
Chapter 146: My Name is Bron

"Wow! ... Can this be real?" stammered Jimmy, a twelve-year-old boy, in disbelief.

Just when he and his friend thought their harvest that day was one of the absolute lowest hauls this month, fate unexpectedly bestowed upon them a wealthy man at the city gates.

Jimmy stole another fleeting, dreamy glance at the gleaming gold coins before swiftly closing the pouch and securing it in a hidden leather belt he wore beneath his shirt, around his chest.

"We must return quickly," he declared, leaving the words hanging in the air. Without waiting for his friend's response, Jimmy bolted through the bustling city.

An orphan who had never known his parents, Jimmy weaved through the throngs of people into the back alleys, leaping over barrels and crates, snatching an apple from a fruit stand overflowing with open boxes at one of the open windows, and inexplicably scaring a peaceful, slumbering cat. ...Ah! Kids, the Little Devils.

As Jimmy navigated the dark alleys of the city, with a heart racing with excitement at the unexpected windfall of gold coins. Just the sensation of the pouch's weight against his chest caused him to jump with glee.

Finally, he reached a specific alley, behind an old building, Jimmy stood there catching his breath for a moment, and waiting for his friend to arrive. As he stood there, he couldn't shake the feeling of exhilaration coursing through his veins. The thought of what they could do with the coins filled him with a sense of hope and possibility he hadn't felt in a long time.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed behind him, and Jimmy turned to see his friend, approaching with a mixture of excitement and curiosity in his eyes.

Without a word, both of them crouched down, lifting a manhole cover, and descended into the dark depths below.

The narrow sewer tunnel was damp and stale, with the faint sound of dripping water echoing off the walls. Jimmy led the way, his footsteps barely audible in the confined space as they ventured deeper into the labyrinthine network of tunnels.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached a junction where several tunnels intersected. The entrance was blocked with uneven planks of old wood in various sizes.

With unwavering determination in his eyes, Jimmy punched a specific plank, revealing the hidden entrance behind it. Without a second thought, he stepped into the junction, his friend close behind him.

"Uncle Roger! ... Uncle Roger!" he called out, his voice brimming with excitement and urgency.

"Where could he have gone?" he asked his friend.

"I'm here, Jimmy," a voice suddenly resonated from the darkness ahead. Jimmy's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his uncle's voice.

"I'm here, Jimmy," the voice called again, closer this time.


Jimmy froze, his heart pounding in his chest. His eyes darted around frantically, searching for Uncle Roger.

"Jimmy... Jimmy... Jimmy... Jimmy," the voice called out repeatedly, each time growing closer and closer until...

"Got you!"

"KYYYYYAAA!" Jimmy leaped like a startled cat when the voice spoke right into his ear. He stumbled backward, heart hammering against his ribs, as he turned to see Uncle Roger standing right behind him, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. His friend erupted in laughter, thoroughly enjoying the prank.

"heheh~...Got you good, didn't I, Jimmy?" Uncle Roger chuckled, his deep voice rumbling through the tunnel.

Jimmy's cheeks burned with embarrassment. "Why must you keep scaring me all the time?"

"For fun, of course," Uncle Roger grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "And because it's easy to frighten you."

"And he screams like a girl," the other kid said with a chuckle.


""PWAHAHAHAH"" Both of them burst into laughter at the poor boy's expense.

Jimmy rolled his eyes, attempting to mask his humiliation. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, you two." This always happened whenever he returned. Uncle Roger would inevitably find a new way to frighten him, and every single time, the old man succeeded.

'Can't help it,' he sighed inwardly, trying to avert his gaze from the two.

Their laughter was clearly forced and designed to frighten him again. After all, who would laugh with their eyes wide open and nothing moving except their jaws up and down?

'Sigh... Here we go again.' Uncle Roger and the other kid were attempting to mimic the laugh of a creepy doll Jimmy had seen one day at the market. He had attempted to steal the doll, believing it to be valuable. As he got close, hoping to snatch it, the doll's head abruptly spun 180 degrees, staring right back at him with a bloodcurdling cackle.

Jimmy's heart plummeted as the memory of the eerie doll from the marketplace resurfaced. Its haunting laughter had echoed in his nightmares for weeks afterward, and now Uncle Roger and his friend were using it to further torment him.

A shiver ran down his spine. 'Forget it, forget it,' he thought, desperately trying to banish the memory. 'Think of something else, cute puppies and kittens... wait, kittens have claws too.'

