

After he heard my answer,that man wore an expressionless face.His aqua green eyes as clear as water showed no emotion.Althought it looked like that,I could feel his aura of rage

He closed his eyes and turned around and walked towards the direction opposite to me

I observed my surroundings,and saw flowers and butterflies that looked so enchanting as if I had engulfed myself inside a fairy tale.Being in this place made my heart calm and oblivious.As I was strolling through the garden;a magnificient sight captured my eye.

That man who was as cold as ice,now had turned into a totally different person.His aqua green eyes that were once filled with no emotion had been now charged with happiness and joy.

For a moment,I believed that he was an angel sent by the God to be pure and be unswayed by any evil.

What was the reason behind this change;a tall man who looked around his mid 20's,wearing a black robe which made him look mysteriously attractive was talking to him.

The aqua-green eyed man addressed him as brother and had been chatting all along the whole period without noticing me,I felt that something was wrong and tried shouting and waving at them;they didn't have the slightest reaction in their face at all.I tried everything but they didn't hear me or I guessed that they had been ignoring me.

I got more closer to them only to see that they've disappeared in thin air with just a blink of an eye.Had I been day dreaming or what?,I asked myself.

As I walked through the magnificent garden,I saw roses as red as red coupled with roses as white as snow.Although these flowers looked from a different world from each other, they were beautiful in their own way.I wondered who could've tried to couple up these flowers together.

The garden was very pleasant and I loved the environment there and it was very big insize too.As I was walking down the path I saw many exotically laced flowers and the sweet voice of birds were heard rhythmically.

The butterflies were pretty and spell binding,this place looked straight out of a person's dreams.As I was walking through the path I seem to hear the sound of water being splashed.