiked up to her waist. The crotch area covered his knuckles as he finger fucked his wife. I turned around toward Mason, unhooked and unzipped everything and pulled his pants off. His cock sprang up and I took it in my mouth after he pulled my dress off.

Kyle needed help with my garters before he pulled my panties down. He wasn't being too subtle but at least he poked two fingers in and licked my pussy. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Austin with his pants down maneuvering himself between Darcy's legs. Flynn was going to let him fuck his wife! And when Austin plunged his cock into Darcy, Flynn moved over in front of Lucy. He and Chad finished taking her clothes off.

That's when I felt Kyle's cock shove its way into my pussy. I gasped. It came in so fast, so deep. I sucked on Mason faster and deeper in time with Kyle's lunges. Austin's terminal moans signaled his ejaculations in Darcy and Kyle's cock gave forth in my own vagina. The boys weren't trying to demonstrate how long they could hold off cumming.

Flynn was just entering Lucy's naked body and I saw Chad standing next to Darcy's face waiting for her to take him in her mouth, which she did. Kyle finished and I stood and climbed onto Mason's lap. He was so ready to cum when I sat on his cock. I wondered how it felt for a guy when another man's jiz ran down his shaft. Anyway, a few Hopalong Cassidy's and his cock gave forth, too. We all turned to watch Lucy and Darcy. Flynn pounded away in Lucy's pussy while Darcy, oozing cum between her legs, vigorously sucked on Chad's cock. Flynn shot his load in Lucy first. Chad pulled out of Darcy's mouth and had her get on her knees. He entered her from behind and grabbed her tits as her husband watched. When he finished a large white glob leaked out and slowly trickled down toward her knees.

By then we were all naked in the summer warmth. Cocks sagging, pussies glistening, everybody catching their breath. It was time for another round of joints. Chad and I shared one with Austin and went for another. Lucy was sitting between Kyle and Mason against a wall passing theirs around. If I'd had any sense of decency before, it certainly evaporated with the new joints.

Darcy was sitting across Flynn's lap, husband and wife reunited, dragging on a joint. I heard Darcy mumble in her drugged up voice, "I'm sorry," before she giggled inappropriately for that sentiment. "Me, too," said Flynn as his eyes rolled up and his head fell back, "I hope you don't mind I liked it." She slapped him gently.

I had heard that Chad and Lucy were swingers, and up until that moment, I had concluded Darcy and Flynn must be too. But apparently, those two would have some reckoning to do in a more sober moment. But when us other two girls started wanking the nearest cocks, Darcy started tugged on Flynn's. Before long, Darcy had turned with her back to Flynn and was riding him with her ample boobs bouncing up and down for all to watch. I thought the coffee table was going to cave in.

Getting back to my own situation, I bent over and took Chad's restored shaft, flavored by Darcy's cunt, into my mouth. Austin nudged me around to a more accessible position and I heard him spit on his cock. I confirmed what he planned when he pushed it none too gently into my rear. Chad's moans were getting more intense when Austin decided he wanted to use my vagina after all.

Austin finished first and fell back. Chad started to cum in my mouth, but I wanted his big organ inside me. So I quickly stood up, turned and sat on it. It did feel good and he was able to keep going for quite a while after his ejaculations ended.

I looked over and Lucy was bouncing on Kyle's cock in her rear and Mason was pumping away in her pussy. That was a sight! They all finished soon after we did.

Round after round of fucking ensued. Darcy and I even put on a demonstration of ff 69 which lasted until a pair of cocks took over.

Mason drove me home, managing not to hit any of the parked cars along the way or the garage door as he pulled into Jesse's spot. Even though I had driven Jesse to the airport, his car was conveniently in the shop for some 100,000 mile work. We climbed into Jesse's and my bed and tried to have sex. I had to give him a blow job because I was too sore. It went better in the morning, both in bed and in the shower. Then he was off to the airport - he had to stop by the hotel for his bag - and I haven't seen him since. We exchanged a few secret emails but that dribbled off to nothing in a month or so.

I wondered, as I got back to my senses, whether yesterday's Plan B was still working. To make sure, I drove over to a different distant pharmacy and popped another one. Apparently, you're not supposed to do that two days in a row because I got incredibly sick. Thankfully, my period was in full swing when Jesse got home from Spain, so my ugly secret was safe, and it gave my battered holes a chance to heal. I just had to hope the gossip circuit wasn't telling the reunion story too widely.

When Jesse got home, it was my turn to do the laundry. In the dryer, a small corner of some kind of wrapper had come out of Jesse's clothes. Could it be ... yes it was ... part of a condom wrapper. Had he shacked up with a Spanish girl? Someone from the office there? Was he seeing her every time he went there? Or a hooker? I decided not to mention it, letting us both keep our secrets.

And perhaps my secrets weren't secret after all and he was making the same choice.