"Bloody hell," Jimmy muttered under his breath, frustration mounting as he struggled to shake off the feeling of unease.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you, kiddo," Uncle Roger said, approaching him and ruffling his messy brown hair.

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Jimmy reached under his shirt to retrieve the coin pouch from his hidden belt. But it wasn't there. Surprisingly, Jimmy remained calm, too calm. Normally, panic would have seized him by now, but he had become accustomed to this happening whenever he met with Uncle Roger.

As he suspected, when he lifted his head, he found the old man holding the coin pouch aloft, a mischievous grin plastered across his face.

"Gotcha again, Jimmy!" Uncle Roger chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Sigh... Sometimes I wonder which one of us is the real kid," Jimmy remarked as he rose to his feet, snatching the pouch back from the old man's hand.

Uncle Roger chuckled once more, gesturing for the two boys to sit with him on an old, rickety table. Jimmy settled onto the table beside Uncle Roger, his friend joining them with a grin still plastered on his face.

"Is that your haul for today?" Uncle Roger inquired, pointing at the pouch.

Jimmy nodded, placing the pouch on the table. "Uncle Roger, this pouch is brimming with gold coins!"

"I know," the old man replied.

"Huh? But how? You didn't even open it," Jimmy questioned, bewildered as he gazed at the old, gray-bearded man in his filthy, ragged clothes.

Uncle Roger chuckled softly, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. "Ah, Jimmy, my boy, you forget what I've always taught you. The weight can reveal a multitude of things."

Jimmy's eyes widened in realization as Uncle Roger's words sank in. "The weight... of course!" he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face. "You mean you could tell the pouch was full just by its weight?"

Uncle Roger nodded, his grin widening. "Exactly, my boy. Gold has a distinct weight, and when you've been around as long as I have, you learn to recognize it."

"Wow…that's cooool, Uncle Roger," the other kid chimed in, his admiration for the old man growing even stronger.

"Yeah... Anyway, Uncle Roger," Jimmy leaned forward, pressing the pouch towards the old man. "Do you think with these gold coins, we can procure enough food and medicine for everyone here?"

Uncle Roger's eyes softened with a hint of sadness for a moment before swiftly forcing a smile as he looked at Jimmy. "We have too many mouths to feed, but perhaps with these gold coins, combined with what the others have brought in, we can work something out"

The two boys exchanged determined glances. "Then let's get to work, Uncle Roger," they declared in unison.

The old man chuckled softly. "Very well... you boys can assist me with—" he abruptly stopped speaking, raising his head and peering into the darkness ahead.

The sudden pause in Uncle Roger's words caught Jimmy and his friend's attention. They followed his gaze, their hearts pounding with anticipation in the dimly lit tunnel.

Uncle Roger's expression turned serious as he stood up from the rickety table, grasping his old cane tightly. His eyes scanned the darkness ahead intently. "Stay behind me!" he whispered urgently, his voice barely audible over the distant dripping water. "We aren't alone down here."

Jimmy and his friend exchanged nervous glances, their senses on high alert as they sprang from the table and positioned themselves behind the old man.

"HOOO!... You were able to sense my presence?" a deep, resonating voice boomed from the shadows. The voice sent shivers racing down Jimmy's spine.

Uncle Roger tightened his grip on his cane, his eyes narrowing as he tried to locate the source of the voice. "Who's there?" he demanded, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.

A shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, shrouded in mystery. Its silhouette seemed to blend seamlessly with the shadows, making it difficult to discern any features except for two glowing crimson eyes.

"Me?... Hehehe~ care to take a guess," the voice spoke with amusement. It danced with an unsettling edge, like a predator toying with its prey.

"Identify yourself," Uncle Roger commanded, his voice echoing with authority.

The figure remained silent, its crimson eyes boring into them. A bead of sweat trickled down Jimmy's forehead as he exchanged a worried look with his friend. The air crackled with tension, thick enough to choke on. The mysterious figure's presence emanated an undeniable power that sent chills down their spines.

Uncle Roger remained steadfast, his grip on his cane unwavering as he stared down the figure. "We have no business with strangers lurking in the shadows, leave!" he declared firmly, his voice echoing off the tunnel walls.

The figure let out a low chuckle, a sound devoid of humor. "Oh, we most certainly do have business," it replied, its voice dripping with menace. "You possess something that belongs to me."


A tense silence descended upon the tunnel. Uncle Roger's eyes narrowed as he instantly understood what the figure desired. He swiftly turned to the table, snatched the pouch of coins, and extended it towards the figure.

"Here," he said, his voice gruff. "Take it and be gone."

