Reaper Academy: Class of Chaos follows the journey of Takahashi Kyo, a rebellious and lazy teenager who dies in a freak accident only to be thrust into the chaotic afterlife. Instead of passing on, Kyo is resurrected and enrolled in Reaper Academy, a supernatural school where students train to become reapers tasked with guiding souls and battling rogue spirits. magical incidents. Kyo’s reckless , his clumsy but good-hearted best friend, Kyo navigates the chaos of reaper training, dangerous trials, and the mystery surrounding the Death Shadows. As Kyo grows stronger, he uncovers secrets about the Academy and his own mysterious connection to these ancient entities. Blending fast-paced action, comedy, and supernatural adventure,
[Kyo and his friends are hanging out near a busy street, skipping school. They're egging him on to do something dumb, laughing.]
Friend 1:
"Come on, Kyo! Bet you can't cross the street blindfolded!"
Friend 2:
"Yeah, or are you chicken?"
Kyo:, grinning, totally unimpressed
"Oh, please, you guys are weak! I did crazier stuff in my sleep. Watch this."
He snatches a scarf, wraps it around his head, and steps out into the street with an air of indifference.
Friend 1:
"Dude, you're nuts!"
Laughs resound across the two.
[Suddenly, Kyo is sidetracked by a stray cat darting across the road. He falters, turning toward the commotion; then, a deafening horn sounds.]
Truck Driver:
Sound of screeching tires, a split second of mayhem.
Kyo (looking up at last, his eyes wide with surprise):
[The impact happens. The screen goes black. Silence.]
[Scene: Kyo finds himself in a foggy limbo, groggy. He looks around confusedly.]
Kyo (groggily, rubbing his head):
"Ugh, where… am I? Was that… a truck?"
[A figure draped in a black robe, the reaper of death, appears before him, holding a scroll.]
"Takahashi Kyo. You died."
Kyo (blinking, then laughing as if it were some kind of joke):
"Hah! You're funny, motions to himself, but I wont die until I have se- Wait… you're serious,, I mean, I'm standing here, talking, aren't I?"
Reaper (deadpan, completely serious):
"You are dead. But congratulations. You've been accepted into Reaper Academy."
(The reaper extends the scroll to Kyo, who stares at it blankly.)
Kyo (snatching the scroll, half-irate):
"Reaper Academy? Sounds like a bad dream. Look, I don't know what this is, but I think you've got the wrong guy. I've got, like, zero interest in school. Especially a death school or whatever."
Reaper: (unfazed, ignoring Kyo's protests)
"You have no choice. You either become a reaper-in-training, or… well, the other option is to be sent to the Abyss."
(Points ominously at a swirling dark vortex in the distance.)
Kyo: Stops, looks back at the vortex and then back at the reaper, finally catching on,
"Wait… you're serious, aren't you? I… I really died?!"
Reaper: Cold but with just a tint of a smirk in the tone:
"It happens."
Turns to leave, but stops for a brief moment.
"You'd better prepare yourself, Takahashi Kyo. Reaper Academy is… chaotic."
Kyo: To himself, mumbling,
"Chaotic? Great. Just what I needed… I can't even catch a break when I'm dead!"
Kyo unwillingly tailed the reaper to the Academy, the towering gates of which he could already perceive a long ways away.