"NOO!" Jimmy shrieked, lunging forward and snatching the pouch from the old man's grasp. He shoved it beneath his shirt, his heart hammering against his ribs. As he met the gaze of those crimson eyes, his momentary courage faltered.

"I won't... I won't give it back! I earned it fair and square. I'll... I'll fight you for it!" Jimmy's voice trembled with fear, but he stood his ground, clutching the pouch tightly to his chest. Despite the terror coursing through him, a flicker of determination ignited in his eyes.

The figure regarded Jimmy with a cold, calculating stare, its crimson eyes flickering with amusement at the boy's defiance. "You dare challenge me, child?" it boomed.

"Y-Y-Yes!" Jimmy stammered, his voice barely a whisper.

Sensing the danger, Uncle Roger attempted to step forward, shielding Jimmy with his frail body. However, as he took a single step, a sudden burst of laughter erupted from the figure, forcing him to stumble back in surprise.

"HAHAHAHA! I like your spirit, kid," the figure boomed as it stepped forward into the dim light, revealing itself to be a tall, pale man with dark hair and piercing crimson eyes.

"You can keep the coins kids"

Jimmy's breath hitched in his throat. He recognized the man instantly - it was the same man who had accompanied the wealthy man he'd stolen the pouch from at the city gates.

"R-Really? I can keep it?" Jimmy stammered, his voice laced with a mixture of hope and fear.

The pale man tilted his head slightly, a faint smile playing on his lips as he regarded Jimmy and the others. "Indeed," he replied. "but I need something in return,"

"What do you need?" Uncle Roger steps forward, standing between the pale man and Jimmy.

The pale man's smile widened slightly as he observed Uncle Roger's protective stance. "Information," he declared. "I seek a palace guard with a large mole beneath his right eye."


Uncle Roger didn't show it on his face, but the pale man knew that he had struck a chord. There was a flicker of recognition in Uncle Roger's eyes, quickly masked by a veneer of calm composure. But even if the pale man hadn't noticed it, the wide-eyed surprise of the two boys was a dead giveaway.

"What you seek is common knowledge," Uncle Roger said, feigning nonchalance. "There's only one palace guard with a mole under his right eye." He gestured towards the rickety table, inviting the pale man to sit.

"Everyone calls me Uncle Roger," he introduced himself with a forced smile.

The pale man's smile broadened as he accepted the seat. "Pleased to meet you, Uncle Roger," he replied, his voice surprisingly smooth. "My name is Ar- ... Bron, yes, my name is Bron."

Uncle Roger narrowed his eyes, a hint of suspicion lingering in his gaze. "Hmm... Well, Bron," he began, "the man you seek is the captain of the palace guards. His name is Winston Chowblade."

"Chowblade?" Aron furrowed his brow, confused by the odd title.

Uncle Roger nodded curtly. "Yeah…the man is as fat as a pig with an insatiable appetite," he said, a hint of disdain creeping into his voice. "You'll likely find him either stuffing his face at his own restaurant or frequenting the city's brothel."

Aron stroked his chin thoughtfully. "So good food and entertainment…I see" He tilted his head, his crimson gaze fixated on Jimmy, who remained hidden behind Uncle Roger. "Kid, I want you to be my guide tomorrow and help me locate this fat man"

Jimmy's surprise widened his eyes at the unforeseen request. Before a single word escaped his lips, Uncle Roger spoke up.

"What happens if I decline?"

Aron unleashed a broad grin, releasing some of his aura. A frigid sensation snaked down the spines of the old man and the two children.

"There seems to be a misconception, old man"….This isn't a request." his aura grew thicker causing Uncle Roger to struggle for breath. "If you persist in refusing, then I'll be forced to slaughter every man and a woman in that direction"

The old man didn't need to look where Aron was pointing. He understood that Aron had discovered the people living further within the tunnels.

In truth, Aron was merely issuing a threat. With his dragon sight, he was able to see the miserable condition of the people living down in the tunnels, all afflicted with illness, including the old man before him who suffered from some kind of lung damage.

Aron didn't waste further words on the old man. He simply stood, his gaze shifting to Jimmy.

"Kid meet me at the gate tomorrow morning, understand?"

Jimmy's heart hammered with a mix of fear and trepidation. He knew he had no choice but to obey Aron's commands. "Y-Yes Sir Bron"

"Excellent, see you tomorrow kid, and have a good night" With those final words, Aron vanished once more into the shadows, leaving behind a lingering dread and a paralyzed old man slumped in his chair.

yO! yO! sup? doing well?

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